Ineligibility GroundsIn order to be admitted as a refugee, the applicant may not be “firmly resettled” in any foreign country. In the Matter of B-R-, 26 I&N 119 (BIA 2013), the Board of Immigration Appeals held that an individual who has the nationality or citizenship of more than one country does not meet the definition of “refugee” if he or she does not fear persecution in one of those countries.In general, refugees are processed outside of the country in which they were persecuted or have a well-founded fear of persecution. However, under limited circumstances authorized by the President, the USRAP processes refugees in their home countries.An individual seeking refugee status must be admissible to the United States.
No. 070501688 C.F.R. § 208.15Sultani v. Gonzales, 455 F.3d 878, 883-84 (8th Cir. 2006)Matter of B-R-, 26 I&N Dec. 119 (BIA 2013)Siong v. INS, 376 F.3d 1030, 1040 (9th Cir. 2004) Resources and Materials:Kurzban, Ira J. Kurzban's Immigration Law Sourcebook: A Comprehensive Outline and Reference Tool. 14th ed.