Absolute Oil + Gas, LLC v. Chord Energy Corporation and Oasis Petroleum North America, LLC
Trial court: 269th District Court of Harris County, Trial court case number: 2023-08665-A
Julie Countiss, Judge
On September 20, 2024, Joy D. LLaguno of Hook & Hook, PLLC filed a motion to appear pro hac vice as counsel for appellant, Absolute Oil + Gas, LLC. The motion does not comply with Rule 19 of Rules Governing Admission to the Bar of Texas. This type of motion must be accompanied by an acknowledgment letter from the Texas Board of Law Examiners confirming payment of the required fee, as well as a motion from a resident practicing Texas attorney. See Tex. Rules Govern. Bar Adm'n R. XIX.
Accordingly, we deny the motion without prejudice to refiling.
It is so ORDERED.