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Wearable Shoe Tree, LLC v. Doe

United States District Court, E.D. Texas, Sherman Division
Jul 3, 2024
CIVIL 4:24-CV-334-SDJ (E.D. Tex. Jul. 3, 2024)


CIVIL 4:24-CV-334-SDJ





Before the Court is Plaintiff Wearable Shoe Tree, LLC's (“Wearable Shoe Tree”) motion for entry of a preliminary injunction. (Dkt. #7). After considering the filings, evidence, and applicable law, the Court finds that the motion should be granted.


Wearable Shoe Tree makes “innovative shoe care and preservation products.” (Dkt. #7 at 5). Its primary product is a plastic insert designed to slip into the toe of a sneaker and prevent “creasing,” called a “sneaker shield.” Wearable Shoe Tree holds a patent for the plastic insert: Patent No. D970,203 S. Wearable Shoe Tree also holds three trademarks: U.S. Trademark Registration No. 4686931 for the SNEAKER SHIELDS composite mark, U.S. Trademark Registration No. 6220820 for the SHIELDS standard character mark, and U.S. Trademark Serial No. 88750733 for the SNEAKER SHIELDS standard character mark. (Dkt. #3-11).

Wearable Shoe Tree claims that Defendants, individuals and business entities likely operating in China, (Dkt. #42-1), are illegally selling products that infringe on Wearable Shoe Tree's patent and trademarks. All Defendants operate webstores on various online marketplaces, such as Amazon, Alibaba, eBay, Etsy, Temu, and Wish, and offer their allegedly infringing goods for sale in the United States, including Texas.

Wearable Shoe Tree moved for a Temporary Restraining Order (“TRO”), (Dkt. #7), and motion for alternative service of process. (Dkt. #9). The Court held a hearing on May 3, 2024, and subsequently granted both motions. (Dkt. #17). The initial TRO was set to expire at 6:30 p.m. on May 21, 2024. Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 65, the Court approved one extension of the TRO to 6:30 p.m. on June 4, 2024. (Dkt. #18, #19). The Court also set a hearing on the entry of a Preliminary Injunction for June 3, 2024. (Dkt. #19). However, on the day of the Preliminary Injunction hearing it was unclear whether the Defendants had been properly served. Accordingly, the Preliminary Injunction hearing was reset for June 24, 2024, to allow Wearable Shoe Tree more time to identify and properly serve the Defendants. Wearable Shoe Tree has since shown that all Defendants were served via email in accordance with the Court's order on alternative service of process. (Dkt. #17); (Dkt. #40 ¶ 5); (Dkt. #40-1).Defendants were permitted to file responses to Wearable Shoe Tree's motion for a TRO and Preliminary Injunction no later than June 18, 2024, and appear in person, via phone, or via video. The TRO expired as scheduled at 6:30 p.m. on June 4, 2024.

The Fifth Circuit has approved this method of service for Preliminary Injunctions. Whirlpool Corp. v. Shenzhen Sanlida Elec. Tech. Co., Ltd., 80 F.4th 536 (5th Cir. 2023), cert. denied sub nom. Shenzen Sanlida Elec. Tech. Co., Ltd. v. Whirlpool Corp., 144 S.Ct. 807, 218 L.Ed.2d 23 (2024); see also Rio Properties, Inc. v. Rio Int'l Interlink, 284 F.3d 1007, 1018 (9th Cir. 2002) (“[W]hen faced with an international e-business scofflaw, playing hide-and-seek with the federal court, email may be the only means of effecting service of process.”).

At the scheduled hearing on June 24, 2024, Wearable Shoe Tree presented evidence in support of a Preliminary Injunction and filed supplemental briefing in support of the Preliminary Injunction. (Dkt. #42). Attorney He Cheng appeared on behalf of Defendant Does 519, 522, and 523, but did not present any evidence in opposition to Wearable Shoe Tree's motion for a Preliminary Injunction. (Dkt. #41). No other Defendant appeared at the hearing, and the Court has not received written responses from any Defendants prior to or following the hearing. Since the hearing, a number of Defendants have been voluntarily dismissed. (Dkt. #44). The complete list of active Defendants at the time of this order is attached hereto (hereinafter Table 1).


Preliminary injunctions are governed by Rule 65 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. To obtain a preliminary injunction, a party must demonstrate, “(1) a substantial likelihood that he will prevail on the merits, (2) a substantial threat that he will suffer irreparable injury if the injunction is not granted, (3) his threatened injury outweighs the threatened harm to the party whom he seeks to enjoin, and (4) granting the preliminary injunction will not disserve the public interest.” Google, Inc. v. Hood, 822 F.3d 212, 220 (5th Cir. 2016). “A preliminary injunction is an ‘extraordinary remedy' and should only be granted if the plaintiffs have clearly carried the burden of persuasion on all four requirements.” Nichols v. Alcatel USA, Inc., 532 F.3d 364, 372 (5th Cir. 2008) (cleaned up). But the party “is not required to prove [its] case in full at a preliminary injunction hearing.” Fed. Sav. & Loan Ins. Corp. v. Dixon, 835 F.2d 554, 558 (5th Cir. 1987) (cleaned up). A district court has discretion to grant or deny a preliminary injunction. See House the Homeless, Inc. v. Widnall, 94 F.3d 176, 180 (5th Cir. 1996).


