Conn. Gen. Stat. § 21a-279

Current with legislation from the 2024 Regular and Special Sessions.
Section 21a-279 - (Formerly Sec. 19-481). Penalty for illegal possession of a controlled substance other than cannabis. Alternative sentences. Immunity
(1) Any person who possesses or has under such person's control any quantity of any controlled substance, except any quantity of cannabis, as defined in section 21a-420, and except as authorized in this chapter or chapter 420f, shall be guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
(2) For a second offense of subdivision (1) of this subsection, the court shall evaluate such person and, if the court determines such person is a drug-dependent person, the court may suspend prosecution of such person and order such person to undergo a substance abuse treatment program.
(3) For any subsequent offense of subdivision (1) of this subsection, the court may find such person to be a persistent offender for possession of a controlled substance in accordance with section 53a-40.
(b) Any person who violates subsection (a) of this section with intent to commit such violation at a specific location that the trier of fact determines is in or on, or within two hundred feet of the perimeter of the real property comprising a (1) public or private elementary or secondary school and who is not enrolled as a student in such school, or (2) licensed child care center, as defined in section 19a-77, that is identified as a child care center by a sign posted in a conspicuous place, shall be guilty of a class A misdemeanor and shall be sentenced to a term of imprisonment and a period of probation during which such person shall perform community service as a condition of such probation, in a manner ordered by the court.
(c) To the extent that it is possible, medical treatment rather than criminal sanctions shall be afforded individuals who breathe, inhale, sniff or drink the volatile substances described in subdivision (49) of section 21a-240.
(d) The provisions of subsection (a) of this section shall not apply to any person (1) who in good faith, seeks medical assistance for another person who such person reasonably believes is experiencing an overdose from the ingestion, inhalation or injection of intoxicating liquor or any drug or substance, (2) for whom another person, in good faith, seeks medical assistance, reasonably believing such person is experiencing an overdose from the ingestion, inhalation or injection of intoxicating liquor or any drug or substance, or (3) who reasonably believes he or she is experiencing an overdose from the ingestion, inhalation or injection of intoxicating liquor or any drug or substance and, in good faith, seeks medical assistance for himself or herself, if evidence of the possession or control of a controlled substance in violation of subsection (a) of this section was obtained as a result of the seeking of such medical assistance. For the purposes of this subsection, "good faith" does not include seeking medical assistance during the course of the execution of an arrest warrant or search warrant or a lawful search.
(e) No provision of this section shall be construed to alter or modify the meaning of the provisions of section 21a-278.

Conn. Gen. Stat. § 21a-279

(1967, P.A. 555, S. 37; 1969, P.A. 391, S. 4; 753, S. 19; 1972, P.A. 278, S. 26; P.A. 74-332, S. 3, 6; P.A. 83-141; P.A. 85-613, S. 62, 154; P.A. 89-256, S. 2; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 92-1, S. 4; P.A. 94-233, S. 2; P.A. 11-71, S. 2; 11-210, S. 1; P.A. 13-258, S. 88; P.A. 15-227, S. 25; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 15-2, S. 1.)

Amended by P.A. 21-0102,S. 24 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2021 Regular Session, eff. 10/1/2021.
Amended by P.A. 21-0001,S. 2 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2021 Special Session, eff. 7/1/2021.
Amended by P.A. 15-0002, S. 1 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2015 Special Session, eff. 10/1/2015.

