N.M. Stat. § 1-19-26.4

Current through 2024, ch. 69
Section 1-19-26.4 - Disclaimers in advertisements-artificial intelligence-materially deceptive media-violation-penalty
A. A person who makes a campaign expenditure, a coordinated expenditure or an independent expenditure for an advertisement in an amount that exceeds one thousand dollars ($1,000), or in an amount that, when added to the aggregate amount of the campaign expenditures, coordinated expenditures and independent expenditures for advertisements made by the same person during the election cycle, exceeds one thousand dollars ($1,000), shall ensure that the advertisement contains the name of the candidate, committee or other person who authorized and paid for the advertisement.
B. The requirements of Subsection A of this section do not apply to the following:
(1) bumper stickers, pins, buttons, pens and similar small items upon which the disclaimer cannot be conveniently printed; or
(2) skywriting, water towers, wearing apparel or other means of displaying an advertisement of such a nature that the inclusion of a disclaimer would be impracticable.
C. The disclaimer statements required by Subsection A of this section shall be set forth legibly on any advertisement that is disseminated or displayed by visual media. If the advertisement is transmitted by audio media, the statement shall be clearly spoken during the advertisement. If the advertisement is transmitted by audiovisual media, the statement shall be both written legibly and spoken clearly during the advertisement.
D. If a person creates, produces or purchases an advertisement that contains materially deceptive media, the advertisement shall include a disclaimer. The disclaimer shall appear in a clear and conspicuous manner in every language used in the advertisement and shall indicate: "This ___ has been manipulated or generated by artificial intelligence". The blank line in the disclaimer shall be filled with each of the following terms that describes the media:
(1) image;
(2) video; or
(3) audio.
E. The disclaimer required in Subsection D of this section shall be included as follows:
(1) for visual media that is an image, the text of the disclaimer shall appear in a size that is easily readable;
(2) for visual media that is video, the disclaimer shall appear for the duration of the video in a size that is easily readable;
(3) for media that contains audio only, the disclaimer shall be read in a clearly spoken manner and in a pitch that can be easily heard at the beginning of the audio, at the end of the audio and, if the audio is greater than two minutes in length, interspersed within the audio at intervals of not greater than two minutes each; and
(4) for mixed media, there shall be a disclaimer in the same form as provided in this section for each form of media used.
F. Each occurrence of a person creating, producing or purchasing an advertisement subject to the disclaimer requirements as provided in Subsection D of this section that fails to meet the disclaimer requirements constitutes a separate violation. A person found to have violated the requirements provided in Subsection D of this section shall be subject to civil penalties as provided in Section 1-19-34.6 NMSA 1978.
G. It is not a violation of this section for:
(1) a radio or television broadcasting station, including a cable television, satellite television or streaming service operator, programmer or producer, that broadcasts an advertisement as part of a bona fide newscast, news interview, news documentary or on-the-spot coverage of a bona fide news event if the broadcast clearly acknowledges through content or a disclaimer, in a manner that can be easily read or heard, that the advertisement was generated in whole or in part by using artificial intelligence and does not accurately represent the speech or conduct of the depicted individual;
(2) a radio or television broadcasting station, including a cable television, satellite television or streaming service operator, programmer or producer, that broadcasts an advertisement when the station or streaming service is paid to broadcast the advertisement if the station or streaming service can show that it has disclaimer requirements that are consistent with the requirements provided in Subsection D of this section and that it provided those disclaimer requirements to each person or entity that purchased the broadcast or streaming of the advertisement;
(3) an advertisement that reasonably constitutes satire or parody if the advertisement includes a disclaimer consistent with the requirements provided in Subsection D of this section; and
(4) a distribution platform that published, posted or distributed an advertisement or a prerecorded phone message if the distribution platform can show that it has disclaimer requirements that are consistent with the requirements provided in Subsection D of this section and that it provided those disclaimer requirements to the person or entity that purchased the distribution of the advertisement or prerecorded phone message by or on the distribution platform.
H. Nothing in this section shall be construed to preclude a claim pursuant to any other section of law or any civil action for damages.

NMS § 1-19-26.4

Amended by 2024, c. 57,s. 2, eff. 5/15/2024.
Added by 2019, c. 262,s. 2, eff. 7/1/2019.