40 C.F.R. § 52.2270

Current through July 31, 2024
Section 52.2270 - Identification of plan
(a)Purpose and scope. This section sets forth the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for Texas under section 110 of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7410 , and 40 CFR part 51 to meet national ambient air quality standards.
(b)Incorporation by reference.
(1) Material listed in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with an EPA approval date prior to December 31, 1998, were approved for incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51 . Material is incorporated as it exists on the date of the approval, and notice of any change in the material will be published in the FEDERAL REGISTER. Entries in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with EPA approval dates after December 31, 1998, will be incorporated by reference in the next update to the SIP compilation.
(2) EPA Region 6 certifies that the rules/regulations provided by EPA in the SIP compilation at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) are an exact duplicate of the officially promulgated State rules/regulations which have been approved as part of the State Implementation Plan as of December 31, 1998.
(3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference may be inspected at https://www.epa.gov/sips-tx or the Environmental Protection Agency, Region 6, 1201 Elm Street, Suite 500, Dallas, Texas 75270-2102. If you wish to obtain material from the EPA Regional Office, please call (800) 887-6063 or (214) 665-2760.
(c)EPA approved regulations.

EPA Approved Regulations in the Texas SIP

State citation Title/SubjectState approval/Submittal dateEPA approval date Explanation
Chapter 19-Electronic Reporting
Subchapter A-General Provisions
Section 19.1 Definitions2/7/2007July 23, 2010, 75 FR 43062
Section 19.3 Applicability2/7/2007July 23, 2010, 75 FR 43062
Subchapter B-Electronic Reporting Requirements
Section 19.10 Use of Electronic Document Receiving System2/7/2007July 23, 2010, 75 FR 43062
Section 19.12 Authorized Electronic Signature2/7/2007July 23, 2010, 75 FR 43062
Section 19.14 Enforcement2/7/2007July 23, 2010, 75 FR 43062
Chapter 39-Public Notice
Subchapter H-Applicability and General Provisions
Section 39.402 Applicability to Air Quality Permits and Permit Amendments6/2/201010/6/2015, 80 FR 60296SIP includes 39.402 (a)(1)-(a)(6), (a)(8), (a)(11), and (a)(12).
Section 39.405 General Notice Provisions8/25/20218/24/2023, 88 FR 57884
Section 39.407 Mailing Lists9/2/19991/6/2014, 79 FR 551
Section 39.409 Deadline for Public Comment, and Requests for Reconsideration, Contested Case Hearing, or Notice and Comment Hearing6/2/20101/6/2014, 79 FR 551
Section 39.411 Text of Public Notice4/22/20208/24/2023, 88 FR 57884
Section 39.412 Combined Notice for Certain Greenhouse Gases Permit Applications8/25/20218/24/2023, 88 FR 57884
Section 39.418 Notice of Receipt of Application and Intent to Obtain Permit8/25/20218/24/2023, 88 FR 57844
Section 39.419 Notice of Application and Preliminary Decision8/25/20218/24/2023, 88 FR 57844
Section 39.420 Transmittal of the Executive Director's Response to Comments and Decisions4/22/20208/24/2023, 88 FR 57844
Section 39.426 Alternative Language Requirements8/25/20218/24/2023, 88 FR 57844
Subchapter K-Public Notice of Air Quality Applications
Section 39.601 Applicability4/22/20208/24/2023, 88 FR 57844
Section 39.602 Mailed Notice8/25/20218/24/2023, 88 FR 57844
Section 39.603 Newspaper Notice4/22/20208/24/2023, 88 FR 57844
Section 39.604 Sign-Posting8/25/20218/24/2023, 88 FR 57844
Section 39.605 Notice to Affected Agencies6/2/20101/6/2014, 79 FR 551
Chapter 55-Requests for Reconsideration and Contested Case Hearings; Public Comment
Subchapter E-Public Comment and Public Meetings
Section 55.150 Applicability6/14/20061/6/2014, 79 FR 551
Section 55.152 Public Comment Period5/9/20187/12/2019, 84 FR 33173SIP includes 55.152(a)(1), (a)(2), (a)(3), (a)(4), (a)(7), (a)(8) and (b).
Section 55.154 Public Meetings8/25/20218/24/2023, 88 FR 57844
Section 55.156 Public Comment Processing8/25/20218/24/2023, 88 FR 57844
Chapter 101-General Air Quality Rules
Subchapter A-General Rules
Section 101.1 Definitions7/6/20166/8/2017, 82 FR 26598
Section 101.2 Multiple air Contaminant Sources or Properties4/13/7306/22/73, 38 FR 16568Ref 52.2299(c)(7).
Section 101.3 Circumvention4/13/7306/22/73, 38 FR 16568Ref 52.2299(c)(7).
Section 101.4 Nuisance4/13/7306/22/73, 38 FR 16568Ref 52.2299(c)(7).
Section 101.5 Traffic Hazard4/13/7306/22/73, 38 FR 16568Ref 52.2299(c)(7).
Section 101.8 Sampling12/11/731/27/82, 47 FR 03767Ref 52.2299(c)(33).
Section 101.9 Sampling Ports04/13/7306/22/73, 38 FR 16568Ref 52.2299(c)(7).
Section 101.10 Emissions Inventory Requirements7/6/20166/8/2017, 82 FR 26598
Section 101.13 Use and Effect of Rules4/13/7306/22/73, 38 FR 16568Ref 52.2299(c)(7).
Section 101.14 Sampling Procedures and Terminology4/13/7306/22/73, 38 FR 16568Ref 52.2299(c)(7).
Section 101.18 Remedies Cumulative4/13/7306/22/73, 38 FR 16568Ref 52.2299(c)(7).
Section 101.19 Severability4/13/7306/22/73, 38 FR 16568Ref 52.2299(c)(7).
Section 101.20 Compliance with Environmental Protection Agency Standards05/09/75
6/1/77, 42 FR 27894
06/24/92, 57 FR 28093
Rule 23 Ref, 52.2299(c)(10)
Section 101.20(3) , Ref 52.2299(c)(73).
(1) and (2) NOT IN SIP.
Section 101.21 The National Primary and Secondary Air Quality Standards05/09/756/1/77, 42 FR 27894Ref 52.2299(c)(10).
Section 101. Rule 16Invoking Jurisdiction4/13/736/22/73, 38 FR 16568Ref 52.2299(c)(7). Not in current Texas General Rules.
Section 101. Rule 19Initiation of Review4/13/7306/22/73, 38 FR 16568Ref 52.2299(c)(7). Not in current Texas General Rules.
Subchapter B-Failure to Attain Fee
Section 101.100 Definitions5/22/20132/14/2020, 85 FR 8426
Section 101.101 Applicability5/22/20132/14/2020, 85 FR 8426
Section 101.102 Equivalent Alternative Fee5/22/20132/14/2020, 85 FR 8426
Section 101.104 Equivalent Alternative Fee Accounting5/22/20132/14/2020, 85 FR 8426
Section 101.106 Baseline Amount Calculation5/22/20132/14/2020, 85 FR 8426
Section 101.107 Aggregated Baseline Amount5/22/20132/14/2020, 85 FR 8426
Section 101.108 Alternative Baseline Amount5/22/20132/14/2020, 85 FR 8426
Section 101.109 Adjustment of Baseline Amount5/22/20132/14/2020, 85 FR 8426
Section 101.110 Baseline Amount for New Major Stationary Source, New Construction at a Major Stationary Source, or Major Stationary Sources with Less Than 24 Months of Operation5/22/20132/14/2020, 85 FR 8426
Section 101.113 Failure to Attain Fee Obligation5/22/20132/14/2020, 85 FR 8426
Section 101.116 Failure to Attain Fee Payment5/22/20132/14/2020, 85 FR 8426
Section 101.117 Compliance Schedule5/22/20132/14/2020, 85 FR 8426
Section 101.118(a)(1) and (a)(3) Cessation of Program5/22/20132/14/2020, 85 FR 8426SIP does not include 101.118(a)(2) or 101.118(b).
Section 101.120 Eligibility for Equivalent Alternative Obligation5/22/20132/14/2020, 85 FR 8426
Section 101.121 Equivalent Alternative Obligation5/22/20132/14/2020, 85 FR 8426
Section 101.122 Using Supplemental Environmental Project to Fulfill an Equivalent Alternative Obligation5/22/20132/14/2020, 85 FR 8426
Subchapter F-Emissions Events and Scheduled Maintenance, Startup, and Shutdown Activities
Division 1-Emissions Events
Section 101.201 Emissions Event Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements3/26/201411/10/2014, 79 FR 66626101.201(h) is not in the SIP.
Division 2-Maintenance, Startup, and Shutdown Activities
Section 101.211 Scheduled Maintenance, Startup, and Shutdown Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements1/23/0611/10/10, 75 FR 68989101.211(f) is not in the SIP.
Division 3-Operational Requirements, Demonstrations, and Actions to Reduce Excessive Emissions
Section 101.221 Operational Requirements1/23/0611/10/10, 75 FR 68989
Section 101.222 Demonstrations1/23/0611/10/10, 75 FR 68989The SIP does not include 101.222(h), 101.222 (i), and 101.222 (j). See section 52.2273(e) .
Section 101.223 Actions to Reduce Excessive Emissions1/23/0611/10/10, 75 FR 68989
Section 101.224 Temporary Exemptions During Drought Conditions8/21/0203/30/05, 70 FR 16129
Division 4-Variances
Section 101.231 Petition for Variance08/21/0203/30/05, 70 FR 16129
Section 101.232 Effect of Acceptance of Variance or Permit08/21/0203/30/05, 70 FR 16129
Section 101.233 Variance Transfers08/21/0203/30/05, 70 FR 16129
Subchapter H-Emissions Banking and Trading
Division 1-Emission Credit Program
Section 101.300 Definitions09/20/201712/7/2017, 82 FR 57679
Section 101.301 Purpose6/3/20155/11/2017, 82 FR 21925
Section 101.302 General Provisions09/20/201712/7/2017, 82 FR 57679
Section 101.303 Emission Reduction Credit Generation and Certification09/20/201712/7/2017, 82 FR 57679
Section 101.304 Mobile Emission Reduction Credit Generation and Certification09/20/201712/7/2017, 82 FR 57679
Section 101.305 Emission Reductions Achieved Outside the United States10/4/20065/18/10, 75 FR 27647
Section 101.306 Emission Credit Use4/22/20208/24/2023, 88 FR 57844
Section 101.309 Emission Credit Banking and Trading6/3/20155/11/2017, 82 FR 21925
Section 101.311 Program Audits and Reports11/10/049/6/06, 71 FR 52698
Division 2-Emissions Banking and Trading of Allowances
Section 101.330 Definitions12/16/19991/3/2011, 76 FR 16.
Section 101.331 Applicability12/16/19991/3/2011, 76 FR 16.
Section 101.332 General Provisions12/16/19991/3/2011, 76 FR 16.
Section 101.333 Allocation of Allowances08/09/20001/3/2011, 76 FR 16.
Section 101.334 Allowance Deductions12/16/19991/3/2011, 76 FR 16.
Section 101.335 Allowance Banking and Trading12/16/19991/3/2011, 76 FR 16.
Section 101.336 Emission Monitoring, Compliance Demonstration, and Reporting12/16/19991/3/2011, 76 FR 16.
Section 101.338 Emission Reductions Achieved Outside the United States10/4/20061/3/2011, 76 FR 16.
Section 101.339 Program Audits and Reports10/4/20061/3/2011, 76 FR 16.
Division 3-Mass Emissions Cap and Trade Program
Section 101.350 Definitions6/3/20155/11/2017, 82 FR 21925
Section 101.351 Applicability6/3/20155/11/2017, 82 FR 21925
Section 101.352 General Provisions6/3/20155/11/2017, 82 FR 21925
Section 101.353 Allocation of Allowances6/3/20155/11/2017, 82 FR 21925
Section 101.354 Allowance Deductions6/3/20155/11/2017, 82 FR 21925
Section 101.356 Allowance Banking and Trading6/3/20155/11/2017, 82 FR 21925
Section 101.357 Use of Emission Reductions Generated from the Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP)3/13/20025/11/2017, 82 FR 21925
Section 101.359 Reporting6/3/20155/11/2017, 82 FR 21925
Section 101.360 Level of Activity Certification6/3/20155/11/2017, 82 FR 21925
Section 101.363 Program Audits and Reports09/26/0111/14/01, 66 FR 57252
Division 4-Discrete Emission Credit Program
Section 101.370 Definitions09/20/201712/7/2017, 82 FR 57679
Section 101.371 Purpose6/3/20155/11/2017, 82 FR 21925
Section 101.372 General Provisions09/20/201712/7/2017, 82 FR 57679
Section 101.373 Discrete Emission Reduction Credit Generation and Certification09/20/201712/7/2017, 82 FR 57679
Section 101.374 Mobile Discrete Emission Reduction Credit Generation and Certification09/20/201712/7/2017, 82 FR 57679
Section 101.375 Emission Reductions Achieved Outside the United States10/4/20065/18/2010, 75 FR 27644
Section 101.376 Discrete Emission Credit Use09/20/201712/7/2017, 82 FR 57679
Section 101.378 Discrete Emission Credit Banking and Trading6/3/20155/11/2017, 82 FR 21925
Section 101.379 Program Audits and Reports6/3/20155/11/2017, 82 FR 21925
Division 6-Highly Reactive Volatile Organic Compound Emissions Cap and Trade Program
Section 101.390 Definitions6/3/20155/11/2017, 82 FR 21925
Section 101.391 Applicability6/3/20155/11/2017, 82 FR 21925
Section 101.392 Exemptions6/3/20155/11/2017, 82 FR 21925
Section 101.393 General Provisions6/3/20155/11/2017, 82 FR 21925
Section 101.394 Allocation of Allowances6/3/20155/11/2017, 82 FR 21925
Section 101.396 Allowance Deductions6/3/20155/11/2017, 82 FR 21925
Section 101.399 Allowance Banking and Trading6/3/20155/11/2017, 82 FR 21925
Section 101.400 Reporting6/3/20155/11/2017, 82 FR 21925
Section 101.401 Level of Activity Certification4/6/20101/2/2014, 79 FR 57
Section 101.399 Allowance Banking and Trading12/01/049/6/06, 71 FR 52659
Section 101.400 Reporting12/1/49/6/06, 71 FR 52659
Section 101.401 Level of activity certification2/1/49/6/06, 71 FR 52659
Section 101.403 Program audits and reports12/01/049/6/06, 71 FR 52659
Division 7-Clean Air Interstate Rule
Section 101.503 Clean Air Interstate Rule Oxides of Nitrogen Annual Trading Budget7/12/067/30/07, 72 FR 41453
Section 101.504 Timing Requirements for Clean Air Interstate Rule Oxides of Nitrogen Allowance Allocations07/12/0607/30/, 72 FR 41453Subsections 101.504(a)(2) , 101.504(a)(3) , 101.504(a)(4) , 101.504(c) , and 101.504(d) NOT IN SIP.
Section 101.506 Clean Air Interstate Rule Oxides of Nitrogen Allowance Allocations07/12/0607/30/, 72 FR 41453Subsections 101.506(a)(2) , 101.506(b)(2) , 101.506(b)(3) , and 101.506(g) NOT IN SIP.
Section 101.508 Compliance Supplement Pool07/12/0607/30/07, 72 FR 41453
Chapter 106-Permits by Rule
Subchapter A-General Requirements
Section 106.1 Purpose08/09/0011/14/03, 68 FR 64548
Section 106.2 Applicability3/26/201411/10/2014, 79 FR 66626
Section 106.4 Requirements for Permitting by Rule3/26/201411/10/2014, 79 FR 66626The SIP approved provisions at 30 TAC Section 106.4(a)(1), (a)(3), and (a)(4) are those adopted by the State as of 4/20/2011.
Section 106.6 Registration of Emissions11/20/0211/14/03, 68 FR 64548
Section 106.8 Recordkeeping10/10/0111/14/03, 68 FR 64548
Section 106.13 References to Standard Exemptions and Exemptions from Permitting08/09/0011/14/03, 68 FR 64548
Subchapter B-Registration Fees for New Permits by Rule
Section 106.50 Registration Fees for Permits by Rule9/25/20023/20/2009, 74 FR 11851.
Chapter 111 (Reg 1)-Control of Air Pollution from Visible Emissions and Particulate Matter
Subchapter A: Visible Emissions and Particulate Matter
Division 1: Visible Emissions
Section 111.111(a), (b) Requirements for Specified Sources6/18/19935/8/1996, 61 FR 20732
Section 111.111(c) Requirements for Specified Sources10/25/19911/18/1994, 59 FR 2532
Section 111.113 Alternative Opacity Limitations6/16/19895/8/1996, 61 FR 20732
Division 2: Incineration
Section 111.121 Single-Chamber Incineration6/16/19894/28/2009, 74 FR 19144
Division 4: Materials Handling, Construction, Roads, Streets, Alleys, and Parking Lots
Section 111.141 Geographic Areas of Application and Date of Compliance10/25/19911/18/1994, 59 FR 02532
Section 111.143 Materials Handling6/16/19891/18/1994, 59 FR 02532
Section 111.145 Construction and Demolition10/25/19911/18/1994, 59 FR 02532
Section 111.147 Roads, Streets, and Alleys1/25/201212/14/2015, 80 FR 77254
Section 111.149 Parking Lots6/16/19891/18/1994, 59 FR 02532
Division 5: Emission Limits on Nonagricultural Processes
Section 111.151 Allowable Emissions Limits6/16/19894/28/2009, 74 FR 19144
Section 111.153 Emission Limits for Steam Generators6/16/19894/28/2009, 74 FR 19144
Division 6: Emission Limits on Agricultural Processes
Section 111.171 Emission Limits Based on Process Weight Method6/16/19894/28/2009, 74 FR 19144
Section 111.173 Emissions Limits Based on Alternate Method6/16/19894/28/2009, 74 FR 19144
Section 111.175 Exemptions6/16/19894/28/2009, 74 FR 19144
Division 7: Exemptions for Portable or Transient Operations
Section 111.181 Exemption Policy6/16/19894/28/2009, 74 FR 19144
Section 111.183 Requirements for Exemptions6/16/19894/28/2009, 74 FR 19144
Subchapter B: Outdoor Burning
Section 111.201 General Prohibitions8/21/19964/28/2009, 74 FR 19144
Section 111.203 Definitions7/7/20174/27/2018, 83 FR 18430
Section 111.205 Exceptions for Fire Training8/21/19964/28/2009, 74 FR 19144
Section 111.207 Exceptions for Fires Used for Recreation, Ceremony, Cooking, and Warmth8/21/19964/28/2009, 74 FR 19144
Section 111.209 Exception for Disposal Fires10/22/20212/7/2023, 88 FR 7882
Section 111.211 Exception for Prescribed Burn1/15/20141/11/2017, 82 FR 3172
Section 111.213 Exception for Hydrocarbon Burning8/21/19964/28/2009, 74 FR 19144
Section 111.215 Executive Director Approval of Otherwise Prohibited Outdoor Burning8/21/19964/28/2009, 74 FR 19144
Section 111.217 Requirements for Certified and Insured Prescribed Burn Managers7/7/20174/27/2018, 83 FR 18430
Section 111.219 General Requirements for Allowable Outdoor Burning8/21/19964/28/2009, 74 FR 19144
Section 111.221 Responsibility for Consequences of Outdoor Burning8/21/19964/28/2009, 74 FR 19144
Chapter 112 (Reg 2)-Control of Air Pollution From Sulfur Compounds
Section 112.1 Definitions09/18/9208/30/93, 58 FR 45456Ref 52.2299(c)(76).
Section 112.2 Compliance, Reporting, and Recordkeeping09/18/9208/30/93, 58 FR 45456Ref 52.2299(c)(76).
Section 112.3 Net Ground Level Concentrations09/18/9208/30/93, 58 FR 45456Ref 52.2299(c)(76).
Section 112.4 Net Ground Level Concentrations-Exemption Conditions09/18/9208/30/93, 58 FR 45456Ref 52.2299(c)(76).
Section 112.5 Allowable Emission Rates-Sulfuric Acid Plant Burning Elemental Sulfur09/18/9208/30/93, 58 FR 45456Ref 52.2299(c)(76).
Section 112.6 Allowable Emission Rates-Sulfuric Acid Plant09/18/9208/30/93, 58 FR 45456Ref 52.2299(c)(76).
Section 112.7 Allowable Emission Rates-Sulfur Recovery Plant09/18/9208/30/93, 58 FR 45456Ref 52.2299(c)(76).
Section 112.8 Allowable Emissions Rates from Solid Fossil Fuel-Fired Steam Generators09/18/9202/18/97, 62 FR 07163Ref 52.2299(c)(101).
Section 112.9 Allowable Emission Rates-Combustion of Liquid Fuel09/18/9208/30/93, 58 FR 45456Ref 52.2299(c)(76).
Section 112.14 Allowable Emission Rates-Nonferrous Smelter Processes09/18/9208/30/93, 58 FR 45456Ref 52.2299(c)(76).
Section 112.15 Temporary Fuel Shortage Plan Filing Requirements09/18/9208/30/93, 58 FR 45456Ref 52.2299(c)(76).
Section 112.16 Temporary Fuel Shortage Plan Operating Requirements09/18/9208/30/93, 58 FR 45456Ref 52.2299(c)(76).
Section 112.17 Temporary Fuel Shortage Plan Notification Procedures09/18/9208/30/93, 58 FR 45456Ref 52.2299(c)(76)
Section 112.18 Temporary Fuel Shortage Plan Reporting Requirements09/18/9208/30/93, 58 FR 45456Ref 52.2299(c)(76)
Section 112.19 Application for Area Control Plan09/18/9208/30/93, 58 FR 45456Ref 52.2299(c)(76)
Section 112.20 Exemption Procedure09/18/9208/30/93, 58 FR 45456Ref 52.2299(c)(76)
Section 112.21 Allowable Emission Rates Under Area Control Plan09/18/9208/30/93, 58 FR 45456Ref 52.2299(c)(76)
Section 112.41 to 112.47 Control of Sulfuric Acid05/12/89NOT in SIP but is a part of the EPA approved Texas 111(d) Plan
Section 112.51 to 112.59 Control of Total Reduced Sulfur (TRS)05/12/89NOT in SIP but is a part of the EPA approved Texas 111(d) Plan.
Chapter 114 (Reg 4)-Control of Air Pollution from Motor Vehicles
Subchapter A-Definitions
Section 114.1 Definitions2/12/201410/7/2016, 81 FR 69684
Section 114.2 Inspection and Maintenance Definitions4/29/201510/7/2016, 81 FR 69684
Section 114.5 Transportation Planning Definition05/03/0012/5/02, 67 FR 72382
Section 114.6 Low Emission Fuel Definitions8/22/125/6/13, 78 FR 26255
Subchapter C-Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance; Low Income Vehicle Repair Assistance, Retrofit, and Accelerated Vehicle Retirement Program; and Early Action Compact Counties