A. Likelihood of Success on the Merits

Wearable Shoe Tree asserts three claims: (1) Trademark Infringement, (2) Unfair Competition & False Designation of Origin, and (3) Patent Infringement. The Court addresses the likelihood of success for each claim in turn.

i. Trademark Infringement

15 U.S.C. § 1114(1) provides the remedies for a claim of trademark infringement.“A prima facie trademark infringement case is made out by proof of two elements: that the plaintiff owns a legally protected mark, and there is a likelihood of confusion between her mark and the defendant's mark.” Pennzoil-Quaker State Co. v. Miller Oil & Gas Operations, 779 F.3d 290, 294 (5th Cir. 2015); see also Denbra IP Holdings, LLC v. Thornton, 521 F.Supp.3d 677, 684 (E.D. Tex. 2021). Likelihood of confusion is determined by considering eight factors, “none of which is either necessary or sufficient.” Pennzoil-Quaker, 779 F.3d at 294 n.9. The factors are “(1) strength of the plaintiff's mark; (2) similarity of design between the marks; (3) similarity of the products; (4) identity of retail outlets and purchasers; (5) similarity of advertising media used; (6) the defendant's intent; (7) actual confusion; and (8) degree of care exercised by potential purchasers.” Am. Rice, Inc. v. Producers Rice Mill, Inc., 518 F.3d 321, 329 (5th Cir. 2008) (cleaned up).A court's finding of likelihood of confusion “need not be supported even by a majority of the factors.” Id. (cleaned up).

15 U.S.C. § 1114(1) states, “[a]ny person who shall, without the consent of the registrant (a) use in commerce any reproduction, counterfeit, copy, or colorable imitation of a registered mark in connection with the sale, offering for sale, distribution, or advertising of any goods or services on or in connection with which such use is likely to cause confusion, or to cause mistake, or to deceive[] . . . shall be liable in a civil action by the registrant for the remedies hereinafter provided.”

At times, the Fifth Circuit has used a seven-factor test that excludes factor eight, the degree of care exercised by potential purchasers, or vice versa. Denbra, 521 F.Supp.3d at 686; Viacom Int'l v. IJR Cap. Invs., L.L.C., 891 F.3d 178, 192 (5th Cir. 2018).

Wearable Shoe Tree holds three trademarks: No. 4686931 for the SNEAKER SHIELDS composite mark, No. 6220820 for the SHIELDS standard character mark, and No. 88750733 for the SNEAKER SHIELDS standard character mark. Thus, the marks are legally protected. After comparing Wearable Shoe Tree's product to each Defendant's allegedly infringing products, the Court finds that there is significant similarity between Wearable Shoe Tree's marks and the allegedly infringing products. Compare (Dkt. #3-2) through (Dkt. #3-10) (allegedly infringing products), with (Dkt. #3-11) (Wearable Shoe Tree's registered trademarks), and (Dkt. #42-1) (list of infringing Defendants). The infringing products sold by Defendants appear to be identical to Wearable Shoe Tree's product, and many of the infringing products bear the mark “SHIELDS.” Denbra, 521 F.Supp.3d at 687 (similarly finding that identical products are similar). Accordingly, both the “similarity of design between the marks” and “similarity of the products” factors weigh strongly in favor of entry of a Preliminary Injunction.

The referenced exhibits correlate to the Defendants identified in Table 1 and products being advertised and apparently sold by each Defendant that likely infringe on Wearable Shoe Tree's patent, constitute a trademark violation, and/or otherwise show unfair competition.

Both the infringing products and Wearable Shoe Tree's product are offered for sale on various online marketplaces and likely target the same consumers. Further, the advertising media used by Wearable Shoe Tree and Defendants is very similar: Wearable Shoe Tree's website shows photos of various sneakers with and without the plastic insert. (Dkt. #3-12). So too do many of Defendants' online listings. (Dkt. #3-2) through (Dkt. #3-10); Denbra, 521 F.Supp.3d at 687 (“The greater the similarity in the [advertising] campaigns, the greater the likelihood of confusion.” (quoting Streamline Prod. Sys., Inc. v. Streamline Mfg., Inc., 851 F.3d 440, 455 (5th Cir. 2017))). Thus, the “identity of retail outlets and purchasers” and “similarity of advertising media used” weigh in favor of a Preliminary Injunction.

Wearable Shoe Tree's sales have decreased 30% in the last year, which it attributes to the sale of infringing products online. (Dkt. #7-2 at 3). This, coupled with the low cost of the product, suggests that there is “actual confusion” and a low “degree of care exercised by potential purchasers.” Bd. of Supervisors for Louisiana State Univ. Agric. & Mech. Coll. v. Smack Apparel Co., 550 F.3d 465, 483 (5th Cir. 2008) (“Where items are relatively inexpensive, a buyer may take less care in selecting the item, thereby increasing the risk of confusion.”).

Considering all these factors, the Court finds that Wearable Shoe Tree's patents and trademarks are legally protected and there is a likelihood of confusion between Plaintiff's product and Defendants' infringing products. Wearable Shoe Tree has thus established a likelihood of success on the merits for its claim of Trademark Infringement.

ii. Unfair Competition & False Designation of Origin

The test for a violation of 15 U.S.C. § 1125(a) is “whether the public is likely to be deceived or confused by the similarity of the marks.” Two Pesos, Inc. v. Taco Cabana, Inc., 505 U.S. 763, 780, 112 S.Ct. 2753, 120 L.Ed.2d 615 (1992) (Stevens, J., concurring). Accordingly, if likelihood of confusion is proven under 15 U.S.C. § 1114, then it is also shown under section 1125(a) since section 1125(a) relies only on that factor. The Court has explained that there is a substantial likelihood of confusion between Wearable Shoe Tree's trademarks and the infringing products. Infra section III.A.i. Therefore, the only element required to show that the Wearable Shoe Tree has a likelihood of success on the merits for Unfair Competition and False Designation of Origin is established.