Annotations to former section 19-481: Cited. 162 C. 216; Id., 309; 163 C. 104; 165 Conn. 83; 166 Conn. 126; 167 Conn. 379; 168 C. 623; 169 Conn. 322; 179 Conn. 522; 182 Conn. 142; Id., 335; 185 C. 104; 188 Conn. 183; 194 Conn. 612; 195 C. 624; 197 C. 50; 199 Conn. 591; 205 C. 437. Cited. 5 CA 496; Id., 552; 6 CA 247; 7 Conn.App. 477. Cited. 28 Conn.Supp. 21; 29 CS 87. Narcotic substance includes cocaine. 30 Conn.Supp. 267. Cited. 33 CS 129; 38 CS 374. Motion to quash denied where bill of particulars and information sufficiently alleged crimes charged under statute. 5 Conn. Cir. Ct. 134. Subsec. (a): Cited. 170 C. 469; 171 Conn. 293; 172 C. 172; Id., 223; Id., 414. Possession requires that defendant had exercised dominion and control over substance and had knowledge of its presence and narcotic character; but since defendant made no request to charge and took no exception, no error found in instruction to jury that defendant must have "knowledge of the fact that these items were there." Id., 593. Cited. 173 C. 431; 174 C. 153; 178 Conn. 422; Id., 704; 179 Conn. 239; 182 Conn. 335; 185 Conn. 104; 186 Conn. 26; 187 C. 292; 189 C. 35; 194 C. 331; Id., 589; Id., 612; 195 Conn. 70; Id., 624; 196 C. 471; 197 Conn. 67; Id., 219, but see 219 Conn. 529. Legislature did not intend to authorize dual convictions for simultaneous possession of cocaine and heroin; multiple convictions under statute and double jeopardy clause discussed. 198 Conn. 111. Cited. 200 Conn. 82; 201 Conn. 505. Cited. 2 CA 605; 7 CA 367. Court declined to review claim that statute was unconstitutionally vague. Id., 403. Cited. Id., 477. Sentence under Subsec. must be in accordance with Ch. 952. 31 CS 350. Annotations to present section: Cited. 197 Conn. 644; 206 Conn. 90; 212 Conn. 223; 219 Conn. 529; 229 C. 285; 242 C. 296. Cited. 1 CA 275; 13 Conn.App. 69; Id., 175; Id., 708; 17 CA 102; 22 CA 118; 26 Conn.App. 779; 33 CA 409; 41 CA 694; 45 Conn.App. 207; Id., 282. Defendant could not be convicted on one set of facts of both possession of narcotics by a person who is not drug-dependent and simple possession of narcotics and court ordered one sentence vacated. 60 Conn.App. 436. Phrase "any quantity of any narcotic substance" not unconstitutionally void for vagueness and does not give rise to arbitrary and discriminatory enforcement. 154 CA 727. Subsec. (a): Cited. 197 C. 620. Legislature did not intend to authorize dual convictions for simultaneous possession of cocaine and heroin; multiple convictions under statute and double jeopardy clause discussed. 198 Conn. 111. Cited. 199 Conn. 354; 204 C. 654; 207 Conn. 35; 209 Conn. 1; Id., 23; 212 Conn. 485; 219 Conn. 557; 220 Conn. 628; 224 C. 163; Id., 494; 226 Conn. 514; 236 Conn. 216; 237 Conn. 81. Violation of section is a lesser included offense in Sec. 21a-277(a) since no element in possession charge is not included in charge of possession with intent to sell, where information alleges crimes committed on same date, at same location and with same narcotic. 288 Conn. 345. Cited. 2 Conn.App. 605; 7 Conn.App. 588; 8 Conn.App. 111; 9 CA 185; Id., 667; 10 Conn.App. 7; Id., 532; Id., 561; Id., 667; 11 Conn.App. 11; Id., 47; Id., 540; judgment reversed, see 209 Conn. 1; 12 Conn.App. 225; Id., 274; 14 CA 536; 16 CA 245; Id., 518; 17 Conn.App. 556; 18 Conn.App. 32; Id., 104; 20 CA 241; Id., 321; Id., 336; 21 CA 568; 22 Conn.App. 40; judgment reversed, see 219 Conn. 577; Id., 303; Id., 431; Id., 601; 23 CA 50; Id., 123; Id., 602; Id., 667; Id., 746; judgment reversed, see 221 Conn. 595; 24 Conn.App. 158; Id., 543; Id., 697; 25 Conn.App. 354; Id., 472. Court declined to require any minimum amount or usability requirement before conviction may be had. Id., 624. Cited. 26 Conn.App. 553; Id., 667; Id., 698; 27 CA 741; 29 CA 675; Id., 694; Id., 801; judgment reversed, see 229 Conn. 285; Id., 843; 30 CA 712; 31 CA 178; 32 CA 811; 33 Conn.App. 432; 34 CA 191; Id., 629; 37 Conn.App. 355; 38 CA 85; Id., 536; 39 Conn.App. 110; 40 CA 762; 41 Conn.App. 604; Id., 746; 42 CA 687; 43 CA 801; 46 Conn.App. 791. Conviction for both possession and sale of narcotics does not violate prohibition against double jeopardy. 53 Conn.App. 661. Conviction of possession of narcotics and possession of narcotics with intent to sell violated defendant's right against double jeopardy. 78 Conn.App. 659. Conviction reversed because court failed to instruct jury on nonexclusive possession after jury explicitly requested instruction, and evidence was insufficient to prove element of control necessary for conviction. 116 CA 710. Subsec. requires only that defendant knew of narcotic character of substance, and does not require that defendant knew of illegal character of substance; conviction of conspiracy to possess narcotics under Subsec. and conspiracy to possess narcotics with intent to sell under Sec. 21a-277(a) constitutes double jeopardy. 137 Conn.App. 733. Cited. 41 CS 454. Subsec. (b): Cited. 224 C. 593; 240 C. 365. Cited. 7 Conn.App. 588; 10 Conn.App. 7; 14 CA 445; 20 CA 808; 22 CA 62; judgment reversed, see 219 Conn. 529; 38 Conn.App. 29. Subsec. (c): Cited. 207 Conn. 35; 216 Conn. 185; 220 Conn. 38; 221 Conn. 518; 230 Conn. 385; 236 Conn. 561; 240 C. 489. Cited. 2 Conn.App. 605; 5 CA 441; 6 CA 394; 8 Conn.App. 158; 9 CA 15; Id., 667; 10 CA 532; Id., 561; 12 Conn.App. 225; Id., 274; 14 Conn.App. 356; Id., 388; 15 CA 251; 17 Conn.App. 108; Id., 142; Id., 635; 18 CA 819; 19 CA 296; 20 Conn.App. 183; Id., 321; 22 Conn.App. 10; 24 CA 678; 26 CA 667; 28 Conn.App. 575; 29 CA 843; 30 CA 550; 31 Conn.App. 278; judgment reversed, see 230 Conn. 385; 32 Conn.App. 811; 33 Conn.App. 432; 37 CA 801; 39 CA 175; Id., 526; 42 Conn.App. 640; 45 CA 679. Possession of illegal substance requires accused to have had knowledge of the character of the drug and its presence, and to have exercised dominion and control over it. 63 CA 284. Subsec. (d): Cited. 45 Conn.App. 679. Legislature intended for Subsec. to impose cumulative punishment. 50 CA 1.

See Sec. 21a-283a re authority of court to depart from prescribed mandatory minimum sentence. See Sec. 53a-39c re eligibility for community service labor program.