Division 1: Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance
Section 114.50 Vehicle Emission Inspection Requirements2/12/201410/7/2016, 81 FR 69679Subsection 114.50(b)(2) is NOT part of the approved SIP.
Section 114.51 Equipment Evaluation Procedures for Vehicle Gas Analyzers11/18/20107/25/2014, 79 FR 43264
Section 114.53 Inspection and Maintenance Fees4/29/201510/7/2016, 81 FR 69684
Division 3: Early Action Compact Counties
Section 114.80 Applicability11/17/048/8/05, 70 FR 45542
Section 114.81 Vehicle Emissions Inspection Requirements11/17/048/8/05, 70 FR 45542
Section 114.82 Control Requirements2/12/201410/7/2016, 81 FR 69684
Section 114.83 Waivers and Extensions2/12/201410/7/2016, 81 FR 69684
Section 114.84 Prohibitions2/12/201410/7/2016, 81 FR 69684
Section 114.85 Equipment Evaluation Procedures for Vehicle Exhaust Gas Analyzers11/17/048/8/05, 70 FR 45542
Section 114.87 Inspection and Maintenance Fees4/29/201510/7/2016, 81 FR 69684
Subchapter D-Oxygen Requirements for Gasoline
Section 114.100 Oxygenated Fuels1/20/20172/27/2018, 83 FR 8361
Subchapter G-Transportation Planning
Section 114.260 Transportation Conformity6/27/200711/12/2014, 79 FR 67071
Section 114.270 Transportation Control Measures6/27/20071/31/2014, 79 FR 5287
Subchapter H-Low Emission Fuels
Division 1: Gasoline Volatility
Section 114.301 Control Requirements for Reid Vapor Pressure4/25/004/26/01, 66 FR 20931Part (c) is not approved.
Section 114.305 Approved Test Methods1/20/20172/27/2018, 83 FR 8361
Section 114.306 Recordkeeping Requirements4/25/20004/26/2001, 66 FR 20927Not in SIP: 114.306(c)
Section 114.307 Exemptions9/10/20147/20/2015, 80 FR 42732
Section 114.309 Affected Counties9/10/20147/20/2015, 80 FR 42732
Division 2: Low Emission Diesel
Section 114.312 Low Emission Diesel Standards8/22/125/6/13, 78 FR 26255
Section 114.313 Designated Alternative Limits8/22/125/6/13, 78 FR 26255
Section 114.314 Registration of Diesel Producers and Importers8/22/125/6/13, 78 FR 26255
Section 114.315 Approved Test Methods8/22/125/6/13, 78 FR 26255
Section 114.316 Monitoring, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements8/22/125/6/13, 78 FR 26255
Section 114.317 Exemptions to Low Emission Diesel Requirements8/22/125/6/13, 78 FR 26255
Section 114.318 Alternative Emission Reduction Plan8/22/125/6/13, 78 FR 26255
Section 114.319 Affected Counties and Compliance Dates8/22/125/6/13, 78 FR 26255
Subchapter I-Non-Road Engines
Division 3-Non-Road Large Spark-Ignition Engines
Section 114.420 Definitions4/19/0011/14/01, 66 FR 57222
Section 114.421 Emission Specifications12/06/0011/14/01, 66 FR 57222
Section 114.422 Control Requirements4/19/0011/14/01, 66 FR 57222
Section 114.427 Exemptions4/19/0011/14/01, 66 FR 57222
Section 114.429 Affected Counties and Compliance Schedules12/6/0011/14/01, 66 FR 57222
Subchapter J-Operational Controls for Motor Vehicles
Division 2: Locally Enforced Motor Vehicle Idling Limitations
Section 114.510 Definitions11/17/044/11/05, 70 FR 18308
Section 114.511 Applicability11/17/044/11/05, 70 FR 18308
Section 114.512 Control Requirements for Motor Vehicle Idling7/20/20117/25/2014, 79 FR 43264
Section 114.517 Exemptions8/8/20127/25/2014, 79 FR 43264
Subchapter K-Mobile Source Incentive Programs
Division 3: Diesel Emissions Reduction Incentive Program for On-Road and Non-Road Vehicles
Section 114.620 Definitions4/4/201810/4/2018, 83 FR 50021
Section 114.621 Applicability1/28/0408/19/05, 70 FR 48647
Section 114.622 Incentive Program Requirements6/10/20205/27/2021, 86 FR 28496
Section 114.623 Small Business Incentives4/4/201810/4/2018, 83 FR 50021
Section 114.624 Rebate Grant Process9/20/20064/9/2010, 75 FR 18061
Section 114.626 Monitoring, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements8/22/0108/19/05, 70 FR 48647
Section 114.629 Affected Counties and Implementation Schedule6/10/20205/27/2021, 86 FR 28496
Division 4: Texas Clean School Bus Program
Section 114.640 Definitions3/26/20146/9/2017, 82 FR 26756
Section 114.642 Applicability3/26/20146/9/2017, 82 FR 26756
Section 114.644 Clean School Bus Program Requirements3/26/20146/9/2017, 82 FR 26756
Section 114.646 Monitoring, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements3/26/20146/9/2017, 82 FR 26756
Section 114.648 Expiration3/26/20146/9/2017, 82 FR 26756
Division 5: Texas Clean Fleet Program
Section 114.650 Definitions4/4/201810/4/2018, 83 FR 50021
Section 114.651 Applicability4/4/201810/4/2018, 83 FR 50021
Section 114.652 Qualifying Vehicles4/4/201810/4/2018, 83 FR 50021
Section 114.653 Grant Eligibility4/4/201810/4/2018, 83 FR 50021
Section 114.654 Usage and Disposition3/28/20121/31/2014, 79 FR 5287
Section 114.655 Grant Restrictions2/24/20101/31/2014, 79 FR 5287
Section 114.656 Eligible Grant Amounts4/9/20146/9/2017, 82 FR 26756
Section 114.657 Reporting Requirements2/24/20101/31/2014, 79 FR 5287
Section 114.658 Implementation Schedule2/24/20101/31/2014, 79 FR 5287
Division 8: Drayage Truck Incentive Program
Section 114.680 Definitions4/4/201810/4/2018, 83 FR 50021
Section 114.681 Applicability4/4/201810/4/2018, 83 FR 50021
Section 114.682 Eligible Vehicle Models4/4/201810/4/2018, 83 FR 50021
Section 114.680 Definitions8/3/20166/9/2017, 82 FR 26756
Section 114.681 Applicability4/9/20146/9/2017, 82 FR 26756
Section 114.682 Eligible Vehicle Models8/3/20166/9/2017, 82 FR 26756
Texas Department of Transportation Regulation-31 TAC Chapter 17-Vehicle Titles and Registration
Section 17.80 Vehicle Emissions Verification System11/09/9308/22/94, 59 FR 43046Ref 52.2299 (c)(87)(i)(F).
Texas Department of Public Safety-37 TAC Chapter 23-Vehicle Inspection
Section 23.93 Vehicle Emissions Inspection Requirements10/26/20057/25/2014, 79 FR 43264
Chapter 115 (Reg 5)-Control of Air Pollution From Volatile Organic Compounds
Subchapter A-Definitions
Section 115.10 Covered Attainment Counties6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Subchapter B-General Volatile Organic Compound Sources
Division 1: Storage of Volatile Organic Compounds
Section 115.110 Applicability and Definitions6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Section 115.111 Exemptions7/20/20218/15/2023, 88 FR 55382
Section 115.112 Control Requirements7/20/20218/15/2023, 88 FR 55382
Section 115.113 Alternate Control Requirements12/1/20119/9/2014, 79 FR 53302
Section 115.114 Inspection Requirements12/15/20164/30/2019, 84 FR 18150
Section 115.115 Monitoring Requirements6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Section 115.116 Testing Requirements12/1/20119/9/2014, 79 FR 53302
Section 115.117 Approved Test Methods6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Section 115.118 Recordkeeping Requirements12/15/20164/30/2019, 84 FR 18150
Section 115.119 Compliance Schedules7/20/2021
Division 2: Vent Gas Control
Section 115.120 Vent Gas Definitions12/13/0202/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.121 Emissions Specifications7/20/20218/15/2023, 88 FR 55382
Section 115.122 Control Requirements6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Section 115.123 Alternate Control Requirements12/13/0202/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.125 Testing Requirements6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Section 115.126 Monitoring and Recordkeeping Requirements6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Section 115.127 Exemptions6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Section 115.129 Counties and Compliance Schedules6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Division 3: Water Separation
Section 115.131 Emission Specifications5/4/945/22/97, 62 FR 27964
Section 115.132 Control Requirements4/26/0202/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.133 Alternate Control Requirements4/26/0202/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.135 Testing Requirements05/4/9405/22/97, 62 FR 27964
Section 115.136 Monitoring and Recordkeeping Requirements4/26/0202/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.137 Exemptions4/26/0202/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.139 Counties and Compliance Schedules6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Division 4: Industrial Wastewater
Section 115.140 Industrial Wastewater Definitions4/26/022/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.142 Control Requirements12/13/0202/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.143 Alternate Control Requirements12/13/0202/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.144 Inspection and Monitoring Requirements12/13/022/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.145 Approved Test Methods4/26/0202/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.146 Recordkeeping Requirements10/27/9912/20/00, 65 FR 79745
Section 115.147 Exemptions12/13/0202/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.148 Training Requirements10/27/9912/20/00, 65 FR 79745
Section 115.149 Counties and Compliance Schedules11/15/067/17/08, 73 FR 40972
Division 5: Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
Section 115.152 Control Requirements5/4/945/22/97, 62 FR 27964
Section 115.153 Alternate Control Requirements4/26/022/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.155 Approved Test Methods05/4/9405/22/97, 62 FR 27964
Section 115.156 Monitoring and Recordkeeping Requirements5/4/9405/22/97, 62 FR 27964
Section 115.157 Exemptions5/4/945/22/97, 62 FR 27964
Section 115.159 Counties and Compliance Schedules4/26/022/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Division 6: Batch Processes
Section 115.160 Batch Process Definitions12/13/0202/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.161 Applicability12/13/0202/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.162 Control Requirements12/06/0007/16/01, 66 FR 36913
Section 115.163 Alternate Control Requirements10/27/9912/20/00, 65 FR 79745
Section 115.164 Determination of Emissions and Flow Rates12/06/0007/16/01, 66 FR 36913
Section 115.165 Approved Test Methods and Testing Requirements12/06/0007/16/01, 66 FR 36913
Section 115.166 Monitoring and Recordkeeping Requirements12/13/0202/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.167 Exemptions9/28/20057/10/2009, 74 FR 33146
Section 115.169 Counties and Compliance Schedules9/28/20057/10/2009, 74 FR 33146
Division 7: Oil and Natural Gas in Ozone Nonattainment Areas
Section 115.170 Applicability7/20/20218/15/2023, 88 FR 55382
Section 115.171 Definitions7/20/20218/15/2023, [88 FR 55382
Section 115.172 Exemptions7/20/20218/15/2023, 88 FR 55382
Section 115.173 Compressor Control Requirements7/20/20218/15/2023, 88 FR 55382
Section 115.174 Pneumatic Controller and Pump Control Requirements7/20/20218/15/2023, 88 FR 55382
Section 115.175 Storage Tank Control Requirements7/20/20218/15/2023, 88 FR 55382
Section 115.176 Alternative Control Requirements7/20/20218/15/2023, 88 FR 55382
Section 115.177 Fugitive Emission Component Monitoring Requirements7/20/20218/15/2023, 88 FR 55382
Section 115.178 Monitoring and Inspection Requirements7/20/20218/15/2023, 88 FR 55382
Section 115.179 Approved Test Methods and Testing Requirements7/20/20218/15/2023, 88 FR 55382
Section 115.180 Recordkeeping Requirements7/20/20218/15/2023, 88 FR 55382
Section 115.181 Reporting Requirements7/20/20218/15/2023, 88 FR 55382
Section 115.183 Compliance Schedules7/20/20218/15/2023, 88 FR 55382
Subchapter C-Volatile Organic Compound Transfer Operations
Division 1: Loading and Unloading of Volatile Organic Compounds
Section 115.211 Emission Specifications12/13/021/19/06, 71 FR 3009
Section 115.212 Control Requirements12/6/0007/16/01, 66 FR 36913
Section 115.213 Alternate Control Requirements06/30/9912/20/00, 65 FR 79745
Section 115.214 Inspection Requirements4/26/021/19/06, 71 FR 3009
Section 115.215 Approved Test Methods6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Section 115.216 Monitoring and Record-keeping Requirements10/22/031/19/06, 71 FR 3009
Section 115.217 Exemptions10/22/031/19/06, 71 FR 3009
Section 115.219 Counties and Compliance Schedules6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Section 115.220 *Filling of Gasoline Storage Vessels (Stage I) for Motor Vehicles Fuel Dispensing Facilities in Bexar County03/30/7911/10/82, 47 FR 50866Ref 52.2299(c)(48). The number 220* was created to avoid duplicate sections numbers in the SIP. There is no section 115.220 in the current SIP approved codification.
Division 2: Filling of Gasoline Storage Vessels (Stage I) for Motor Vehicle Fuel Dispensing Facilities
Section 115.221 Emission Specifications9/10/20144/30/2015, 80 FR 24215
Section 115.222 Control Requirements9/10/20144/30/2015, 80 FR 24215
Section 115.223 Alternate Control Requirements03/23/051/19/06, 71 FR 3009
Section 115.224 Inspection Requirements9/10/20144/30/2015, 80 FR 24215
Section 115.225 Testing Requirements9/10/20144/30/2015, 80 FR 24215
Section 115.226 Recordkeeping Requirements9/10/20144/30/2015, 80 FR 24215
Section 115.227 Exemptions9/10/20144/30/2015, 80 FR 24215
Section 115.229 Counties and Compliance Schedules6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Division 3: Control of Volatile Organic Leaks from Transport Vessels
Section 115.234 Inspection Requirements6/30/9912/20/00, 65 FR 79745
Section 115.235 Approved Test Methods06/30/9912/20/00, 65 FR 79745
Section 115.236 Recordkeeping Requirements6/30/9912/20/00, 65 FR 79745
Section 115.237 Exemptions06/30/9912/20/00, 65 FR 79745
Section 115.239 Counties and Compliance Schedules6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Division 4: Control of Vehicle Refueling Emissions (Stage II) at Motor Vehicle Fuel Dispensing Facilities
Section 115.240 Stage II Vapor Recovery Definitions and List of California Air Resources Board Certified Stage II Equipment10/9/20133/17/14, 79 FR 14611
Section 115.241 Emission Specifications10/9/20133/17/14, 79 FR 14611
Section 115.242 Control Requirements10/9/20133/17/14, 79 FR 14611
Section 115.243 Alternate Control Requirements10/9/20133/17/14, 79 FR 14611
Section 115.244 Inspection Requirements10/9/20133/17/14, 79 FR 14611
Section 115.245 Testing Requirements10/9/20133/17/14, 79 FR 14611
Section 115.246 Recordkeeping Requirements10/9/20133/17/14, 79 FR 14611
Section 115.248 Training Requirements3/23/051/19/06, 71 FR 3009
Section 115.252 to 115.259 Control of Reid Vapor Pressure of Gasoline5/4/9405/22/97, 62 FR 27964Ref 52.2299(c)(104).
Subchapter D-Petroleum Refining, Natural Gas Processing, and Petrochemical Processes
Division 1: Process Unit Turnaround and Vacuum-Producing Systems in Petroleum Refineries
Section 115.311 Emission Specifications4/26/022/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.312 Control Requirements12/13/022/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.313 Alternate Control Requirements4/26/0202/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.315 Testing Requirements5/8/923/7/95, 60 FR 12438
Section 115.316 Monitoring and Recordkeeping Requirements4/26/022/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.317 Exemptions5/8/923/7/95, 60 FR 12438
Section 115.319 Counties and Compliance Schedules11/15/067/17/08, 73 FR 40972
Division 2: Fugitive Emission Control in Petroleum Refineries in Gregg, Nueces, and Victoria Counties
Section 115.322 Control Requirements6/2/20102/26/2015, 80 FR 10352
Section 115.323 Alternate Control Requirements6/2/20102/26/2015, 80 FR 10352
Section 115.324 Inspection Requirements6/2/20102/26/2015, 80 FR 10352
Section 115.325 Testing Requirements6/2/20102/26/2015, 80 FR 10352
Section 115.326 Recordkeeping Requirements6/2/20102/26/2015, 80 FR 10352
Section 115.327 Exemptions4/26/022/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.329 Counties and Compliance Schedules8/8/012/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Division 3: Fugitive Emission Control in Petroleum Refining, Natural Gas/Gasoline Processing, and Petrochemical Processes in Ozone Nonattainment Areas
Section 115.352 Control Requirements6/2/20102/26/2015, 80 FR 10352
Section 115.353 Alternate Control Requirements6/2/20102/26/2015, 80 FR 10352
Section 115.354 Monitoring and Inspection Requirements6/2/20102/26/2015, 80 FR 10352
Section 115.355 Approved Test Methods6/2/20102/26/2015, 80 FR 10352
Section 115.356 Recordkeeping Requirements6/2/20102/26/2015, 80 FR 10352
Section 115.357 Exemptions7/20/20218/15/2023, 88 FR 55382
Section 115.358 Alternative Work Practice6/2/20102/26/2015, 80 FR 10352
Section 115.359 Counties and Compliance Schedules6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Subchapter E-Solvent-Using Processes
Division 1: Degreasing Processes
Section 115.410 Applicability6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Section 115.411 Exemptions6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Section 115.412 Control Requirements11/17/043/29/05, 70 FR 15769
Section 115.413 Alternate Control Requirements11/17/043/29/05, 70 FR 15769
Section 115.415 Testing6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Section 115.416 Recordkeeping Requirements6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Section 115.419 Counties and Compliance Schedules6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Division 2: Surface Coating Processes
Section 115.420 Applicability and Definitions6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Section 115.421 Emissions Specifications6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Section 115.422 Control Requirements6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Section 115.423 Alternate Control Requirements6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Section 115.424 Inspection Requirements6/29/0010/30/01, 66 FR 54688
Section 115.425 Testing Requirements6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Section 115.426 Monitoring and Recordkeeping Requirements6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Section 115.427 Exemptions6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Section 115.429 Counties and Compliance Schedules6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Division 3: Flexographic and Rotogravure Printing
Section 115.430 Applicability and Definitions01/17/123/27/15, 80 FR 16291
Section 115.431 Exemptions1/17/123/27/15, 80 FR 16291
Section 115.432 Control Requirements1/17/123/27/15, 80 FR 16291
Section 115.433 Alternate Control Requirements1/17/123/27/15, 80 FR 16291
Section 115.435 Testing Requirements1/17/123/27/15, 80 FR 16291
Section 115.436 Monitoring and Recordkeeping Requirements1/17/123/27/15, 80 FR 16291
Section 115.439 Counties and Compliance Schedules1/17/123/27/15, 80 FR 16291
Division 4: Offset Lithographic Printing
Section 115.440 Applicability and Definitions6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Section 115.441 Exemptions6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Section 115.442 Control Requirements6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Section 115.443 Alternate Control Requirements3/10/20108/4/2014, 79 FR 45106
Section 115.445 Approved Test Methods3/10/20108/4/2014, 79 FR 45106
Section 115.446 Monitoring and Recordkeeping Requirements6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Section 115.449 Compliance Schedules6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Division 5: Control Requirements for Surface Coating Processes