15 U.S.C. § 1125(a) states, “[a]ny person who, on or in connection with any goods or services, or any container for goods, uses in commerce any word, term, name, symbol, or device, or any combination thereof, or any false designation of origin, false or misleading description of fact, or false or misleading representation of fact, which (A) is likely to cause confusion, or to cause mistake, or to deceive as to the affiliation, connection, or association of such person with another person, or as to the origin, sponsorship, or approval of his or her goods, services, or commercial activities by another person . . . shall be liable in a civil action by any person who believes that he or she is or is likely to be damaged by such act.”

iii. Patent Infringement

The patent at issue, Patent No. D970,203 S, was issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on November 22, 2022, and is presumed valid under 35 U.S.C. § 282(a). See also Titan Tire Corp. v. Case New Holland, Inc., 566 F.3d 1372, 1377 (Fed. Cir. 2009) (“[T]he patent enjoys the same presumption of validity during preliminary injunction proceedings as at other stages of litigation.”). A showing that there is a likelihood of success on the merits for a patent infringement claim requires that the Court compare the patent and the allegedly infringing product. See Qin v. Partnerships & Unincorporated Associations on Schedule “A”, No. 6:21-CV-1243-ADA, 2022 WL 80274, at *2 (W.D. Tex. Jan. 7, 2022).

Here, a comparison of Wearable Shoe Tree's patent and the infringing product sold by each Defendant shows that the infringing products are remarkably similar, if not identical, to Wearable Shoe Tree's patent. Compare (Dkt. #3-2) through (Dkt. #3-10) (showing the allegedly infringing products), with (Dkt. #3-11) (showing Wearable Shoe Tree's patent), and (Dkt. #3-12) (showing Wearable Shoe Tree's product), and (Dkt. #42-1) (list of Defendants), and (Dkt. #42-2) (declaration of Paul Siragusa). Therefore, Wearable Shoe Tree has established its likelihood of success on the merits for patent infringement.

B. Threat of Irreparable Injury

“Under the Lanham Act, a plaintiff seeking a preliminary injunction against infringement ‘shall be entitled to a rebuttable presumption of irreparable harm upon a finding of likelihood of success on the merits.'” Whirlpool Corp., 80 F.4th at 546 (quoting 15 U.S.C. § 1116) (cleaned up). The Federal Circuit has also identified that “price erosion, loss of goodwill, damage to reputation, and loss of business opportunities are all valid grounds for finding irreparable harm.” Aria Diagnostics, Inc. v. Sequenom, Inc., 726 F.3d 1296, 1304 (Fed. Cir. 2013).

The Court has found a likelihood of success on the merits for trademark infringement, infra section III.A.i., creating a presumption of irreparable harm for that claim under 15 U.S.C. § 1116. Wearable Shoe Tree also claims that it has suffered, and will continue to suffer, irreparable harm through “diminished goodwill and brand confidence, damage to Plaintiff's reputation, loss of exclusivity, and loss of future sales, and by depriving Plaintiff of the ability to control use and licensing of the Plaintiff['s] IP.” (Dkt. #7 at 11). The remaining Defendants allegedly reside outside of the United States, presenting the possibility that their webstores could be closed and assets dissipated at any time, which would frustrate Wearable Shoe Tree's ability to recover. (Dkt. #7-2 ¶ 14). Finding nothing to rebut the presumption of irreparable harm and given that the infringing products are apparently identical to Wearable Shoe Tree's patented product, Wearable Shoe Tree's decrease in sales over the past year, and the loss of goodwill, the Court finds that there is a likelihood that Wearable Shoe Tree will continue to suffer irreparable harm if Defendants are not enjoined.

C. Balance of Harms

The Court finds that the balance of harms weighs in Wearable Shoe Tree's favor. Courts are loathe to assign any harm to an infringing Defendant because those Defendants “assumed the risk” associated with patent and trademark infringement when they chose to undertake those activities. Qin, 2022 WL 80274, at *4 (collecting cases). Wearable Shoe Tree expended the effort to acquire the patent and trademarks at issue, thus tipping the balance of harms in favor of entering a Preliminary Injunction.

D. Public Interest

The public has an interest in the protection and enforcement of patent and trademark rights. Whirlpool Corp, 80 F.4th at 546 (“[A]lthough we recognize that the public has an interest in encouraging commercial competition, the public also has an interest in the effective enforcement of our trademark laws.”); MGM Well Servs., Inc. v. Mega Lift Sys., LLC, 505 F.Supp.2d 359, 379-80 (S.D. Tex. 2007), aff'd, 264 Fed.Appx. 900 (Fed. Cir. 2008) (“The public interest is best served by protecting patent rights and enforcing the applicable laws.”). The Court has found that Defendants identified in Table 1 have engaged in, and are likely to continue to engage in, acts and practices that violate Wearable Shoe Tree's trademark and patent rights. Therefore, the public interest would be best served here by entering a Preliminary Injunction to preserve Wearable Shoe Tree's rights.

* * *

For the foregoing reasons, the Court holds that a Preliminary Injunction is warranted. The Defendants identified in Table 1 have engaged in, and are likely to continue to engage in, acts and practices that violate Wearable Shoe Tree's trademark and patent rights.


Plaintiff, Wearable Shoe Tree, having proved that it is entitled to preliminary relief under the applicable standard, and the Court, having considered the complaint, declarations, exhibits, and memorandum of law filed in support, finds as follows:

1. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this case.

2. This Court has jurisdiction over the parties.

3. There is good cause to believe that the Defendants identified in Table 1, have engaged in, and are likely to continue to engage in, acts and practices that violate Wearable Shoe Tree's trademark and patent rights.

