If the parent or person in parental relation of a student, the board of education or trustees of a school district or a state agency responsible for providing education to students with disabilities presents a complaint with respect to any matter relating to the identification, evaluation or educational placement of the student or the provision of a free appropriate public education to the student or a manifestation determination or other matter relating to placement upon discipline of a student with a disability that may be the subject of an impartial hearing pursuant to subsection (k) of section fourteen hundred fifteen of title twenty of the United States code and the implementing federal regulations, and the party presenting the complaint or their attorney provides a due process complaint notice in accordance with federal law and regulations and such complaint sets forth an alleged violation that occurred not more than two years before the date the parent or public agency knew or should have known about the alleged action that forms the basis for the complaint, the board or agency shall appoint an impartial hearing officer to review the due process complaint notice when challenged and, if the matter is not resolved in a resolution session that has been convened as required by federal law, to preside over an impartial due process hearing and make a determination within such period of time as the commissioner by regulation shall determine, provided that the board of education or trustees shall offer the parent or person in parental relation the option of mediation pursuant to section forty-four hundred four-a of this article as an alternative to an impartial hearing. Where the parent or person in parental relation or a school district or public agency presents a complaint, the school district or public agency responsible for appointing the impartial hearing officer shall provide the parent or person in parental relation with a procedural safeguards notice as required pursuant to subsection (d) of section fourteen hundred fifteen of title twenty of the United States code and the implementing federal regulations. Notwithstanding any provision of this subdivision to the contrary, the time limitation on presenting a complaint shall not apply to a parent or person in parental relation to the student if the parent or person in parental relation was prevented from requesting the impartial hearing due to specific misrepresentations by the school district or other public agency that it had resolved the problem forming the basis of the complaint or due to the school district's or other public agency's withholding of information from the parent or person in parental relation that was required under federal law to be provided. Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to authorize the board of education or trustees to bring an impartial hearing to override the refusal of a parent or person in parental relation to consent where a local educational agency is prohibited by federal law from initiating such a hearing.
N.Y. Educ. Law § 4404