Section 115.450 Applicability and Definitions6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Section 115.451 Exemptions6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Section 115.453 Control Requirements6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Section 115.454 Alternate Control Requirements1/17/123/27/15, 80 FR 16291
Section 115.455 Approved Test Methods and Testing Requirements1/17/123/27/15, 80 FR 16291
Section 115.458 Monitoring and Recordkeeping Requirements1/17/123/27/15, 80 FR 16291
Section 115.459 Counties and Compliance Schedules6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Division 6: Industrial Cleaning Solvents
Section 115.460 Applicability and Definitions6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Section 115.461 Exemptions6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Section 115.463 Control Requirements1/17/123/27/15, 80 FR 16291
Section 115.464 Alternate Control Requirements1/17/123/27/15, 80 FR 16291
Section 115.465 Approved Test Methods and Testing Requirements1/17/123/27/15, 80 FR 16291
Section 115.468 Monitoring and Recordkeeping Requirements1/17/123/27/15, 80 FR 16291
Section 115.469 Compliance Schedules6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Division 7: Miscellaneous Industrial Adhesives
Section 115.470 Applicability and Definitions1/17/123/27/15, 80 FR 16291
Section 115.471 Exemptions6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Section 115.473 Control Requirements6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Section 115.474 Alternate Control Requirements1/17/123/27/15, 80 FR 16291
Section 115.475 Approved Test Methods and Testing Requirements1/17/123/27/15, 80 FR 16291
Section 115.478 Monitoring and Recordkeeping Requirements1/17/123/27/15, 80 FR 16291
Section 115.479 Compliance Schedules6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Subchapter F-Miscellaneous Industrial Sources
Division 1: Cutback Asphalt
Section 115.510 Cutback Asphalt Definitions8/31/9912/22/99, 64 FR 71670
Section 115.512 Control Requirements11/17/043/29/05, 70 FR 15769
Section 115.513 Alternative Control Requirements8/31/9912/22/99, 64 FR 71670
Section 115.515 Testing Requirements8/31/9912/22/99, 64 FR 71670
Section 115.516 Recordkeeping Requirements11/17/043/29/05, 70 FR 15769
Section 115.517 Exemptions11/17/043/29/05, 70 FR 15769Ref 52.2299(c)(88).
Section 115.519 Compliance Schedules6/15/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Division 2: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Facilities
Section 115.531 Emission Specifications5/4/945/22/97, 62 FR 27964
Section 115.532 Control Requirements4/26/022/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.533 Alternate Control Requirements4/26/0202/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.534 Inspection Requirements5/4/945/22/97, 62 FR 27964
Section 115.535 Testing Requirements4/26/022/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.536 Monitoring and Recordkeeping Requirements5/4/945/22/97, 62 FR 27964
Section 115.537 Exemptions5/4/9405/22/97, 62 FR 27964
Section 115.539 Counties and Compliance Schedules11/15/067/17/08, 73 FR 40972
Division 3: Degassing or Cleaning of Stationary, Marine, and Transport Vessels
Section 115.540 Applicability and Definitions1/26/20119/23/2015, 80 FR 57304
Section 115.541 Emission Specifications1/26/20119/23/2015, 80 FR 57304
Section 115.542 Control Requirements1/26/20119/23/2015, 80 FR 57304
Section 115.543 Alternate control Requirements1/26/20119/23/2015, 80 FR 57304
Section 115.544 Inspection, Monitoring, and Testing Requirements1/26/20119/23/2015, 80 FR 57304
Section 115.545 Approved Test Methods1/26/20119/23/2015, 80 FR 57304
Section 115.546 Recordkeeping and Notification Requirements1/26/20119/23/2015, 80 FR 57304
Section 115.547 Exemptions1/26/20119/23/2015, 80 FR 57304
Section 115.549 Counties and Compliance Schedules5/23/20073/29/2010, 75 FR 15348
Division 4: Petroleum Dry Cleaning Systems
Section 115.552 Control Requirements4/26/022/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.553 Alternate Control Requirements05/4/945/22/97, 62 FR 27964
Section 115.555 Testing Methods and Procedures5/4/945/22/97, 62 FR 27964
Section 115.556 Recordkeeping Requirements5/4/945/22/97, 62 FR 27964
Section 115.557 Exemptions5/4/945/22/97, 62 FR 27964
Section 115.559 Counties and Compliance Schedules4/26/022/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Subchapter G-Consumer-Related Sources
Division 1: Automotive Windshield Washer Fluid
Section 115.600 Consumer Products Definitions1/28/0402/10/05, 70 FR 7041
Section 115.610 Applicability1/28/0402/10/05, 70 FR 7041
Section 115.612 Control Requirements1/28/0402/10/05, 70 FR 7041
Section 115.613 Alternate Control Requirements1/28/0402/10/05, 70 FR 7041
Section 115.615 Testing Requirements1/28/0402/10/05, 70 FR 7041
Section 115.616 Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements1/28/0402/10/05, 70 FR 7041
Section 115.617 Exemptions1/28/0402/10/05, 70 FR 7041
Section 115.619 Counties and Compliance Schedules1/28/042/10/05, 70 FR 7041
Division 2: Portable Fuel Containers
Subchapter H-Highly-Reactive Volatile Organic Compounds
Division 1: Vent Gas Control
Section 115.720 Applicability and Definitions12/01/049/06/06, 71 FR 52656
Section 115.722 Site-wide Cap and Control Requirements12/01/049/06/06, 71 FR 52656
Section 115.725 Monitoring and Testing Requirements12/01/049/06/06, 71 FR 52656
Section 115.726 Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements12/01/049/06/06, 71 FR 52656
Section 115.727 Exemptions12/01/049/06/06, 71 FR 52656
Section 115.729 Counties and Compliance Schedules12/1/049/06/06, 71 FR 52656
Division 2: Cooling Tower Heat Exchange Systems
Section 115.760 Applicability and Cooling Tower Heat Exchange System Definitions12/1/049/06/06, 71 FR 52656
Section 115.761 Site-wide Cap12/01/049/6/06, 71 FR 52656
Section 115.764 Monitoring and Testing Requirements12/1/049/6/06, 71 FR 52656
Section 115.766 Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements12/1/049/6/06, 71 FR 52656
Section 115.767 Exemptions12/01/049/06/06, 71 FR 52656
Section 115.769 Counties and Compliance Schedules12/1/049/6/06, 71 FR 52656
Division 3: Fugitive Emissions
Section 115.780 Applicability12/1/049/06/06, 71 FR 52656
Section 115.781 General Monitoring and Inspection Requirements6/2/20102/26/2015, 80 FR 10352
Section 115.782 Procedures and Schedule for Leak Repair and Follow-up6/2/20102/26/2015, 80 FR 10352
Section 115.783 Equipment Standards12/1/049/06/06, 71 FR 52656
Section 115.784 Alternate Control Requirements6/2/20102/26/2015, 80 FR 10352
Section 115.786 Recordkeeping Requirements6/2/20102/26/2015, 80 FR 10352
Section 115.787 Exemptions6/2/20102/26/2015, 80 FR 10352
Section 115.788 Audit Provisions6/2/20102/26/2015, 80 FR 10352
Section 115.789 Counties and Compliance Schedules12/1/049/06/06, 71 FR 52656
Subchapter J-Administrative Provisions
Division 1: Alternate Means of Control
Section 115.901 Insignificant Emissions07/13/9405/22/97, 62 FR 27964
Section 115.910 Availability of Alternate Means of Control4/26/22/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.911 Criteria for Approval of Alternate Means of Control Plans4/26/022/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.912 Calculations for Determining Alternate Means of Control Reductions4/26/0202/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.913 Procedures for Alternate Means of Control Plan Submittal4/26/0202/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.914 Procedures for an Alternate Means of Control Plan Approval4/26/0202/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.915 Public Notice Format4/26/022/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.916 Review of Approved Alternate Means of Control Plans and Termination of Alternate Means of Control Plans4/26/0202/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Division 2: Early Reductions
Section 115.920 Applicability4/26/022/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.923 Documentation04/26/022/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Division 3: Compliance and Control Plan Requirements
Section 115.930 Compliance Dates4/26/022/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.932 Congtrol Plan Procedure4/26/022/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.934 Control Plan Deviation4/26/022/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.936 Reporting Procedure11/10/935/22/97, 62 FR 27964
Section 115.940 Equivalency Determination4/26/022/27/08, 73 FR 10383
Section 115.950 Use of Emissions Credits for Compliance12/06/009/6/06, 71 FR 52698
Chapter 116 (Reg 6)-Control of Air Pollution by Permits for New Construction or Modification
Subchapter A-Definitions
Section 116.10 Definitions9/15/20109/9/2016, 81 FR 62385SIP does not include 30 TAC Section 116.10(5)(F) or 116.10(9)(F) .
Section 116.11 Compliance History Definitions06/17/9809/18/02, 67 FR 58709.
Section 116.12 Nonattainment and Prevention of Significant Deterioration Review Definitions3/26/201411/10/2014, 79 FR 66626The SIP does NOT include the substantive revisions to the definitions of "major stationary source" at 30 TAC Section 116.12(19) or "major modification" at 30 TAC Section 116.12(20) pertaining to "Step 2" or "non-anyway" GHG sources.
The SIP includes the TCEQ's letter dated 5/3/2012, which explains and clarifies the TCEQ's interpretation of the definition of "plant-wide applicability limit" in 30 TAC Section 116.12(24) .
Section 116.13 Flexible Permit Definitions7/31/20147/20/2015, 80 FR 42729
Section 116.14 Standard Permit Definitions06/17/9811/14/03, 68 FR 64548
Section 116.17 Qualified Facility Definitions9/15/20109/9/2016, 81 FR 62385
Section 116.18 Electric Generating Facility Permits Definitions5/22/20021/11/2011, 76 FR 1525
Section 116.20 Portable Facilities Definitions2/10/201010/6/2015, 80 FR 60296
Subchapter B-New Source Review Permits
Division 1-Permit Application
Section 116.110 Applicability7/15/202010/14/2020, 85 FR 64968SIP does not include 116.110(a)(5), 116.110(c), or 116.110(d).
Section 116.111 General Application4/22/20208/24/2023, 88 FR 57844
Section 116.112 Distance Limitations4/22/20208/24/2023, 88 FR 57844
Section 116.114 Application Review Schedule10/31/20182/13/2020, 85 FR 8187
Section 116.115 General and Special Conditions2/9/201110/25/2012, 77 FR 65119
Section 116.116 Changes to Facilities7/15/202010/14/2020, 85 FR 64968SIP does not include 30 TAC Section 116.116(b)(3) .
Section 116.117 Documentation and Notification of Changes to Qualified Facilities9/15/20109/9/2016, 81 FR 62385SIP does not include 30 TAC Section 116.117(a)(4)(B) .
Section 116.118 Construction While Permit Amendment Application Pending7/15/202010/14/2020, 85 FR 64968
Section 116.120 Voiding of Permits8/20/034/2/10, 75 FR 16671
Section 116.127 Actual to Projected Actual and Emission Exclusion Test for Emissions2/9/201110/25/2012, 77 FR 65119
Division 4-Permit Fees
Section 116.140 Applicability06/17/9809/18/02, 67 FR 58709
Section 116.141 Determination of Fees9/25/20023/20/2009, 74 FR 11851.
Section 116.143 Payment of Fees8/20/20033/20/2009, 74 FR 11851.
Division 5-Nonattainment Review
Section 116.150 New Major Source or Major Modification in Ozone Nonattainment Area7/25/201210/25/2012, 77 FR 65119
Section 116.151 New Major Source or Major Modification in Nonattainment Area Other than Ozone7/25/201210/25/2012, 77 FR 65119
Division 6-Prevention of Significant Deterioration Review
Section 116.160 Prevention of Significant Deterioration10/31/20182/13/2020, 85 FR 8187The PSD SIP includes 30 TAC Section 116.160(a) as adopted by the State as of 6/2/2010. The PSD SIP includes a letter from the TCEQ dated December 2, 2013, committing that Texas will follow a SIP amendment process to apply its PSD SIP to additional pollutants that are regulated in the future, including non-NAAQS pollutants. The PSD SIP includes a letter from the TCEQ dated May 30, 2014, clarifying the judicial review process for the Texas PSD permit program.
Section 116.161 Source Located in an Attainment Area with Greater than De Minimis Impact06/17/9809/18/02, 67 FR 58709.
Section 116.162 Evaluation of Air Quality Impacts10/10/017/22/04, 69 FR 43752.
Section 116.163 Prevention of Significant Deterioration Permit Fees9/25/20023/20/2009, 74 FR 11851.
Section 116.164 Prevention of Significant Deterioration Applicability for Greenhouse Gases Sources10/31/20182/13/2020, 85 FR 8187The PSD SIP does NOT include 30 TAC Section 116.164(b) .
Section 116.169 Greenhouse Gases Program Transitions3/26/201411/10/2014, 79 FR 66626The PSD SIP does NOT include 30 TAC Section 116.169(b) .
The PSD SIP includes a letter from the TCEQ dated January 13, 2014, regarding the TCEQ's authority to administer EPA-issued GHG PSD permits.
Division 7-Emission Reductions: Offsets
Section 116.170 Applicability of Emission Reductions as Offsets8/20/20033/20/2009, 74 FR 11851.
Section 116.172 Emissions Offsets from Rocket Engine Firing and Cleaning8/20/20033/20/2009, 74 FR 11851.
Section 116.174 Determination by Executive Director to Authorize Reductions6/17/199811/2/2011, 76 FR 67600
Section 116.175 Recordkeeping8/16/199311/2/2011, 76 FR 67600
Section 116.176 Use of Mass Cap Allowances for Offsets3/07/019/6/06, 71 FR 52664.
Division 8-Portable Facilities
Section 116.178 Relocations and Changes of Location of Portable Facilities2/10/201010/6/2015, 80 FR 60296
Subchapter C-Plant-wide Applicability Limits
Division 1-Plant-wide Applicability Limits
Section 116.180 Applicability7/25/201210/25/2012, 77 FR 65119
Section 116.182 Plant-Wide Applicability Limit Permit Application2/9/201110/25/2012, 77 FR 65119
Section 116.184 Application Review Schedule1/11/200610/25/2012, 77 FR 65119
Section 116.186 General and Specific Conditions7/25/201210/25/2012, 77 FR 65119The SIP includes TCEQ's "Letter of explanation and interpretation of the Texas SIP for NSR Reform" dated 5/3/2012, which explains and clarifies TCEQ's interpretation of paragraphs (a), (b)(9) and (c)(2).
Section 116.188 Plant-Wide Applicability Limit2/9/201110/25/2012, 77 FR 65119
Section 116.190 Federal Nonattainment and Prevention of Significant Deterioration Review2/9/201110/25/2012, 77 FR 65119
Section 116.192 Amendments and Alterations2/9/201110/25/2012, 77 FR 65119
Section 116.194 Public Notification and Comment6/2/20101/6/2014, 79 FR 551
Section 116.196 Renewal of a Plant-wide Applicability Limit Permit10/31/20182/13/2020, 85 FR 8187
Section 116.198 Expiration of Voidance10/31/20182/13/2020, 85 FR 8187
Subchapter D-Permit Renewals
Section 116.310 Notification of Permit Holder10/31/20182/13/2020, 85 FR 8187
Section 116.311 Permit Renewal Application8/21/20029/9/2016, 81 FR 62385SIP does not include 30 TAC Section 116.311(a)(6) .
Section 116.312 Public Notification and Comment Procedures9/2/19991/6/2014, 79 FR 551
Section 116.313 Renewal Application Fees8/20/20033/20/2009, 74 FR 11851.
Section 116.314 Review Schedule6/17/199811/14/2011, 76 FR 70354
Section 116.315 Permit Renewal Submittal5/7/20083/11/10, 75 FR 11464
Subchapter F-Standard Permits
Section 116.601 Types of Standard Permits2/9/20114/1/2014, 79 FR 18183
Section 116.602 Issuance of Standard Permits12/16/9911/14/03, 68 FR 64548
Section 116.603 Public Participation in Issuance of Standard Permits9/20/069/17/08, 73 FR 53716
Section 116.604 Duration and Renewal of Registrations to Use Standard Permits12/16/9911/14/03, 68 FR 64548
Section 116.605 Standard Permit Amendment and Revocation12/16/9911/14/03, 68 FR 64548
Section 116.606 Delegation12/16/9911/14/03, 68 FR 64548
Section 116.610 Applicability3/26/201411/10/2014, 79 FR 6662630 TAC Section 116.610(b) is SIP-approved as adopted by the State as of 11/20/2002.
The SIP does NOT include 30 TAC Section 116.610(d)
Section 116.611 Registration to Use a Standard Permit10/31/20182/13/2020, 85 FR 818730 TAC Section 116.611(b) is SIP-approved as adopted by the State as of 11/20/2002. The SIP does NOT include 30 TAC Section 116.611(c)(3), (c)(3)(A), and (c)(3)(B) .
Section 116.614 Standard Permit Fees9/25/20023/20/2009, 74 FR 11851.
Section 116.615 General Conditions10/31/20182/13/2020, 85 FR 8187
Section 116.617 State Pollution Control Project Standard Permit1/11/20064/1/2014, 79 FR 18183
Section 116.620 Installation and/or Modification of Oil and Gas Facilities8/9/20002/14/2014, 79 FR 8861The types of emission units that may be authorized by this section are the following:
[.] Internal combustion engines (ICEs),
[.] Natural gas turbines (NG turbines),
[.] Flares,
[.] Other combustion units (design heat input [GREATER THAN]40 million BTU per hour),
[.] Natural gas glycol dehydration units,
[.] Storage tanks,
[.] Separators,
[.] Condensers,
[.] Vapor recovery units,
[.] Process vents, and
[.] Process fugitives
Subchapter G: Flexible Permits
Section 116.710 ApplicabilityJuly 15, 202010/14/2020, 85 FR 64968
Section 116.711 Flexible Permit Application7/31/20147/20/2015, 80 FR 42729SIP includes 30 TAC 116.711(1), (2)(A), (B) and (C)(i) and (ii), (D)-(J), and (L)-(N)
Section 116.714 Application Review Schedule6/17/19987/14/2014, 79 FR 40666
Section 116.715 General and Special Conditions7/31/20147/20/2015, 80 FR 42729SIP includes 30 TAC 116.715(a)-(e) and (f)(1) and (2)(B)
Section 116.716 Emission Caps and Individual Emission Limitations7/31/20147/20/2015, 80 FR 42729
Section 116.717 Implementation Schedule for Additional Controls7/31/20147/20/2015, 80 FR 42729
Section 116.718 Significant Emission Increase7/31/20147/20/2015, 80 FR 42729
Section 116.720 Limitation on Physical and Operational Changes7/31/20147/20/2015, 80 FR 42729
116.721Amendments and AlterationsJuly 15, 202010/14/2020, 85 FR 64968
Section 116.722 Distance Limitations8/9/20007/14/2014, 79 FR 40666
Section 116.740 Public Notice and Comment7/31/20147/20/2015, 80 FR 42729SIP includes 30 TAC Section 116.740(a) .
Section 116.750 Flexible Permit Fee7/31/20147/20/2015, 80 FR 42729
Section 116.760 Flexible Permit Renewal11/16/19947/20/2015, 80 FR 42729
Section 116.765 Compliance Schedule7/31/20147/20/2015, 80 FR 42729SIP includes 30 TAC Section 116.765(b) and (c) .
Subchapter I-Electric Generating Facility Permits
Section 116.910 Applicability6/9/20218/24/2023, 88 FR 57844
Section 116.911 Electric Generating Facility Permit Application6/9/20218/24/2023, 88 FR 57844Section 116.911(a)(2) is authorized for Minor NSR only.
Section 116.912 Electing Electric Generating Facilities12/16/19991/11/2011, 76 FR 1525
Section 116.913 General and Special Conditions5/22/20021/11/2011, 76 FR 1525
Section 116.914 Emissions Monitoring and Reporting Requirements12/16/19991/11/2011, 76 FR 1525
Section 116.916 Permits for Grandfathered and Electing Electric Generating Facilities in El Paso County12/16/19991/1/2011, 76 FR 1525
Section 116.917 Electric Generating Facility Permit Application for Certain Grandfathered Coal-Fired Electric Generating Facilities and Certain Grandfathered Facilities Located at Electric Generating Facility Sites5/22/20021/11/2011, 76 FR 1525
Section 116.918 Additional General and Special Conditions for Grandfathered Coal-Fired Electric Generating Facilities and Certain Grandfathered Facilities Located at Electric Generating Facility Sites5/22/20021/11/2011, 76 FR 1525