4. For each Defendant identified in Table 1, Wearable Shoe Tree has shown a substantial likelihood of success on the merits; that it is likely to suffer irreparable harm if this order is not granted; that the probable harm to the Wearable Shoe Tree, if relief is not granted, outweighs the likely hardship that may result to the Defendants from this order; and that this order is not adverse to the public interest.

5. There is good cause to believe that immediate and irreparable injury will occur to the Plaintiff from the sale, transfer, or other disposition or concealment by Defendants of their assets and business records unless Defendants are immediately restrained and enjoined by order of this Court.

6. There is good cause for issuing this order pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 65(b).

7. Exercising its discretion pursuant to Corrigan Dispatch Co. v. Casa Guzman, S. A., 569 F.2d 300, 302-03 (5th Cir. 1978), this Court finds that Wearable Shoe Tree's proper security amount required for issuance of this Order under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 65 is $5,000.

It is therefore ordered:

1. Defendants, their successors, affiliates, servants, officers, agents, independent contractors, and employees, and anyone acting in active concert or participation with or at the behest or direction of any of the foregoing, be preliminarily enjoined and restrained from:

a. using, reproducing, displaying, or enabling others to use, reproduce, or display products and advertisements bearing the trademarks found at USPTO Trademark Registration No. 4686931, USPTO Trademark Registration No. 6220820, and USPTO Trademark Serial No. 88750733 (collectively, Plaintiff's “Marks”); or the patent found at USPTO Patent No. D970,203 S (Plaintiff's “Patent,” together with the Marks, “Plaintiff's IP”); all of which appear in Dkt. #3-11;

b. moving, relocating, or otherwise disposing of any funds currently located in Defendants' online accounts, including, without limitation, from Alibaba, AliExpress, Amazon, Bonanza, CJDropshipping, DHgate, eBay, Etsy, Joom, Joybuy, Shein, Shopify, Temu, Walmart, Wish, Alipay, PayPal, Stripe, Payoneer, WorldFirst, and Western Union;

c. removing, destroying, or otherwise disposing of computer files, electronic files, business records, or documents relating to any of Defendants' webstores, websites, assets, operations, or relating in any way to the reproduction and display of Plaintiff's IP; and

d. engaging in any other activity that infringes on Plaintiff's rights in any manner.

2. Each Defendant, within 14 days after receiving notice of this Order, shall serve on Plaintiff a written report under oath providing: (a) their true name and physical address; (b) all websites and online marketplace accounts on any platform that they own and/or operate; (c) all of their associated financial accounts, including but not limited to all Alibaba, AliExpress, Amazon, Bonanza, CJDropshipping, DHgate, eBay, Etsy, Joom, Joybuy, Shein, Shopify, Temu, Walmart, Wish, Alipay, PayPal, Stripe, Payoneer, WorldFirst, Western Union, etc. accounts; (d) the quantity of products that they have sold using Plaintiff's IP (“Infringing Products”); (e) the location where each Infringing Product was shipped; and (f) the steps taken by each Defendant to comply with paragraphs 1(a)-(d) above.

3. Defendants and any persons in active concert or participation with them who have actual notice of this Order shall be preliminarily restrained and enjoined from transferring, disposing of, or secreting any money, stocks, or other assets of Defendants until further ordered by this Court.

4. All banks, savings and loan associations, payment processors or other financial institutions, including without limitation, Alibaba, AliExpress, Amazon, Bonanza, CJDropshipping, DHgate, eBay, Etsy, Joom, Joybuy, Shein, Shopify, Temu, Walmart, Wish, Alipay, PayPal, Payoneer, Stripe, WorldFirst, Western Union, etc., or other merchant account provider, payment provider, third party processor, credit card association (i.e. MasterCard and VISA) that receive payments or hold assets on Defendants' behalf, as well as any third party service providers, including without limitation, ISPs, back-end service providers, web designers, sponsored search engine or ad-word providers, shippers, domain name registrars, domain name registries or online third-party sellers who have provided services for Defendants (all of the foregoing, collectively, “Third Party Providers”) and their affiliates are ordered to, within two business days of receipt of this Order, locate all accounts and funds connected to the Defendants identified in Table 1, and block all money transfers and funds from being transferred by such Defendants until further ordered by this Court.

5. Plaintiff shall provide notice of this Preliminary Injunction to Defendants by sending an email to the email addresses provided for Defendants by third parties hosting Defendants' webstores, such as Alibaba, AliExpress, Amazon, Bonanza, CJDropshipping, DHgate, eBay, Etsy, Joom, Joybuy, Shein, Shopify, Temu, Walmart, Wish, etc. Providing notice via email, along with any notice that Defendants receive from the Third-Party Providers, shall constitute notice reasonably calculated under all circumstances to apprise Defendants of this Preliminary Injunction.

6. This Order shall apply to the Infringing Webstores, websites, and any other domain names properly brought to this Court's attention and verified by sworn declaration that verifies such new webstores or domain names are being used by Defendants for the purpose of infringing Plaintiff's IP.


