The Secretary of Commerce shall promptly conduct a survey to compile registration and voting statistics in such geographic areas as may be recommended by the Commission on Civil Rights. Such a survey and compilation shall, to the extent recommended by the Commission on Civil Rights, only include a count of persons of voting age by race, color, and national origin, and determination of the extent to which such persons are registered to vote, and have voted in any statewide primary or general election
(a)Family member means with respect to any individual: (1) A person who is a dependent of that individual as the result of marriage, birth, adoption, or placement for adoption; or (2) A first-degree, second-degree, third-degree, or fourth-degree relative of the individual, or of a dependent of the individual as defined in § 1635.3(a)(1) . (i) First-degree relatives include an individual's parents, siblings, and children. (ii) Second-degree relatives include an individual's grandparents, grandchildren