Section 116.919 Additional Requirements for Grandfathered Electric Generating Facility Permit Applications8/21/021/6/14
79 FR 577
Section 116.920 Public Participation for Initial Issuance6/9/20218/24/2023, 88 FR 57844
Section 116.921 Notice and Comment Hearings for Initial Issuance5/22/20021/11/2011, 76 FR 1525
Section 116.922 Notice of Final Action12/16/19991/11/2011, 76 FR 1525
Section 116.926 Permit Fee5/22/20021/11/2011, 76 FR 1525
Section 116.928 Delegation5/22/20021/11/2011, 76 FR 1525
Section 116.930 Amendments and Alterations of Permits Issued Under this Subchapter5/22/20021/11/2011, 76 FR 1525
Section 116.931 Renewal12/16/19991/11/2011, 76 FR 1525
Subchapter M: Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART)
Section 116.1500 Definitions2/25/20091/5/2016, 81 FR 350
Section 116.1510 Applicability and Exemption Requirements2/25/20091/5/2016, 81 FR 350116.1510(d) is NOT part of the approved SIP.
Section 116.1520 Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) Analysis2/25/20091/5/2016, 81 FR 350
Section 116.1530 Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) Control Implementation6/9/20218/24/2023, 88 FR 57844
Section 116.1540 Exemption from Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) Control Implementation2/25/20091/5/2016, 81 FR 350
Chapter 117-Control of Air Pollution From Nitrogen Compounds
Subchapter A-Definitions
Section 117.10 Definitions6/3/20154/13/2016, 81 FR 21750
Subchapter B-Combustion Control at Major Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Sources in Ozone Nonattainment Areas
Division 1-Beaumont-Port Arthur Ozone Nonattainment Area Major Sources
Section 117.100 Applicability5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.103 Exemptions5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.105 Emission Specifications for Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT)5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.110 Emission Specifications for Attainment Demonstration5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562117.110(c) not in SIP.
Section 117.115 Alternative Plant-Wide Emission Specifications5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.123 Source Cap5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.130 Operating Requirements5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.135 Initial Demonstration of Compliance5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.140 Continuous Demonstration of Compliance2/11/20097/31/2009, 74 FR 38102
Section 117.145 Notification, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements2/11/20097/31/2009, 74 FR 38102
Section 117.150 Initial Control Plan Procedures5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.152 Final Control Plan Procedures for Reasonably Available Control Technology5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.154 Final Control Plan Procedures for Attainment Demonstration Emission Specifications5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.156 Revision of Final Control Plan5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Division 3-Houston-Galveston-Brazoria Ozone Nonattainment Area Major Sources
Section 117.300 Applicability5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.303 Exemptions5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.305 Emission Specifications for Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT)5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.310 Emission Specifications for Attainment Demonstration5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562117.310(c) not in SIP.
Section 117.315 Alternative Plant-Wide Emission Specifications5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.320 System Cap5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.323 Source Cap5/30/20071/14/2009, 74 FR 1927
Section 117.330 Operating Requirements5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.335 Initial Demonstration of Compliance5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.340 Continuous Demonstration of Compliance2/11/20097/31/2009, 74 FR 38102
Section 117.345 Notification, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements2/11/20097/31/2009, 74 FR 38102
Section 117.350 Initial Control Plan Procedures5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.352 Final Control Plan Procedures for Reasonably Available Control Technology5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.354 Final Control Plan Procedures for Attainment Demonstration Emission Specifications5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.356 Revision of Final Control Plan5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Division 4-Dallas-Fort Worth Eight-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area Major Sources
Section 117.400 Applicability6/3/20154/13/2016, 81 FR 21750
Section 117.403 Exemptions6/3/20154/13/2016, 81 FR 21750
Section 117.405 Emission Specifications for Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT)6/3/20154/13/2016, 81 FR 21750117.405(d) Not in SIP.
Section 117.410 Emission Specifications for Eight-Hour Attainment Demonstration Reporting6/3/20154/13/2016, 81 FR 21925117.410(c) NOT in SIP.
Section 117.423 Source Cap6/3/20154/13/2016, 81 FR 21750
Section 117.430 Operating Requirements6/3/20154/13/2016, 81 FR 21750
Section 117.435 Initial Demonstration of Compliance6/3/20154/13/2016, 81 FR 21750
Section 117.440 Continuous Demonstration of Compliance6/3/20154/13/2016, 81 FR 21750
Section 117.445 Notification, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements6/3/20154/13/2016, 81 FR 21750
Section 117.450 Initial Control Plan Procedures6/3/20154/13/2016, 81 FR 21750
Section 117.452 Final Control Plan Procedures for Reasonably Available Control Technology6/3/20154/13/2016, 81 FR 21750
Section 117.454 Final Control Plan Procedures for Attainment Demonstration Emission Specifications6/3/20154/13/2016, 81 FR 21750
Section 117.456 Revision of Final Control Plan6/3/20154/13/2016, 81 FR 21750
Subchapter C-Combustion Control at Major Utility Electric Generation Sources in Ozone Nonattainment Areas
Division 1-Beaumont-Port Arthur Ozone Nonattainment Area Utility Electric Generation Sources
Section 117.1000 Applicability5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.1003 Exemptions5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.1005 Emission Specifications for Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT)5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.1010 Emission Specifications for Attainment Demonstration5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562117.1010(b) not in SIP.
Section 117.1015 Alternative System-Wide Emission Specifications5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.1020 System Cap4/6/20127/31/2014, 79 FR 44300
Section 117.1035 Initial Demonstration of Compliance5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.1040 Continuous Demonstration of Compliance5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.1045 Notification, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.1052 Final Control Plan Procedures for Reasonably Available Control Technology5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.1054 Final Control Plan Procedures for Attainment Demonstration Emission Specifications5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.1056 Revision of Final Control Plan5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Division 3-Houston-Galveston-Brazoria Ozone Nonattainment Area Utility Electric Generation Sources
Section 117.1200 Applicability5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.1203 Exemptions5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.1205 Emission Specifications for Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT)5/30/20071/14/2009, 74 FR 1927
Section 117.1210 Emission Specifications for Attainment Demonstration5/30/20071/14/2009, 74 FR 1927117.1210(b) not in SIP.
Section 117.1215 Alternative System-Wide Emission Specifications5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.1220 System Cap4/6/20127/31/14, 79 FR 44300
Section 117.1235 Initial Demonstration of Compliance5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.1240 Continuous Demonstration of Compliance5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.1245 Notification, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.1252 Final Control Plan Procedures for Reasonably Available Control Technology5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.1254 Final Control Plan Procedures for Attainment Demonstration Emission Specifications5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.1256 Revision of Final Control Plan5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Division 4-Dallas-Fort Worth Eight-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area Utility Electric Generation Sources
Section 117.1303 Exemptions6/3/20154/13/2016, 81 FR 21750
Section 117.1310 Emission Specifications for Eight-Hour Attainment Demonstration6/3/20154/13/2016, 81 FR 21750117.1310(b) Not in SIP.
Section 117.1335 Initial Demonstration of Compliance6/3/20154/13/2016, 81 FR 21750
Section 117.1340 Continuous Demonstration of Compliance6/3/20154/13/2016, 81 FR 21750
Section 117.1345 Notification, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements6/3/20154/13/2016, 81 FR 21750 Plan
Section 117.1350 Initial Control Plan Procedures6/3/20154/13/2016, 81 FR 21750
Section 117.1354 Final Control Plan Procedures for Attainment Demonstration Emission Specifications6/3/20154/13/2016, 81 FR 21750
Subchapter D-Combustion Control at Minor Sources in Ozone Nonattainment Areas
Division 1-Houston-Galveston-Brazoria Ozone Nonattainment Area Minor Sources
Section 117.2000 Applicability5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.2003 Exemptions5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.2010 Emission Specification5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562117.2010(i) not in SIP.
Section 117.2030 Operating Requirements5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.2035 Monitoring and Testing Requirements2/11/20097/31/2009, 74 FR 38102
Section 117.2045 Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements2/11/20097/31/2009, 74 FR 38102
Division 2-Dallas-Fort Worth Eight-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area Minor Sources
Section 117.2100 Applicability5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.2103 Exemptions5/8/20137/31/14, 79 FR 44300
Section 117.2110 Emission Specifications for Eight-Hour Attainment Demonstration5/18/20115/6/2013, 78 FR 26251
Section 117.2130 Operating Requirements5/8/20137/31/2014, 79 FR 44300
Section 117.2135 Monitoring, Notification, and Testing Requirements5/8/20137/31/2014, 79 FR 44300
Section 117.2145 Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements5/8/20137/31/2014, 79 FR 44300
Subchapter E-Multi-Region Combustion Control
Division 1-Utility Electric Generation in East and Central Texas
Section 117.3000 Applicability5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.3003 Exemptions5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.3005 Gas-Fired Steam Generation5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.3010 Emission Specifications5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562117.3010(2) not in SIP.
Section 117.3020 System Cap4/6/20127/31/2014, 79 FR 44302
Section 117.3035 Initial Demonstration of Compliance5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.3040 Continuous Demonstration of Compliance5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.3045 Notification, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.3054 Final Control Plan Procedures5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.3056 Revision of Final Control Plan5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Division 2-Cement Kilns
Section 117.3100 Applicability5/30/20071/14/2009, 74 FR 1927
Section 117.3101 Cement Kilns Definitions5/30/20071/14/2009, 74 FR 1927
Section 117.3103 Exemptions5/30/20071/14/2009, 74 FR 1927
Section 117.3110 Emission Specifications5/30/20071/14/2009, 74 FR 1927
Section 117.3120 Source Cap5/30/20071/14/2009, 74 FR 1927
Section 117.3123 Dallas-Fort Worth Eight-Hour Ozone Attainment Demonstration Control Requirements5/30/20071/14/2009, 74 FR 1927117.3123(f) not in SIP.
Section 117.3140 Continuous Demonstration of Compliance5/30/20071/14/2009, 74 FR 1927
Section 117.3142 Emission Testing and Monitoring for Eight-Hour Attainment Demonstration5/30/20071/14/2009, 74 FR 1927
Section 117.3145 Notification, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements5/30/20071/14/2009, 74 FR 1927
Division 3-Water Heaters, Small Boilers, and Process Heaters
Section 117.3200 Applicability5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.3201 Definitions5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.3203 Exemptions5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.3205 Emission Specifications5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.3210 Certification requirements5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.3215 Notification and Labeling Requirements5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Division 4-East Texas Combustion
Section 117.3300 Applicability5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.3303 Exemptions5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.3310 Emission Specifications for Eight-Hour Attainment Demonstration5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562117.3310(e) not in SIP.
Section 117.3330 Operating Requirements5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.3335 Monitoring, Notification, and Testing Requirements5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.3345 Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Subchapter F-Acid Manufacturing
Division 1-Adipic Acid Manufacturing
Section 117.4000 Applicability5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.4005 Emission Specifications5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.4025 Alternative Case Specific Specifications5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.4035 Initial Demonstration of Compliance5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.4040 Continuous Demonstration of Compliance5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.4045 Notification, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.4050 Control Plan Procedures5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Division 2-Nitric Acid Manufacturing-Ozone Nonattainment Areas
Section 117.4100 Applicability5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.4105 Emission Specifications5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.4125 Alternative Case Specific Specifications5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.4135 Initial Demonstration of Compliance5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.4140 Continuous Demonstration of Compliance5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.4145 Notification, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.4150 Control Plan Procedures5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Division 2-Nitric Acid Manufacturing-Ozone Nonattainment Areas" under Subchapter F to read "Division 3-Nitric Acid Manufacturing-General
Section 117.4200 Applicability5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.4205 Emission Specifications5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.4210 Applicability of Federal New Source Performance Standards5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Subchapter G-General Monitoring and Testing Requirements
Division 1-Compliance Stack Testing and Report Requirements
Section 117.8000 Stack Testing Requirements6/3//20154/13/2016, 81 FR 21750
Section 117.8010 Compliance Stack Test Reports5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Division 2-Emission Monitoring
Section 117.8100 Emission Monitoring System Requirements for Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Sources5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.8110 Emission Monitoring System Requirements for Utility Electric Generation Sources5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.8120 Carbon Monoxide (CO) Monitoring5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.8130 Ammonia Monitoring5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.8140 Emission Monitoring for Engines5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Subchapter H-Administrative Provisions
Division 1-Compliance Schedules
Section 117.9000 Compliance Schedule for Beaumont-Port Arthur Ozone Nonattainment Area Major Sources5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.9020 Compliance Schedule for Houston-Galveston-Brazoria Ozone Nonattainment Area Major Sources5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.9030 Compliance Schedule for Dallas-Fort Worth Eight-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area Major Sources6/3/20154/13/2016, 81 FR 21750
Section 117.9100 Compliance Schedule for Beaumont-Port Arthur Ozone Nonattainment Area Utility Electric Generation Sources5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.9120 Compliance Schedule for Houston-Galveston-Brazoria Ozone Nonattainment Area Utility Electric Generation Sources5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.9130 Compliance Schedule For Dallas-Fort Worth Eight-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area Utility Electric Generation Sources6/3/20154/13/2016, 81 FR 21750
Section 117.9200 Compliance Schedule for Houston-Galveston-Brazoria Ozone Nonattainment Area Minor Sources5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.9210 Compliance Schedule for Dallas-Fort Worth Eight-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area Minor Sources5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.9300 Compliance Schedule for Utility Electric Generation in East and Central Texas5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.9320 Compliance Schedule for Cement Kilns5/30/20071/14/2009, 74 FR 1927
Section 117.9340 Compliance Schedule for East Texas Combustion5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Section 117.9500 Compliance Schedule for Nitric Acid and Adipic Acid Manufacturing Sources5/30/200712/3/2008, 73 FR 73562
Division 2-Compliance Flexibility
Section 117.9800 Use of Emission Credits For Compliance6/3/20154/13/2016, 81 FR 21750
Section 117.9810 Use of Emission Reductions Generated from the Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP)6/3/20155/11/2017, 82 FR 21925
Chapter 118 (Reg 8)-Control Of Air Pollution Episodes
Section 118.1 Generalized Air Pollution Episodes03/05/0007/26/00
Section 118.2 Provisions Governing Generalized Episode Control03/05/0007/26/00
Section 118.3 Localized Air Pollution Episodes03/05/0007/26/00
Section 118.4 Hearings.03/05/0007/26/00
Section 118.5 Emission Reduction Plan03/05/0007/26/00
Section 118.6 Texas Air Pollution Episode Contingency Plan and Emergency Management Center03/05/0007/26/00
Chapter 122-Federal Operating Permits Program
Subchapter B-Permit Requirements
Division 2-Applicability
Section 122.122 Potential to Emit3/26/201411/10/2014
79 FR 66626
The SIP does NOT include 30 TAC Section 122.122(e)(3), (e)(3)(A), or (e)(3)(B) .