DOE # Marketplace Merchant Name Merchant ID IP Infringement TM Reg. No. Trademark Variation in Infringement 1 Alibaba Shijiazhuang Aofeite Imp & Exp Co., Ltd. aftsport Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 2 Alibaba Yiwu Lintai Import&Expor t Co., Ltd. alintai Patent 3 Alibaba Shijiazhuang Aofeite Imp & Exp Co., Ltd. aofit Patent 4 Alibaba Shenzhen Baibaikang Technology Co., Ltd. baibaikang Patent 5 Alibaba Beijing Bid Ace Co., Ltd. bdac Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 6 Alibaba Yiwu Chic Seeker Accessories Co., Ltd. chicseeker Patent 7 Alibaba Yangzhou Runtong International Trading Co., Ltd. chinaruntong Patent 8 Alibaba Fuzhou Nice Trading Co., Ltd. cldnice Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 9 Alibaba Yiwu Yansheng Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. cn1518993080yhtt Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 10 Alibaba Yangzhou Trensh Sports Products Factory cncsty Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 11 Alibaba Shenzhen Fengyuan Foreign Trade Co., Ltd. cnfengyuan Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 12 Alibaba Yiwu Haigu Trading Co., Ltd. cnhai Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield, Sheied 13 Alibaba Yiwu Liangao Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. cnliangao Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shields 14 Alibaba Dongguan No. 8 Footwear Co., Ltd. dgbahao Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Shield, Shield Sneakers, Sheied 15 Alibaba Dongguan Fanling ECommerce Co., Ltd. dgfanling Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Shield Sneakers, Shield, Sheied 16 Alibaba Dongguan Jiuhui Industrial Limited dgjiuhui Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 17 Alibaba DONGGUAN L&N SHOE MATERIAL CO.,LTD dglinuo Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Shield, Sneakers Shield 18 Alibaba Ningbo Beiduoen Health Tech. Co., Ltd. doublegrace Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Shield, Sneaker Shield 19 Alibaba Suzhou Dreamcolor Scientic Protecting Co., Ltd. dreamscience Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield, Shields 20 Alibaba Suzhou Dreamcolor Textile Co., Ltd. dreamtex Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield, Shields 21 Alibaba Ningbo Finer Medical Instruments Co., Ltd. finermed Patent 22 Alibaba Dongguan Ucom Info Tech Co., Ltd. footinsoles Trademark and Patent 4686931 Sneaker Shields 23 Alibaba Shenzhen Glory Line Co., Ltd. gloryline Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield, Shields 24 Alibaba Guangzhou Ynuo Technology Co., Ltd. guangzhouynuo Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 25 Alibaba Guangzhou Linke International Trade Co., Ltd. gzlinke Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 26 Alibaba Yiwu Haohao Import And Export Co., Ltd. haohaogroup Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 27 Alibaba Wuhan Chaoxing Century Shoe And Clothing Development Co., Ltd. hbcxsj Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shields, Shield 28 Alibaba Dongguan City Everhealth Industrial Co., Ltd. healthycare Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Sneaker Shield, Shield 29 Alibaba Henan Bangni Biological Engineering Co., Ltd. hnbangni Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 30 Alibaba Wenzhou Holdapple Technology Co., Ltd. holdapple Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield, Shields 31 Alibaba Ningbo Dericsson Smart Technology Co., Ltd. houseuses Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 32 Alibaba Xiamen Jerryfootprint Imp & Exp Co., Ltd. jerryfootprint Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 33 Alibaba Dongguan Jianhui Shoes Co., Ltd. jianhuishoes Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Shield, Sneakers Shield 34 Alibaba Guangzhou Keenfull Commodity Co., Limited keenfull Trademark 4686931 Sneaker Shield 35 Alibaba Yiwu Kejia Import And Export Co., Ltd. kejiacompany Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 36 Alibaba Guangzhou blue shark trading co. LTD lanshatrading Patent 37 Alibaba Shenzhen Lindsay Technology Co., Ltd. linxi Trademark and Patent 4686931 Sneaker Shields 38 Alibaba Yangzhou Maxlife Industry Co., Ltd. maxlife Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shields, Shield 39 Alibaba Hebei Melenlt Trade Co., Ltd. melenlt Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 40 Alibaba Multi-Resource Industries Company Limited (Nanjing) multi-resource Patent 41 Alibaba Ningbo Mooyee International Trade Co., Ltd nbmooyee Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 42 Alibaba Shenzhen New Greatwall Technology Co., Ltd. newgreatwall Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Sneaker Shield, Shield 43 Alibaba Tangshan Olian Technology Co., Ltd. olian Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Shield Sneaker, Shield 44 Alibaba Wenzhou Olivashow Art Co., Ltd. olivashow Trademark and Patent 4686931 Sneaker Shield 45 Alibaba Qinhuangdao Fortune International Trade Co., Ltd. qhdfortune Patent 46 Alibaba Yiwu Jingfeng Trading Co. Ltd qixtrade Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield, Sheied 47 Alibaba Sichuan Machinery Import & Export Corp. sc-shoebase Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 48 Alibaba Taizhou Shuyuan Industry And Trade Co., Ltd. shuyuanfactory Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Shield, Shields, Sneaker Shield 49 Alibaba Sijun (Hangzhou) Commerce Co., Ltd. sjcommerce Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Sneaker shields, shields 50 Alibaba Hangzhou Smile Home Deco Co., Ltd. smilespace Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shields 51 Alibaba Shenzhen Bestry International Trade Co.,Ltd. szbestry Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shiel, Sheied, Shield 52 Alibaba Shenzhen GDS Technology Co., Ltd. szgds Trademark and Patent 4686931 Sneaker Shields 53 Alibaba Shenzhen Huacheng Mingzhu Technology Co., Ltd. szhcmz Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Sneaker Shield, Shield, Shields 