CERTIORARI TO THE CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE SECOND CIRCUIT. No. 6. Argued October 14, 1935. Decided May 18, 1936. 1. Section 20(a) of the Immigration Act of 1924 imposes a fine upon "the owner, charterer, agent, consignee or master" of any vessel arriving in the United States from any place outside, who fails to detain any alien seaman employed on such vessel, after inspection by the immigration officer in charge at the port of arrival, if required by such officer to do so. Held, that the
(a) Period of time No alien crewman shall be permitted to land temporarily in the United States except as provided in this section and sections 1182(d)(3), (5) and 1283 of this title. If an immigration officer finds upon examination that an alien crewman is a nonimmigrant under paragraph (15)(D) of section 1101(a) of this title and is otherwise admissible and has agreed to accept such permit, he may, in his discretion, grant the crewman a conditional permit to land temporarily pursuant to regulations
It shall be unlawful for any person, including the owner, agent, consignee, charterer, master, or commanding officer of any vessel or aircraft, to pay off or discharge any alien crewman, except an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence, employed on board a vessel or aircraft arriving in the United States without first having obtained the consent of the Attorney General. If it shall appear to the satisfaction of the Attorney General that any alien crewman has been paid off or discharged in
(a)Revocation and removal while vessel is in the United States. A crewman whose landing permit is subject to revocation pursuant to section 252(b) of the Act may be taken into custody by any immigration officer without a warrant of arrest and be transferred to the vessel of arrival, if the vessel is in any port in the United States and has not departed foreign since the crewman was issued his or her conditional landing permit. Detention and removal of the crewman shall be at the expense of the transportation