(d) EPA-Approved State Source-Specific Requirements.

EPA-Approved Texas Source-Specific Requirements

Name of SourcePermit or Order NumberState Effective DateEPA Approval Date Comments
Alcoa Inc., Rockdale, Milam County, TexasAgreed Order No. 2000-0032-SIP4/19/200010/26/00, 65 FR 64155H/GA, D/FW, and B/PA, Texas 1-hour ozone standard attainment demonstrations.
Eastman Chemical Company, Texas Operations, Longview, Harrison County, TexasAgreed Order No. 2000-0033-SIP4/19/200010/26/00, 65 FR 64156H/GA, D/FW, and B/PA, Texas 1-hour ozone standard attainment demonstrations.
Gould National Battery, IncorporatedOrder Nos. 92-09(k), 93-12, 99-0351-SIP9/3/92, 6/2/93, 7/8/99, respectively11/29/94, 11/29/94, October 13, 1999, respectively92-09(k) and 93-12 were incorporated by reference in our approval of the lead SIP on 11/29/94, (59 FR 60905).
Continental Airlines at George Bush Intercontinental Airport, Houston, TexasAgreed Order No. 2000-0826-SIP10/18/0011/14/2001, 66 FR 57222HGA, Texas 1-hour ozone standard attainment demonstrations.
Southwest Airlines at William Hobby Airport, Houston, TexasAgreed Order No. 2000-0827-SIP12/06/0011/14/2001, 66 FR 57222HGA, Texas 1-hour ozone standard attainment demonstrations.
American Airlines, American Eagle Airlines at D/FW International airport, TexasAgreed Order No. 2000-1149-SIP5/23/20014/22/2002, 67 FR 19516DFW, Texas 1-hour ozone standard attainment demonstrations.
Delta Airlines at D/FW International Airport, TexasAgreed Order No. 2001-0221-AIR5/23/20014/22/2002, 67 FR 19516DFW, Texas 1-hour ozone standard attainment demonstrations.
Southwest Airlines at Love Field, TexasAgreed Order No. 2001-0222-AIR5/23/20014/22/2002, 67 FR 19516DFW, Texas 1-hour ozone standard attainment demonstrations.
ExxonMobil Oil Corporation, Jefferson County, TexasAgreed Order No. 2004-0846-SIP12/15/20044/12/2005, 70 FR 18995
Huntsman Petrochemical Corporation, Port Neches Plant, Jefferson County, TexasAgreed Order No. 2004-0882-SIP12/15/20044/12/2005, 70 FR 18995
Huntsman Petrochemical Corporation, Port Arthur Plant, Jefferson County, TexasAgreed Order No. 2004-0845-SIP12/15/20044/12/2005, 70 FR 18995
ISP Elastomers, Jefferson County, TexasAgreed Order No. 2004-0842-SIP12/15/20044/12/2005, 70 FR 18995
Mobil Chemical Company, Division of ExxonMobil Oil Corporation, Jefferson County, TexasAgreed Order No. 2004-0841-SIP12/15/20044/12/2005, 70 FR 18995
Motiva Enterprises LLC, Jefferson County, TexasAgreed Order No. 2004-0843-SIP12/15/20044/12/2005, 70 FR 18995
Premcor Refining Group, Inc., Jefferson County, TexasAgreed Order No. 2004-0844-SIP12/15/20044/12/2005, 70 FR 18995
Mobil Chemical Company, Division of ExxonMobil Oil Corporation, Jefferson County, TexasAgreed Order No. 2004-1654-SIP12/15/20044/12/2005, 70 FR 18995
American Electric Power Knox Lee Plant (Gregg Co.), Pirkey Plant (Harrison Co.), Wilkes Plant (Cass Co.)2001-0878-RUL03/13/20028/19/2005, 70 FR 48642
Texas Utilities Martin Lake plant (Rusk Co.), Monticello plant (Titus Co.)2001-0879-RUL03/13/20028/19/2005, 70 FR 48642
Eastman Chemical Company Longview plant (Harrison Co.)2001-0880-RUL03/13/20028/19/2005, 70 FR 48642
Alcoa Inc, Rockdale, Milam County, TexasPermit Number 484374/27/058/15/2008, 73 FR 47835
Exide TechnologiesAgreed Order No. 2011-0521-MIS8/14/20126/29/2017, 82 FR 29430
TXI Operations LP (Texas Industries, Inc., TXI), Kiln #5, Ellis County, TexasAgreed Order No. 2017-1648-SIP08/21/1802/22/19, 84 FR 5602DFW 2008 8-Hour ozone standard.