54 Alibaba Guangdong Tajian Sports Goods Co., Ltd triplebestsports Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shields 55 Alibaba Haining Twowell Daily Commodity Co., Ltd. twowell 1 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield, Shields 56 Alibaba Huizhou Umyidea Silicone Rubber Ware Co., Ltd. umyidea Patent 57 Alibaba Wuhan Utlife Technology Co., Ltd. utlife Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Sneaker Shield, Shield, sneaker shoe shield 58 Alibaba Yiwu Via Commodity Co., Ltd. viapromo Patent 59 Alibaba Suzhou Weijin Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd. weijin888 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield, Shields 60 Alibaba Guangzhou Yifan Technology Co., Ltd. wvk Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Sheied, Shield, Shield Sneakers 61 Alibaba Wenzhou Aven Trading Co., Ltd. wzaventrade Trademark and Patent 6220820 Sheild 62 Alibaba Shenzhen Ximeiqi ECommerce Trade Co., Ltd. ximeiqi Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 63 Alibaba Liuzhou Yiweisi Houseware Co., Ltd. yiweisi Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield, Shied 64 Alibaba Dongyang Miaowei Trade yiwumiaowei Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 65 Alibaba Yiwu Tucheng Outdoor Products Co., Ltd. yiwutucheng Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Sneaker Shield, Shied, Shield, Shields 66 Alibaba Shijiazhuang Yumi Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd. ymjck Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Shield, Sneaker Shield 67 Alibaba Xi'an Explution Tech Co., Ltd. ypshengwu Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Sneaker Shield, Shield 68 Alibaba Hangzhou Yuming Garment Accessories Co., Ltd. yumingchina Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Sneaker Shields, Sneaker Shield, Shield 69 Alibaba Hangzhou Yuming Garment Accessories Co., Ltd. yumingchina2 Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Sneaker Shields, Sneaker Shield, Shield 70 Alibaba Dongguan Zhiguo New Material Technology Co., Ltd. zgtech Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Sneaker Shields, Sneaker Shield, Shield 71 Alibaba Shenzhen Longgang Yunna ECommerce Firm zgwinner Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 72 Alibaba Suzhou Zoetic Fitness Textile Co., Ltd. zoetictex Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield, Shields 73 Alibaba Dongguan Zesheng Technology Co., Ltd. zsfoot Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shields, Shield 75 Aliexpress Unique Care Store 1100628628 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shields, Shield 76 Aliexpress Universal A Store 1101208635 Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Shield, Sneakers Shield 77 Aliexpress Soumit Official Store 1101225190 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 78 Aliexpress tilusero Shoelace Store 1101265800 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 79 Aliexpress leyou Official Store 1101267811 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shields, Shield 80 Aliexpress ZXY SHOELACE Store 1101286502 Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Shield Sneakers, Shield 81 Aliexpress YuanXiangZhu NO.8 Shoe Store 1101289376 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 82 Aliexpress GDZHLbag Official Store 1101298700 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shields, Shield 83 Aliexpress Demine Official Store 1101299747 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 84 Aliexpress Z-S Store 1101300620 Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Shield, Sheied, Shield Sneakers 85 Aliexpress Zshare Store 1101317558 Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Shield, Sheied, Shield Sneakers 86 Aliexpress Qcotta factory Store 1101319979 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shields, Shield 87 Aliexpress tilusero Official Store 1101325620 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 88 Aliexpress AAAAAAbeaut i ful enchantment Store 1101326305 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 89 Aliexpress SMATLELF Store 1101330339 Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Shield, Sheied, Shield Sneakers 90 Aliexpress Magical product Store 1101347425 Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Shields, Sneaker Shield, Sneaker Shields 91 Aliexpress Shop5253194 Store 1101352888 Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Shield Sneaker, Shield 92 Aliexpress xxin Store 1101355543 Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Shield, Sneaker Shields 93 Aliexpress Shopping in your Store 1101364806 Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Sneaker Shield, Sneakers Shield, Shield 94 Aliexpress Machalon- Sports Store 1101376391 Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Sneaker Shield, Shield, Shield Sneaker 95 Aliexpress My Simple Life Store 1101379041 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield, Shields, shile 96 Aliexpress XIZOU Store 1101379977 Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Sneaker Shield, Shield 97 Aliexpress Foot Master Official Store 1101383266 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 98 Aliexpress Bangnipad Official Store 1101385551 Patent 99 Aliexpress THREEMAGI Official Store 1101388020 Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Sneaker Shield, Shield 100 Aliexpress Red Tun shoelaces Store 1101400972 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 101 Aliexpress Sunvo Official Store 1101423510 Patent 102 Aliexpress Hnbangni Store 1101442191 Patent 103 Aliexpress SMATLELF Shoe accessories Store 1101456071 Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Shield Sneakers, Shield, Sheied 104 Aliexpress Geetes Store 1101461145 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 105 Aliexpress YiFrancais Store 1101485968 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shields, Shield 106 Aliexpress AAF1980S Store 1101519320 Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Sneaker Shield, Shield, Sheied, Shields, Shield Sneaker 107 