(e) EPA approved nonregulatory provisions and quasi-regulatory measures.

EPA Approved Statutes in the Texas SIP

Title/SubjectState approval/submittal dateEPA approval date Comments
Texas Clean Air Act (Article 4477-5), Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes1/28/7205/31/72, 37 FR 10895As amended by S.B. 48 of 1969.
Article 698d Air Pollution, Penal Code of Texas, 19251/28/7205/31/72, 37 FR 10895As amended by S.B. No. 5 of 1969.
House Bill 3221/28/7205/31/72, 37 FR 10895As passed by the 62nd Legislature of Texas, amending the Texas Clean Act regarding permits for construction or modification of facilities.
Texas Clean Air (Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat. Ann. Art. 4477-5) as amended June 13, 19797/23/8112/15/81, 46 FR 61125Ref 52.2299(c)(29).
Air Pollution (Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat. Ann. Art. 4477-5b) as amended January 1, 19747/23/8112/15/81, 46 FR 61125Ref 52.2299(c)(29).
Texas Administrative Procedure and Texas Register Act07/23/8112/15/81, 46 FR 61125Ref 52.2299(c)(29).
(Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat. Ann. Art. 6252-13a) effective January 1, 19767/23/8112/15/81, 46 FR 61125Ref 52.2299(c)(29).
Texas Open Record Act (Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat. Ann. Art. 6252-17a) as amended May 27, 197507/23/8112/15/81, 46 FR 61125Ref 52.2299(c)(29).
Standards of Conduct of State Officers and Employees (Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat. Ann. Art. 6252-9b) effective January 1, 19747/23/8112/15/81, 46 FR 61125Ref 52.2299(c)(29).
Department of Public Safety and Texas Air Control Board Rules and Regulations, Texas Vehicle Inspection Act Article XV11/9/8406/26/85, 50 FR 26362Ref 52.2299(c)(61).
Documentation to Authorize and Support the Implementation and Enforcement of the Texas Vehicle parameter Inspection and Maintenance Program, Appendix X, containing the following documents:
A. Senate Bill 120511/9/8406/26/85, 50 FR 26362Ref 52.2299(c)(61).
B. Letters of Commitment from Texas Department of Public Safety City of Houston Police Department and Harris County Sheriff11/9/8406/26/85, 50 FR 26362Ref 52.2299(c)(61).
C. Parameter Vehicle Emission Inspection and Maintenance Rules and Regulations for Official Vehicle Inspection Stations and Certified Inspectors, July 1, 198411/9/8406/26/85, 50 FR 26362Ref 52.2299(c)(61).
Texas Motor Vehicle Laws, 1981-1982-Rules and Regulations for Official Vehicle Inspection Stations and Certified Inspectors, November 11, 1983, Sections A,B,C, pages C-1, C-16, C-17, C-18, C-26, C-27, and C-28, D, and E pages E-1, E-6, E-7, E-8, and E-911/9/8406/26/85, 50 FR 26362Ref 52.2299(c)(61).
VIMTCM, Appendix AJ, Excerpted Senate Bill 725, section 35(d) and (g) effective September 1, 1985; and House Bill 1593 sections 21 and 22 effective June 18, 198709/30/85 and 12/21/8702/09/89, 54 FR 06287Ref 52.2299(c)(66).
Texas Clean Air Act (TCAA), Texas Health and Safety Code Ann. (Vernon 1992), Section 382.0365 , "Small Business Stationary Source Assistance Program", enacted by the Texas 1991 legislative session and effective September 1, 199111/13/9208/19/94, 59 FR 42759Ref 52.2299(c)(85).
Legal opinion letter dated October 15, 1992 from Kirk P. Watson, Chairman, TACB, to Mr. B.J. Wynne, III, Regional Administrator, EPA Region 6, regarding the composition of the Small Business Compliance Advisory Panel of Texas11/13/9208/19/94, 59 FR 42759Ref 52.2299(c)(85).
House Bill 1969, an act relating to motor vehicle registration, inspections, and providing penalties amending:
(1) Sections 382.037 and 382.038 of the Texas Health and Safety Code;11/12/93 and 03/09/9408/22/94, 59 FR 43046Ref 52.2299(c)(87).
(2) Section 2 Chapter 88, General Laws, Acts of the 41st legislature, 2nd called session, 1929 (Article 6675a-2, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes);11/12/93 and 03/09/9408/22/94, 59 FR 43046Ref 52.2299(c)(87).
(3) Title 116, Article 6675b-4, 6675b-4A, and 6675b-4B;11/12/93 and 03/09/9408/22/94, 59 FR 43046Ref 52.2299(c)(87).
(4) Section 141(d), and section 142(h), Uniform Act Regulating Traffic on Highways (Article 6701d, Vernon's Civil Statutes);11/12/93 and 03/09/9408/22/94, 59 FR 43046Ref 52.2299(c)(87).
(5) Section 4.202 , County Road and Bridge Act (Article 6702-1, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes). Signed by the Governor on 1/8/93, effective 08/30/9311/12/93 and 03/09/9408/22/94, 59 FR 43046Ref 52.2299(c)(87).
Texas Health and Safety Code (Vernon 1990), the Texas Clean Air Act, sections 382.017 , 382.037 , 382.038 , effective September 1, 199111/12/93 and 3/09/948/22/94, 59 FR 43046Ref 52.2299(c)(87).
Order No. 93-23, as adopted November 10, 1993, and Order No. 94-02 as adopted February 16, 199411/12/93 and 03/09/9408/22/94, 59 FR 43046Ref 52.2299(c)(87).
Texas Civil Statutes, Articles 6675a-1 to 6675b-2 and 6687-1. (Vernon 1993)11/12/93 and 03/09/9408/22/94, 59 FR 43046Ref 52.2299(c)(87).
Texas Portable Fuel Container State Implementation PlanAll Affected 1997 Eight-Hour Ozone Standard Nonattainment And Near Nonattainment Areas In The State Of Texas3/4/20102/24/2011, 76 FR 10249

EPA Approved Nonregulatory Provisions and Quasi-Regulatory Measures in the Texas SIP

Name of SIP provision Applicable geographic or nonattainment areaState submittal/effective dateEPA approval date Comments
Public HearingsStatewide2/8/7205/31/72, 37 FR 10895Ref 52.2299(c)(1).
HydroCarbon Emission DataStatewide5/2/7205/31/72, 37 FR 10895Ref 52.2299(c)(2).
Source SurveillanceStatewide5/3/725/31/72, 37 FR 10895Ref 52.2299(c)(2).
Minor RevisionsStatewide07/31/7210/28/72, 37 FR 23092Ref 52.2299(c)(4).
Attainment Date CorrectionsStatewide11/10/722/8/73, 38 FR 03600Ref 52.2299(c)(6).
Classification Revisions for PM, SOx, and COStatewide03/21/754/18/77, 42 FR 20131Ref 52.2299(c)(9).
Administrative RevisionsStatewide4/20/77, 42 FR 20463Ref 52.2299(c)(11).
Air Quality Surveillance PlanStatewide08/02/764/18/77, 42 FR 20131Ref 52.2299(c)(12).
Air Quality Surveillance PlanStatewide08/12/773/7/78, 43 FR 09276Ref 52.2299(c)(13).
Administrative Revisions to Section XStatewide7/6/77, 42 FR 34518Ref 52.2299(c)(14).
Administrative Revisions to Section IXStatewide08/14/784/11/79, 44 FR 21644Ref 52.2299(c)(16).
Board Order No. 78-6Corpus Christi, TX07/24/7809/24/79, 44 FR 55005Ref 52.2299(c)(17) (see 52.2275)
Draft inspection/mainte- nance legislation and study scheduleHarris County4/13/7912/18/79, 44 FR 74831Ref 52.2299(c)(18).
Adopted inspection/maintenance legislation and administrative revisionsHarris County08/09/7912/19/79, 44 FR 74831Ref 52.2299(c)(19).
Plan Revisions (Part D requirements)Statewide4/13/7903/25/80, 45 FR 19244Ref 52.2299(c)(20).
Administrative Revisions to Transportation ControlStatewide08/09/7903/25/80, 45 FR 19244Ref 52.2299(c)(21).
Transportation Control Measures for Harris CountyHarris County12/28/7908/06/80, 45 FR 52148Ref 52.2299(c)(24).
Board Order No. 78-8General Portland, Inc., New Braunfels, Comal County, TX09/13/7808/28/81, 46 FR 43425Ref 52.2299(c)(26). (See 52.2276).
Administrative Revision to Section IStatewide07/23/8111/13/81, 46 FR 55970Ref 52.2299(c)(28).
Administrative Revision to Section VStatewide07/23/8112/15/81, 46 FR 61125Ref 52.2299(c)(29).
Plan Revisions for Intergovernmental Consultation and CompositionStatewide4/13/7903/29/82, 47 FR 13143Ref 52.2299(c)(32).
Texas Lead SIP and Board Order No. 82-11Statewide excluding Dallas and El Paso areas06/12/8010/4/83, 48 FR 45248Ref 52.2299(c)(41).
Texas Air Pollution Emergency Episode Contingency PlanStatewide05/18/8210/07/82, 47 FR 44261Ref 52.2299(c)(42).
Administrative Revision to Section XIIStatewide07/06/8210/25/82, 47 FR 47247Ref 52.2299(c)(47).
Administrative Revision to Section IIIN/A08/17/8203/31/83, 48 FR 13428Ref 52.2299(c)(51).
Administrative Revision to Section IXStatewide06/22/8311/07/83, 48 FR 51153Ref 52.2299(c)(52).
Lead Plan for Dallas County, TXDallas County, TX4/6/8408/15/84, 49 FR 32580Ref 52.2299(c)(54).
Revisions to Lead Plan for Dallas County, TXDallas County, TX07/16/8408/15/84, 49 FR 32580Ref 52.2299(c)(55).
Lead Plan for El Paso CountyEl Paso County, TX06/20/8408/13/84, 49 FR 32190Ref 52.2299(c)(56).
Alternative Emission Control Plan for Exxon Baytown RefineryBaytown, TX03/18/8307/10/85, 50 FR 26992Ref 52.2299(c)(60) (Board Order No. 83-2).
Plan for Ozone Attainment in Harris CountyHarris County, TX12/09/82, 1/3/84, 03/18/8506/26/85, 50 FR 26362Ref 52.2299(c)(61).
Alternative Emission Reduction Plan for Continental Can Company, Longview, TXGregg County, (Longview), TX07/25/8505/05/89, 54 FR 19373Ref 52.2299(c)(64).
Revision to Lead Plan for El Paso County and Board Order No. 87-14El Paso County, TX10/26/8705/06/88, 53 FR 16263Ref 52.2299(c)(65).
Ozone Attainment Plan for Dallas and Tarrant CountiesDallas and Tarrant Counties, TX09/30/85 and 12/21/8702/09/89, 54 FR 06287Ref 52.2299(c)(66).
Vehicle Inspection and MaintenanceDallas-Fort Worth, El Paso County and Houston-Galveston-Brazoria6/11/201510/7/2016, 81 FR 69684
VIMTCM, Appendix AK, Portions 1 through 6Dallas and Tarrant Counties, TX12/18/8702/09/89, 54 FR 06287Ref 52.2299(c)(66).
VIMTCM, Appendix AM, Sections 1, 2, and 3Dallas and Tarrant Counties, TX12/18/8702/09/89, 54 FR 06287Ref 52.2299(c)(66).
VIMTCM, Appendix ANDallas and Tarrant Counties, TX12/18/8702/09/89, 54 FR 06287Ref 52.2299(c)(66).
Part II of the Visibility Protection Plan and Board Order No. 87-15Big Bend and Guadalupe Mountain National Parks09/18/8702/23/89, 54 FR 07770Ref 52.2299(c)(67).
Alternative Emission Reduction Plan (Bubble) for E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Company's Sabine River Works, Orange, TXOrange County, TX03/12/824/13/90Ref 52.2299(c)(70).
Revisions to Texas Air Pollution Episode Contingency PlanStatewide10/02/8709/06/90, 55 FR 36634Ref 52.2299(c)(71).
Revisions to Ozone Attainment Plan for Dallas and Tarrant CountiesDallas and Tarrant Counties, TX03/05/9008/03/90, 55 FR 31587Ref 52.2299(c)(72).
Revisions for Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Board Orders No. 85-07, 87-09, and 88-08Statewide12/11/85, 10/26/87,
06/4/92, 57 FR 28098Ref 52.2299(c)(73).
For Board Order 87-09, the provisions at paragraphs 7(a) and 7(b) have been replaced by EPA's SIP-approval of 30 TAC 39.411(f)(8)(A) and 39.605(1)(D). See 1/6/14, 79 FR 551
Board Order No. 90-07Tarrant County06/22/9010/12/90, 55 FR 41525Ref 52.2299(c)(74).
Board Order No. 92-19Statewide09/18/9208/30/93, 58 FR 45457Ref 52.2299(c)(76).
Revision for Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Board Order No. 90-13Statewide12/14/9009/09/94, 59 FR 46557Ref 52.2299(c)(78).
Revision addressing PM-10 nonattainment area requirements for El Paso and Board Orders 89-03 and 91-15El Paso, TX11/05/911/18/94, 59 FR 02535Ref 52.2299(c)(79).
City of El Paso, TX, Ordinance, Title 9El Paso, TX12/11/901/18/94, 59 FR 02535Ref 52.2299(c)(79).
Board Order No. 92-16Ozone nonattainment areas10/16/924/15/94, 59 FR 17943Ref 52.2299(c)(81).
Board Order No. 92-20Ozone nonattainment areas08/20/9208/26/94, 59 FR 44039Ref 52.2299(c)(82).
Revision for the El Paso CO nonattainment area and Board Order No. 92-15El Paso County, TX09/18/9209/12/94, 59 FR 46766Ref 52.2299(c)(84).
Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environmental Compliance Assistance ProgramStatewide11/13/9208/19/94, 59 FR 42759Ref 52.2299(c)(85).
Board Order No. 92-22Statewide11/06/9208/19/94, 59 FR 42759Ref 52.2299(c)(85).
Board Order No. 92-04N/A5/8/923/7/95, 60 FR 12438Ref 52.2299(c)(88).
Board Order No. 92-16N/A10/16/923/7/95, 60 FR 12438Ref 52.2299(c)(88).
Revision to Modify SLAMS and NAMS Monitoring Systems and Board Order No. 93-24Statewide11/10/9310/4/94, 59 FR 50504Ref 52.2299(c)(90).
Employer Trip Reduction Program and Board Order No. 92-14Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and Waller Counties11/13/9203/07/95, 60 FR 12442Ref 52.2299(c)(91).
Revision limiting SO2 by agreed orders 94-09 through 94-22Certain Nonpermitted facilities in Harris County08/03/9403/06/95, 60 FR 12125Ref 52.2299(c)(93).
Revision addressing visible emissions with Board Orders 89-03, 90-12, 92-19, and 93-06Statewide08/21/89, 1/29/91, 10/15/92, and 8/4/9305/8/96, 61 FR 20732Ref 52.2299(c)(94).
Alternative Emission Reduction (Bubble) for Shell Oil Company's Deer Park manufacturing complexDeer Park, TX07/26/9306/19/95, 60 FR 31915Ref 52.2299(c)(95).
Transportation Conformity and Board Order No. 94-40Areas designated nonattainment and areas subject to a maintenance plan10/12/9411/8/95, 60 FR 56244Ref 52.2299(c)(96).
Revision to Permitting Regulations and Board Orders No. 85-07, 87-09, 87-17, 88-08, 89-06, 90-05, 91-10, 92-06, 92-18, and 93-17Statewide07/26/85, 07/17/87, 12/18/87, 07/15/88, 08/11/89, 05/18/90, 09/20/91, 5/8/92, 10/16/92, 08/16/9309/27/95, 60 FR 49781Ref 52.2299(c)(97).
VOC RACT Negative DeclarationsBeaumont/Port Arthur, Dallas/Fort Worth, El Paso, Houston/Galveston1/10/9610/30/96, 61 FR 55894Ref 52.2299(c)(103).
VOC RACT Negative Declaration for SOCMI Batch Processing Source CategoryEl Paso1/10/966/7/07, 72 FR 31457.
Alternate Control Strategy for Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc.Ft Worth, TX, Plant 1 facility4/18/9605/30/97, 62 FR 29297Ref 52.2299(c)(100).
Revisions to the Plan concerning Sulfur Dioxide in Milam CountyRockdale, TX10/15/92 and 09/20/9509/30/97, 61 FR 49685Ref 52.2299(c)(101).
TNRCC Order No. 93-20, 94-06, 94-26, 94-0676-SIPThe four ozone nonattainment areas in TX11/10/93, 5/4/94, 07/13/94, 11/9/9405/22/97, 62 FR 27964Ref 52.2299(c)(104).
15% ROP PlanBeaumont/Port Arthur ozone nonattainment area08/09/962/10/98, 63 FR 6659Ref 52.2299(c)(107).
15% ROP PlanDallas/Ft Worth, El Paso, and Houston/Galveston ozone nonattainment areas8/9/9611/10/98, 63 FR 62943Ref 52.2299(c)(113) See also 52.2309.
Lead Maintenance Plan for Gould National Battery, IncorporatedCollin County08/31/9910/13/99, 64 FR 55425Ref. 59 FR 60905 (11/29/94).
Post 96 Rate of Progress PlanHouston, Texas5/19/984/25/01 66 FR 20750Originally submitted 11/9/94 and revised 8/9/96.
Contingency MeasuresHouston, Texas5/19/984/25/01 66 FR 20751Originally submitted 11/9/94 and revised 8/9/96.
Post 96 Rate of Progress PlanHouston, Texas5/19/984/25/01 66 FR 20750Originally submitted 11/9/94 and revised 8/9/96.
Contingency MeasuresHouston, Texas5/19/984/25/01 66 FR 20751Originally submitted 11/9/94 and revised 8/9/96.
Attainment Demonstration for the 1-hour Ozone NAAQSHouston/Galveston, TX1 12/09/0011/14/01, 66 FR 57195
Speed Limit ReductionHouston/Galveston, TX9/26/0211/14/02, 67 FR 68944Section 6.3.12
Voluntary Mobile Emissions ProgramHouston/Galveston, TX9/26/0211/14/02, 67 FR 68944
Texas Senate Bill 5Houston/Galveston, TX9/26/0011/14/01, 66 FR 57195
Transportation Control Measures Appendix IHouston/Galveston, TX12/09/0011/14/01, 66 FR 57195
Commitment to Mid-course reviewHouston/Galveston, TX4/19/0111/14/01, 66 FR 57195
Table 7.1-1 Enforceable CommitmentsHouston/Galveston, TX9/26/0111/14/01, 66 FR 57195
15% Rate of Progress PlanHouston/Galveston, TX12/09/0011/14/01, 66 FR 57195
Revisions to the 1990 Base Year InventoryHouston/Galveston, TX12/09/0011/14/01, 66 FR 57195
Reasonably Available Control Measure AnalysisHouston/Galveston, TX9/26/0111/14/01, 66 FR 57195
Memorandum of Agreement between TNRCC and Houston Airport SystemHouston/Galveston Area Ozone Nonattainment Area10/18/200011/14/01, 66 FR 57222HGA, Texas 1-hour ozone standard attainment demonstrations.
Vehicle Miles Traveled Offset PlanHouston/Galveston Ozone nonattainment area05/09/0011/14/01, 66 FR 57251Originally submitted 11/12/93 and revised 11/06/94, 8/25/97, and 05/17/00.
Memorandum of Agreement between TNRCC and the City of Dallas, TexasDallas/Fort Worth Ozone Nonattainment Area.5/23/014/22/02, 67 FR 19516DFW, Texas 1-hour ozone standard attainment demonstrations.
Memorandum of Agreement between TNRCC and the City of Fort Worth, TexasDallas/Fort Worth Ozone Nonattainment Area.5/23/014/22/02, 67 FR 19516DFW, Texas 1-hour ozone standard attainment demonstrations.
Memorandum of Agreement between TNRCC and the D/FW International Airport Board, TexasDallas/Fort Worth Ozone Nonattainment Area.5/23/014/22/02, 67 FR 19516DFW, Texas 1-hour ozone standard attainment demonstrations.
Transportation Control Measures SIP RevisionAll Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas5/9/200012/5/2002, 67 FR 72382Chapter 1. Introduction, Chapter 2. General, and Chapter 3. Criteria and Procedures.
Section 179B Demonstration of Attainment for Carbon Monoxide for El PasoEl Paso CO nonattainment area09/27/9507/02/03, 68 FR 39460Supplemented 02/11/98.
Carbon Monoxide On-Road Emissions Budget for ConformityEl Paso CO nonattainment area09/27/9507/02/03
Contingency Measure for El Paso Carbon Monoxide AreaEl Paso CO nonattainment area09/27/9507/02/03, 68 FR 39460
Section 179B Attainment Demonstration ReportEl Paso ozone nonattainment area10/03/946/10/04Approval includes a revision submitted 08/09/96.
Deferral of the post 1996 RFPEl Paso ozone nonattainment area6/10/04
Enforceable commitment to conduct additional modeling for the area as new data become available. This modeling effort will be conducted under the auspices of the 1983 La Paz Agreement between the United States and MexicoEl Paso ozone nonattainment area10/03/946/10/04
VOC and NOX Motor Vehicle Emissions Budget for ConformityEl Paso ozone nonattainment area12/11/976/10/04
Second 10-year maintenance plan for Victoria CountyVictoria2/5/031/3/05, 70 FR 22
Post 1999 Rate of Progress PlanHouston/Galveston, TX11/16/042/14/05, 70 FR 7407
Revisions to the 1990 Base Year InventoryHouston/Galveston, TX11/16/042/14/05, 70 FR 7407
Approval of the Post-1996 Rate-of-Progress Plan and Motor Vehicle Emission BudgetsDallas-Fort Worth10/25/19993/28/05, 70 FR 15592
Adjustments to the 1990 base year emissions inventoryDallas-Fort Worth10/25/19993/28/05, 70 FR 15592
Approval of the 15% Rate of Progress Plan and the Motor Vehicle Emissions BudgetDallas-Fort Worth9/8/19964/12/2005, 70 FR 18993
Memorandum of Agreement between Texas Council on Environmental Quality and the North Central Texas Council of Governments Providing Emissions Offsets to Dallas Fort Worth International AirportDallas-Fort Worth1/14/044/22/05, 70 FR 20816
Clean Air Action Plan, 8-hour ozone standard attainment demonstration, and Transportation Emission Reduction Measures (TERMs) for the Austin EAC areaBastrop, Caldwell, Hays, Travis and Williamson Counties, TX12/06/048/19/05, 70 FR 48640
Clean Air Action Plan and 8-hour ozone standard attainment demonstration for the Northeast Texas Early Action Compact areaGregg, Harrison, Rusk, Smith and Upshur Counties, TX12/06/048/19/05, 70 FR 48642
Clean Air Plan, 8-hour ozone standard attainment demonstration and Transportation Emission Reduction Measures (TERMs) for the San Antonio EAC areaBexar, Comal, Guadalupe, and Wilson Counties, TX12/06/048/22/05, 70 FR 48877
Voluntary Mobile Emission ProgramDallas/Fort Worth, TX4/25/008/26/05, 70 FR 50208
Dallas-Fort Worth SIP, Appendix G; Transportation Control Measures in the Dallas/Fort Worth Ozone Nonattainment AreaDallas/Fort Worth Ozone Nonattainment Area1/14/0409/27/05, 70 FR 56374
Approval of the Speed Limits Local Initiative Measure in the DFW nine county area. Affected counties are Dallas, Tarrant, Collin, Denton, Parker, Johnson, Ellis, Kaufman, RockwallDallas-Fort Worth9/16/20101/9/2014, 79 FR 1596Recategorized as a Transportation Control Measure.
Memorandum of Understanding Between the Texas Department of Transportation and the Texas Natural Resource Conservation CommissionStatewide08/15/0212/12/2005, 70 FR 73380
Post 1996 Rate of Progress PlanBeaumont/Port Arthur, TX11/16/042/22/06, 71 FR 8965
Revisions to the 1990 Base Year InventoryBeaumont/Port Arthur, TX11/16/042/22/06, 71 FR 8965
Attainment Demonstration for Houston/Galveston/Brazoria (HGB) One-hour Ozone Nonattainment Area Adopting Strategy Based on NOX and Point Source Highly-Reactive VOC Emission ReductionsHouston/Galveston, TX12/1/0409/06/06, 71 FR 52670
Texas Clean Air Interstate Rule Nitrogen Oxides Annual Trading Program Abbreviated SIP RevisionStatewide07/12/0607/30/07, 72 FR 41453Only CAIR Phase I NOX Annual and CSP Allocations approved into SIP.
2002 Emissions InventoryCollin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, Rockwall and Tarrant Counties, TX4/27/058/15/2008, 73 FR 47835
Energy Efficiency MeasuresCollin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, Rockwall and Tarrant Counties, TX4/27/058/15/2008, 73 FR 47835
El Paso County Carbon Monoxide Maintenance PlanEl Paso, TX2/13/088/4/08, 73 FR 45162
Dallas-Fort Worth 1997 8-hour ozone Attainment Demonstration SIP and its 2009 attainment MVEBs, RACM demonstration, and Failure-to-Attain Contingency Measures PlanCollin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, Rockwall and Tarrant Counties, TXMay 23, 2007, November 7, 2008January 14, 2009, 74 FR 1903Conditional Approval.
Transportation Control MeasuresCollin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, Rockwall and Tarrant Counties, TXMay 23, 2007January 14, 2009, 74 FR 1903
VMEPCollin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, Rockwall and Tarrant Counties, TXMay 23, 2007January 14, 2009, 74 FR 1903
VOC RACT finding for the 1-hour ozone NAAQS and the 1997 8-hour ozone NAAQSCollin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, Rockwall and Tarrant Counties, TXMay 23, 2007January 14, 2009, 74 FR 1903
El Paso County 1997 8-Hour Ozone Maintenance PlanEl Paso, TX1/11/061/15/09, 74 FR 2387
Approval of the 1997 8-hour Ozone 15% Reasonable Further Progress Plan, and 2008 RFP Motor Vehicle Emission BudgetsDallas/Fort Worth, TX05/23/0710/7/08, 73 FR 58475
Revised 2002 Base Year Emissions InventoryDallas/Fort Worth, TX05/23/0710/7/08, 73 FR 58475
Approval of the 1997 8-hour Ozone 15% Reasonable Further Progress Plan, and 2008 RFP Motor Vehicle Emission BudgetsHouston-Galveston-Brazoria, TX5/23/074/22/09, 74 FR 18298
2002 Base Year Emissions InventoryHouston-Galveston-Brazoria, TX5/23/074/22/09, 74 FR 18298
VOC and NOX RACT demonstration for the 1-hour ozone NAAQSBeaumont/Port Arthur Area: Hardin, Jefferson, and Orange Counties9/28/20057/10/2009, 74 FR 33146
Redesignation Request for the 1997 8-hour Ozone NAAQS (Hardin, Jefferson, and Orange Counties)Beaumont/Port Arthur, TX12/10/200810/20/2010, 75 FR 64675
Determination of Attainment for the 1-hour Ozone NAAQS (Hardin, Jefferson, and Orange Counties)Beaumont/Port Arthur, TX12/10/200810/20/2010, 75 FR 64675
2002 Base Year Emissions Inventory
(1997 8-hour Ozone NAAQS)
Beaumont/Port Arthur, TX12/10/200810/20/2010, 75 FR 64675
Texas Clean-Fuel Vehicle Program Equivalency Demonstration (1-hour Ozone NAAQS)Beaumont/Port Arthur, TX12/10/200810/20/2010, 75 FR 64675
Substitute Control Measures for the SIP-Approved Failure-to-attain Contingency Measures (1-hour Ozone NAAQS)Beaumont/Port Arthur, TX12/10/200810/20/2010, 75 FR 64675
Post 1996 Rate of Progress Plan Contingency Measures (1-hour Ozone NAAQS)Beaumont/Port Arthur, TX11/16/200410/20/2010, 75 FR 64675
Maintenance Plan (1997 8-hour Ozone NAAQS, CAA Section 175A)Beaumont/Port Arthur, TX12/10/200810/20/2010, 75 FR 64675
2021 Motor Vehicle Emissions Budget (1997 8-hour Ozone NAAQS)Beaumont/Port Arthur, TX12/10/200810/20/2010, 75 FR 64675
Infrastructure and Interstate Transport for the 1997 Ozone and the 1997 and 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS.Statewide12/12/2007, 3/11/2008, 4/4/2008, 5/1/2008, 11/23/200912/28/2011, 76 FR 81371Approval for CAA elements 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (E), (F), (G), (H), (K), (L), and (M). Full approval for CAA elements 110(a)(2)(C), (D)(i)(II), (D)(ii) and (J) with approval of the GHG PSD revision (11/10/2014, 79 FR66626). 1997 and 2006 PM2.5 element D(i)(I) approved 5/14/2018, 83 FR 22208. 1997 ozone element D(i)(I) approved 12/6/2018, 83 FR 62720
Letter of explanation and interpretation of the Texas SIP for NSR ReformStatewide5/3/201210/25/2012, 77 FR 65119Letter dated 5/3/2012 from TCEQ to EPA explains and clarifies TCEQ's interpretation of section 116.12(22) ; and section 116.186(a), (b)(9), and (c)(2) .
On-Road Mobile Source Emissions Inventory and Motor Vehicle Emissions Budget UpdateBeaumont/Port Arthur, TX12/10/20122/4/2013, 78 FR 7673MOVES update to motor vehicle emissions budgets.
Voluntary Mobile Emission Reduction Program (VMEP)Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery and Waller Counties, TXJune 13, 20074/2/13, 78 FR 19599
NOX RACT finding for the 1997 8-hour ozone NAAQSBrazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery and Waller Counties, TXApril 6, 20104/2/13, 78 FR 19599
VOC RACT finding for the 1997 8-hour ozone NAAQSBrazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery and Waller Counties, TXApril 6, 20104/2/13, 78 FR 19599For selected categories.
Victoria County 1997 8-Hour Ozone Maintenance PlanVictoria, TX7/28/20108/8/2013, 78 FR 48318
Reasonable Further Progress Plan (RFP), RFP Contingency MeasuresHouston-Galveston-Brazoria, TX4/1/2010, 5/6/2013, 79 FR 51
RFP Motor Vehicle Emission Budgets (2008, 2011, 2014, 2017 and 2018)Houston-Galveston-Brazoria, TX5/6/2013, 79 FR 51
Vehicle miles traveled offset analysisHouston-Galveston-Brazoria, TX5/6/2013, 79 FR 51
Houston-Galveston-Brazoria 1997 8-hour Ozone NAAQS Attainment Demonstration SIP and its MECT and HECT air pollution control program revisions, VMEP measures and TCMs, 2018 MVEB, RACM demonstration, and Failure to attain contingency measure planHouston-Galveston-Brazoria, TX4/6/2010
1/2/2014, 79 FR 57
Stage II Vapor Recovery Program SIPStatewide10/9/20133/17/14, 79 FR 14611
VOC RACT negative declaration for Fiberglass Boat Manufacturing Materials, Leather Tanning and Finishing, Surface Coating for Flat Wood Paneling, Letterpress Printing, Automobile and Light-Duty Truck Assembly Coating, Rubber Tire Manufacturing, and Vegetable Oil Manufacturing OperationsBrazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery and Waller Counties, TXApril 6, 2010.
VOC RACT finding for the 1997 8-hour ozone NAAQS, except for the 2006-2010 EPA-issued CTG seriesBrazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery and Waller Counties, TXApril 6, 20104/15/14, 79 FR 21144
Flexible Permits Interpretative Letter from the TCEQStatewideDecember 9, 20137/14/2014
79 FR 40666
Clarifies how the TCEQ implements the rules regarding (1) Director discretion; (2) BACT; (3) changes made by Standard Permits or Permits by Rule; (4) compliance with permit and permit application; and (5) start-up and shutdown emissions to ensure compliance with CAA requirements.
Vehicle Inspection and MaintenanceDallas-Fort Worth, El Paso County and Houston-Galveston-Brazoria6/11/201510/7/2016, 81 FR 69684
VOC RACT finding for Lithographic Printing under the 1997 8-hour ozone NAAQS, including the 2006 EPA-issued CTGHouston-Galveston-Brazoria (Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery and Waller Counties, TX)4/6/20108/4/2014, 79 FR 45106HGB as Severe.
VOC RACT finding for Lithographic Printing under the 1997 8-hour ozone NAAQS, including the 2006 EPA-issued CTGDallas-Fort Worth (Collin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, Rockwall, and Tarrant Counties, TX)4/6/20108/4/2014, 79 FR 45106DFW as Moderate and Serious.
Conformity with the National Ambient Air Quality StandardsStatewide10/28/20117/18/2014, 79 FR 41908The General Conformity SIP is removed from the Texas SIP; the federal rules at 40 CFR Part 93, subpart B apply now.
Commitment Letter from the TCEQ regarding regulation of PSD pollutants into the futureStatewideDecember 2, 201311/10/2014, 79 FR 66626Clarifies that the TCEQ has the authority under the Texas Clean Air Act to apply the Texas PSD program to all pollutants newly subject to regulation, including non-NAAQS pollutants into the future.
Clarification Letter from the TCEQ regarding authority to administer EPA issued GHG PSD permitsStatewideJanuary 13, 201411/10/2014, 79 FR 66626Clarifies that the TCEQ has the general authority to administer EPA issued GHG PSD permits. Also clarifies that the TCEQ has authority to process and issue any and all subsequent PSD actions relating to EPA issued GHG PSD permits.
Clarification Letter from the TCEQ regarding Judicial Review for PSD PermitsStatewideMay 30, 201411/10/2014, 79 FR 66626Clarifies the judicial review process for Texas PSD permits.
Failure-to-Attain Contingency Measures PlanCollin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, Rockwall and Tarrant Counties, TX3/10/201011/12/2014, 79 FR 67071]
Reasonable Further Progress Plan (RFP), RFP Contingency Measures, RFP Motor Vehicle Emission Budgets for 2011 and 2012, and Revised 2002 Base Year Emissions InventoryCollin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, Rockwall and Tarrant Counties, TX12/7/201111/12/2014, 79 FR 67071]
Enhanced Ambient Monitoring and the Clean-fuel Fleet ProgramsCollin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, Rockwall and Tarrant Counties, TX12/7/201111/12/2014, 79 FR 67071]
DFW nine-county area ESL TCM to traffic signalization TCMsDallas-Fort Worth: Dallas, Tarrant, Collin, Denton, Parker, Johnson, Ellis, Kaufman and Rockwall Counties9/16/20101/9/2014, 79 FR 1596DFW ESLs recategorized as TCM 1/9/2014, substituted with traffic signalization TCMs 11/3/2014.
2011 Emissions Inventory for the 2008 Ozone NAAQSDallas-Fort Worth and Houston-Galveston-Brazoria Ozone Nonattainment Areas7/16/20142/20/2015, 80 FR 9204
NOX RACT finding for the 1997 8-hour ozone NAAQSCollin, Dallas, Denton, Tarrant, Ellis, Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, and Rockwall Counties, TX1/17/123/27/15, 80 FR 16291DFW as Moderate and Serious.
VOC RACT finding of negative declaration for Fiberglass Boat Manufacturing Materials, Ship Building and Ship Repair Coating, Leather Tanning and Finishing, Surface Coating for Flat Wood Paneling, Vegetable Oil Manufacturing, Letterpress Printing, Plywood Veneer Dryers, Rubber Tire Manufacturing, and Batch Processes OperationsCollin, Dallas, Denton, Tarrant, Ellis, Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, and Rockwall Counties, TX1/17/123/27/15, 80 FR 16291DFW as Moderate and Serious.
VOC RACT finding for all sectors under the 1997 8-hour ozone NAAQS, including the 2006-2008 EPA-issued CTG series and non-CTG major sourcesCollin, Dallas, Denton, Tarrant, Ellis, Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, and Rockwall Counties, TX1/17/123/27/15, 80 FR 16291DFW as Moderate and Serious.
VOC RACT finding for all sectors under the 1997 8-hour ozone NAAQS, including the 2006-2008 EPA-issued CTG series and non-CTG major sourcesBrazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery and Waller Counties, TX1/17/123/27/15, 80 FR 16291HGB as Severe.
Revision to El Paso PM10 Attainment Demonstration SIP (dust control contingency measures)El Paso, TX3/7/201212/14/2015, 80 FR 77254
Texas Regional Haze SIPStatewide3/19/20091/5/2016, 81 FR 350The following sections are not approved as part of the SIP: The reasonable progress four-factor analysis, reasonable progress goals and the calculation of the emission reductions needed to achieve the uniform rates of progress for the Guadalupe Mountains and Big Bend; calculation of natural visibility conditions; calculation of the number of deciviews by which baseline conditions exceed natural visibility conditions; long-term strategy consultations with Oklahoma; Texas securing its share of reductions necessary to achieve the reasonable progress goals at Big Bend, the Guadalupe Mountains, and the Wichita Mountains; technical basis for its long-term strategy and emission limitations and schedules for compliance to achieve the RPGs for Big Bend, the Guadalupe Mountains and Wichita Mountains.
Infrastructure and Transport SIP Revision for the 2010 SO2 NAAQSStatewide5/6/20131/11/2016, 81 FR 1128Approval for CAA elements 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), (D)(i)(II) (PSD portion), D(ii), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K), (L), and (M).
Infrastructure and Interstate Transport for the 2008 Pb NAAQSStatewide9/8/2011, 10/13/20111/14/2016, 81 FR 1882,
Infrastructure and Transport SIP Revisions for the 2010 Nitrogen Dioxide StandardStatewide12/7/20129/9/2016, 81 FR 62378Approval for 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), (D)(i) (portions pertaining to nonattainment and interference with maintenance), D(ii), (E), (F), (G), (H), (K), (L) and (M). Approval for 110(a)(2)(J) on 10/7/2016, 81 FR 69684
Infrastructure and Transport SIP Revisions for the 2008 Ozone StandardStatewide12/13/20129/9/2016, 81 FR 62375Approval for 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), (D)(i) (portion pertaining to PSD), D(ii), (E), (F), (G), (H), (K), (L) and (M). Approval for 110(a)(2)(J) 10/7/2016, 81 FR 69684
Revisions to the State Implementation Plan (SIP) Concerning the Qualified Facility Program as Authorized by Senate Bill 1126Statewide9/15/20109/9/2016, 81 FR 62385
DFW nine-county area US67/IH-35E HOV Lane TCM to traffic signalization TCMsDallas-Fort Worth: Dallas, Tarrant, Collin, Denton, Parker, Johnson, Ellis, Kaufman and Rockwall Counties8/16/201611/9/2016, 81 FR 78724
Austin Early Action Compact area Vehicle Inspection and MaintenanceTravis and Williamson Counties6/11/201510/7/2016, 81 FR 69684
DFW Reasonable Further Progress (RFP) Plan, RFP Contingency Measures, RFP Motor Vehicle Emission Budgets for 2017, and Revised 2011 Base Year Emissions Inventory for the 2008 Ozone NAAQSCollin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, Rockwall, Tarrant and Wise Counties, TX7/10/201512/7/2016, 81 FR 88125Supplement submitted on April 22, 2016.
Discrete Emissions Reduction Credits (DERC) SIPCollin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, Rockwall and Tarrant Counties, TX12/10/20085/11/2017, 82 FR 21925
Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance, Nonattainment New Source Review and Emission Statement Requirements for the 2008 Ozone NAAQSHouston-Galveston-Brazoria, TX12/29/20165/15/2017, 82 FR 22294
Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance and Nonattainment New Source Review Requirements for the 2008 Ozone NAAQSDallas-Fort Worth, TX7/6/20166/14/2017, 82 FR 27125
Second 10-year Lead maintenance plan for 1978 Lead NAAQSCollin County, TX9/15/20096/29/2017, 82 FR 29430
Lead Attainment Demonstration for 2008 Lead NAAQSCollin County, TX10/10/20126/29/2017, 82 FR 29430
Maintenance Plan for 2008 Lead NAAQSCollin County, TX11/02/20166/29/2017, 82 FR 29430
Second 10-year Carbon Monoxide maintenance plan (limited maintenance plan) for the El Paso CO areaEl Paso, TX9/21/20169/8/2017, 82 FR 42457
NOX RACT finding under the 2008 8-Hour ozone NAAQSCollin, Dallas, Denton, Tarrant, Ellis, Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, Rockwall, and Wise Counties, TX07/10/1509/22/17, 82 FR 44322DFW as Moderate and Serious.
NOX RACT finding of negative declarations for nitric acid and adipic acid operations under the 2008 8-Hour ozone NAAQSCollin, Dallas, Denton, Tarrant, Ellis, Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, Rockwall, and Wise Counties, TX07/10/1509/22/17, 82 FR 44322DFW as Moderate and Serious.
Texas Regional Haze BART Requirement for EGUs for PMStatewide3/31/200910/17/2017, 82 FR 48363
DFW VOC RACT DemonstrationDFW 2008 Ozone NAAQS non-attainment area7/10/201512/21/2017, 82 FR 60547
Infrastructure and Interstate Transport for the 2012 PM2.5 NAAQSStatewide12/1/20156/5/2018, 83 FR 25922Approval for CAA elements 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), (D)(i)(I), (D)(i)(II) (portion pertaining to PSD), (D)(ii), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K), (L), and (M). 6/5/2018, 83 FR 25921
Emission Statement Requirements for the 2008 Ozone NAAQSDallas-Fort Worth, TX8/21/201812/4/2018, 83 FR 62470
HGB Area Reasonable Further Progress (RFP) Plan, RFP Contingency Measures, RFP Motor Vehicle Emission Budgets for 2017, and Revised 2011 Base Year Emissions Inventory for the 2008 Ozone NAAQSBrazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery and Waller Counties, TX12/29/20162/13/2019, 84 FR 3710
NOX RACT finding under the 2008 8-Hour ozone NAAQSCollin, Dallas, Denton, Tarrant, Ellis, Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, Rockwall, and Wise Counties, TX8/21/201802/22/19, 84 FR 5602DFW as Moderate and Serious, also converts conditional approval 09/22/17, 82 FR 44322 to full approval.
HGB VOC and NOX RACT Finding, except for the 2016 EPA-issued CTG for the Oil and Natural Gas Industry, EPA-453/B-16-001HGB 2008 Ozone NAAQS non-attainment area12/29/20164/30/2019, 84 FR 18145Vegetable Oil Mfg category, previously sited under negative declarations for HGB area, is added to RACT determinations.
Infrastructure and Interstate Transport for the 2015 Ozone NAAQSStatewide8/17/20189/23/2019, 84 FR 49667Approval for CAA elements 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), (D)(i)(II) (portion pertaining to PSD), (D)(ii), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K), (L), and (M).
Houston-Galveston-Brazoria Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan for the 1-hour and 1997 8-hour Ozone StandardsHouston-Galveston-Brazoria, TX12/12/20182/14/2020, 85 FR 8426
Dallas-Fort Worth Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan for the 1-hour and 1997 8-hour Ozone StandardsDallas Fort-Worth, TX3/29/20194/6/2020, 85 FR 19108
Beaumont-Port Arthur Second 10-Year Maintenance Plan for the 1997 8-hour Ozone StandardHardin, Jefferson and Orange Counties2/5/20199/2/2020, 85 FR 54506
Reasonable Further Progress Plan (RFP), RFP Motor Vehicle Emission Budgets for 2020, and Revised 2011 Base Year Emissions InventoryBrazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and Waller Counties, TX3/4/20205/10/2021, 86 FR 24718
2017 Emissions Inventory for the 2015 Ozone NAAQSDallas-Fort Worth, Houston Galveston-Brazoria, and Bexar County Ozone Nonattainment Areas6/24/206/29/2021 86 FR 34140
Nonattainment New Source Review and Emission Statement Requirements for the 2015 Ozone NAAQSDallas-Fort Worth, Houston Galveston-Brazoria, and Bexar County Ozone Nonattainment AreasJune 24, 20209/9/2021, 86 FR 50458
Revised 2011 Base Year Emissions InventoryCollin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, Rockwall, Tarrant, and Wise Counties, TX3/4/20209/16/2022, 87 FR 56893
Nonattainment New Source Review for the 2008 Ozone NAAQSDallas-Fort Worth and Houston-Galveston-Brazoria nonattainment areas5/13,202010/3/2022, 87 FR 59699For the Serious classification.
Reasonable Further Progress (RFP) Plan and RFP Motor Vehicle Emission Budgets for 2020Collin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, Rockwall, Tarrant and Wise Counties, TX3/4/20204/24/2023 88 FR 24698
Enhanced Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) Requirement for the 2008 Ozone NAAQS Serious Nonattainment AreasDallas-Fort Worth and Houston-Galveston-Brazoria Ozone Nonattainment Areas5/13/20209/8/2023, 88 FR 61976