Aliexpress Shop9105643 68 Store 1101546639 Trademark 6220820 Shields 108 Aliexpress wvk9116623 Store 1101670138 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Sheied, Shield 109 Aliexpress Personalized shoelaces Store 1101675633 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 110 Aliexpress 7 TALK Store 1101702784 Patent 111 Aliexpress Little stars 80 Store 1101742858 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 112 Aliexpress Shoe Accessories 001 Store 1101755852 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 113 Aliexpress NAFOING Store 1101801584 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 114 Aliexpress Healfii Store 1101922350 Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Sneakers Shield, Shield 115 Aliexpress Apes Da da da Store 1101940478 Patent 116 Aliexpress Hongfu Danmei Store 1101952045 Patent 117 Aliexpress NAFOING Official Store 1102018169 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shields, Shield, Shiel 118 Aliexpress Soumit Store 1102088111 Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Sneaker Shields, Shield 119 Aliexpress BMZ-H22 Store Store 1102089582 Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Shield Sneakers, Sneaker Shields, Shield 120 Aliexpress Shop1102123 058 Store 1102122060 Patent 121 Aliexpress 77 shoe accessories Store 1102141016 Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Shield Sneaker, Shield, Shields, Sheied 122 Aliexpress Shop1102161 433 Store 1102154396 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield, Sheied 123 Aliexpress NIUNIU Treasure Chest Store 1102156376 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 124 Aliexpress YTOOBOYZ Insole Official Store 1102187194 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 125 Aliexpress Elino Store 1102193192 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 126 Aliexpress I Awesome Show Store 1102365071 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shields, Shield 127 Amazon dafmo A10LQA1O9U7I0F Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 128 Amazon Hauoxin9 A117HFZGRFEA5 Y Trademark 6220820 Shield 129 Amazon Topikyus A11QC3UZOE1AY 7 Trademark 6220820 Shield 130 Amazon Lurozer A12X37CM0HJKN B Trademark 6220820 Shield 131 Amazon Liao Bin A14SI8SX4SGBM 7 Trademark and Patent 4686931 Sneak Shield 132 Amazon filwahgo store A16Y9NHVUWVQ9 U Patent 133 Amazon QCBB A18JMZ5UXSWLG M Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shiedis, Shield 134 Amazon YCxiakou A1A5L1SK4GSCQ 8 Patent 135 Amazon Aduksa A1B5O7FZSJEBC P Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 136 Amazon Tannish A1C4M9YS5KOIK Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 137 Amazon GOPECH A1CFV4WK9OGZV J Trademark and Patent 4686931 Sneaker Shield 138 Amazon MINLILI A1DK736UFIT6DZ Patent 139 Amazon LiuXiaoLi-A A1DRL61247HP6I Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 142 Amazon VIUJUH A1GW8Y8AHADP VU Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 143 Amazon NgocThanh_0 1 A1K5RSIMOR4PB N Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 144 Amazon twentyfour A1L8H4MRBFM7 0 Q Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Sneaker Shields, Shield 145 Amazon Fmangbl A1LK09X8CDXE2 D Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 146 Amazon CHORHA Direct A1MDFHXHG779G Q Patent 147 Amazon RONNY FUANG A1MIAY99UUDIM S Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Sneaker Shields, Shields, Shield 150 Amazon +PROVEN A1P956GFP64QI Trademark and Patent 6220820 Sheied 153 Amazon Tamoo Direct A1VHYVQ5BJV75 J Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield, Shields 157 Amazon RoiLin A224R22YUJXB7 O Patent 158 Amazon OLLZ A22U7PJEEU0B4 R Patent 159 Amazon daminggong A2398LXTTYMD9 N Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Shields, Shield, shields, Sneaker Shields 160 Amazon LEPILOBULL A246BN2SD9N2L N Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 161 Amazon lihongchun A24OFVBGDMWH Q9 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield, Sheied 162 Amazon Mseinope-US A26J91951MHPDV Trademark 4686931, 6220820 Shield, Sneaker Shield 164 Amazon QIRRUN A295CKXBL3FUS Y Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 165 Amazon YTHREE A2CT7ZRTL6D4N2 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shields 166 Amazon PeyNam A2DJP67UEWU7P 5 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 169 Amazon Ruixidz A2FDEOT4ZVMZI U Patent 170 Amazon Paloya A2FVA2818TE4IM Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield, Shields 171 Amazon GEWU Top Select US A2H9ZDV74FED B 8 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield, Shields 172 Amazon StickerDeen A2HCP0F195YKH R Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Sneaker shield, Shield, Shields 174 Amazon MZ_YH US A2I92VIH6LULYK Patent 175 Amazon jiansen A2K955B81HRQ0 0 Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Sneaker Shields, Shield 176 Amazon bibigood A2KFJ62S05F1TX Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield, Shields 177 Amazon ZhangXueQian 888 A2LXZH3OEB815 M Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shields, Shield 180 Amazon DGambition A2QCVNL05LKP H V Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 181 Amazon WAJJ A2R9IRG1L68IYM Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shields, Shield 182 Amazon Tootwo A2RD8LO3YWVFP 4 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield, Sheied 183 Amazon Alucy A2RQ6HTGK3GV OS Trademark 6220820 Shield 185 Amazon ZEPOHCK A2VY31W3BI8LM6 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shields 188 Amazon IRRIDF A2YNMBW0I9Q40 5 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 189 Amazon yonzhen A30XSVBONICD9 V Patent 192 Amazon Hang Tat Insole A33FZVGQUHRX2 V Trademark 4686931, 6220820 Sneaker Shield, Shield 193 Amazon BENAYO A33JFLBQ4CGL9Z Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Sneaker Shields, Sneaker Shield, Shield 194 Amazon LiMi-ngYu A33NGI3XUB096C Patent 196 Amazon Zeoo A364RDEYR1KAU 3 Trademark 6220820 Shield 197 Amazon ARESTECH A369MC729QS4E 7 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 198 Amazon