1 As revised 9/26/01.

40 C.F.R. §52.2270

64 FR 36589, July 7, 1999
81 FR 350, 1/5/2016; 81 FR 1128, 1/11/2016; 81 FR 1882, 1/14/2016; 81 FR 21750, 4/13/2016; 81 FR 69684, 12/6/2016; 81 FR 88125, 1/6/2017; 82 FR 14445, 5/22/2017; 82 FR 21925, 7/10/2017; 82 FR 22294, 7/14/2017; 82 FR 26598, 9/6/2017; 82 FR 26756, 9/7/2017; 82 FR 27125, 9/12/2017; 82 FR 29430, 9/27/2017; 82 FR 42457, 10/10/2017; 82 FR 44322, 10/23/2017; 82 FR 48363, 11/16/2017; 82 FR 57679, 1/8/2018; 83 FR 21180, 6/8/2018; 83 FR 22208, 6/13/2018; 83 FR 25921, 7/5/2018; 83 FR 18430, 7/26/2018; 83 FR 50021, 1/2/2019; 83 FR 62470, 3/4/2019; 84 FR 3710, 3/15/2019; 84 FR 5602, 3/25/2019; 84 FR 18150, 5/30/2019; 84 FR 26352, 9/4/2019; 84 FR 44228, 8/23/2019; 84 FR 49667, 10/23/2019; 84 FR 50307, 10/25/2019; 85 FR 8187, 3/16/2020; 85 FR 8426, 3/16/2020; 85 FR 19108, 5/6/2020; 85 FR 36506, 6/17/2020; 85 FR 54506, 10/2/2020; 85 FR 64968, 11/13/2020; 86 FR 24718, 5/10/2021; 86 FR 28496, 6/28/2021; 86 FR 34140, 7/29/2021; 86 FR 50456, 10/12/2021; 87 FR 56893, 10/17/2022; 87 FR 59699, 11/2/2022; 88 FR 7882, 3/9/2023; 88 FR 24698, 5/24/2023; 88 FR 55382, 9/14/2023; 88 FR 57884, 9/25/2023; 88 FR 61976, 10/10/2023; 88 FR 65620, 9/25/2023

For FEDERAL REGISTER citations affecting § 52.2270 , see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.govinfo.gov.