GuoJinXin11 A372UZ7Y6ZM6K8 Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Sneaker Universal Shield, Shield 199 Amazon AILIKESE A373X3A1IXNDGP Patent 200 Amazon zjchao123 A388EF2JRGUUQ 3 Trademark 4686931, 6220820 Sneaker Shield, Shield 201 Amazon Changxing Shop A3982RDRMNYSE B Patent 203 Amazon Nox Co., Ltd A39X5Q03LG4Z2 B Patent 204 Amazon Correct Position of Foot A3DLZCNYKVOPA P Trademark and Patent 4686931 Sneaker Shields 209 Amazon Glue Family A3GZL3U9PG4WG Z Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 210 Amazon DSWTOPUS A3HN9PB7O63Y5 8 Patent 211 Amazon CREEHIN A3I7UFYXCN8BG6 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 212 Amazon Annadue20 A3IMD0HXXX2G H 0 Trademark 6220820 Shield 213 Amazon vaceci A3K8XH5T9X351N Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shields 215 Amazon Haedaxua-US A3LTVNMHACXU X Q Trademark 6220820 Shield 216 Amazon WELOVE6979 A3MOCZLDIHTN6 8 Patent 217 Amazon Meides A3P2QD4ZWQPX H3 Trademark 6220820 Shield 218 Amazon Wilcomft A3QVH9O60GRX WE Patent 220 Amazon Improv Store Ltd A3UE9HDZFWOS4 Q Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shields, Shield 221 Amazon Margo D A3VUNRK0TXR1 P M Patent 222 Amazon Berisad-US A3X5UMY35BG6 Trademark 6220820 Shield 223 Amazon YUYININI A5T35VKIPN815 Patent 226 Amazon hexuemeideme iguodian A7NV8W348YNEZ Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 227 Amazon Superfly Commerce Ltd A94QAWXNMFW 5 S Patent 230 Amazon qingkucun A9POLGMCZWGS D Trademark 6220820 Shields, Shield 233 Amazon WuYanlv ACU7V7L8UYWZR Patent 235 Amazon lingshidianzi ADN989JHT1IXG Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Sneak Shield, Shield 236 Amazon YADADA Nail Art ADS9QULBYRVHY Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 237 Amazon Smartpoppy AF2GTG7DS9USU Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shields, Shield 240 Amazon SHOPFORYO U AM36G5QAB5HUP Patent 242 Amazon Btbtuu ANGS0Y59X98FG Patent 245 Amazon ZIXI2-US ARFRIIRKW3OOP Trademark 4686931 Sneaker Shield 247 Amazon FEILONG123 AS5L64CID66JN Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 249 Amazon Nitrip AXKP3JTT4K7DQ Trademark 6220820 Shield 250 Amazon ERGOfoot AYCQGTR4WNN6 4 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shields, Shield 251 Amazon Meya Online AYGRJJKJ5QYSN Patent 252 Bonanza gakporong gakporong Trademark and Patent 4686931 Shield Sneakers 253 Bonanza xsamsud_in xsamsud_in Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Shield Sneakers, Shield 254 CJDropshippi ng KTATMARKET I NG 1.43296E+18 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 255 CJDropshippi ng Heyang Industrial Co., Ltd Heyang-Industrial Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Sneaker shields, Shield, Antisub-shield 256 DHgate gqfs_seller Store 17121401 Patent 257 DHgate quan05 Store 21401643 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 258 DHgate quan06 Store 21401644 Patent 259 DHgate springfang Store 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Shein QZKEYUEPS SHOES 7669750498 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shields 441 Shopify Affortable Confience affortable-confience.myshopif Patent 442 Shopify Aftecka Patent 443 Shopify AirME Shoes airmeshoes.mysho Patent 444 Shopify ALL for SHOESS m Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Shield Sneakers, Sheied, Shield 445 Shopify ANTICREASE GAURDS anticreaseguards. Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 446 Shopify Creasekeep Trademark and Patent 4686931 Sneaker Shields 447 Shopify Drip By MK Patent 448 Shopify Ehidosa Sneakers ehidosasneakers.c Patent 449 Shopify ErmisClo Patent 450 Shopify GIUTA STREETWEAR Ltd m Trademark and Patent 4686931 Sneaker Shield 451 Shopify High On Air Patent 452 Shopify KarlsKicks Trademark and Patent 4686931 Sneaker Shields 453 Shopify Kick Collective Patent 454 Shopify lazyboysneake rz lazyboysneakerz.c om Patent 455 Shopify LiftSolez Trademark and Patent 6220820 Sheied, Shield 456 Shopify MattB Customs Patent 457 Shopify Mr.DeCrease Patent 458 Shopify Platinum Shoe Care platinumshoecare.c om Trademark and Patent 4686931 Sneaker Shields 459 Shopify REVIVE Footwear k Patent 460 Shopify SNEAKER CLINIC m Trademark and Patent 4686931 Sneaker Shield 461 Shopify Sneakers Extras Trademark and Patent 4686931 Shield Sneaker 462 Shopify Sneaker Plaza Trademark and Patent 4686931 Sneaker Shield 463 Shopify Sneakers Dealers sneakersdealerss. 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Trademark 6220820 Shield 572 Joybuy Joybuy Express Seller 12 Seller12-16214 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 573 Joybuy Joybuy Express Seller 13 Seller13-16214 Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 sneaker shield, Shield 574 Joybuy Joybuy Express Seller 14 Seller14-16214 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 575 Joybuy Joybuy Express Seller 15 Seller15-16214 Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 sneaker shield, Shield 576 Joybuy Joybuy Express Seller 16 Seller16-16214 Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Sneaker Shields, Shield 577 Joybuy Joybuy Express Seller 17 Seller17-16214 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 578 Joybuy Joybuy Seller 1 Seller1-18988 Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 SNEAKER SHIELDS, SHIELDS 579 Joybuy Joybuy Seller 2 Seller2-18988 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 580 Joybuy Joybuy Seller 3 Seller3-18988 Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Shield, Sneaker Shields 581 Joybuy Joybuy Seller 4 Seller4-18988 Trademark 6220820 Shields 582 Joybuy Joybuy Seller 5 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6220820 Shield 591 Joybuy Joybuy Seller 14 Seller14-18988 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 592 Joybuy Joybuy Seller 15 Seller15-18988 Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Sneaker shoes shields, shield 593 Joybuy Joybuy Seller 16 Seller16-18988 Trademark 4686931, 6220820 Sneaker Shield, Shield 594 Joybuy Joybuy Seller 17 Seller17-18988 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shields 595 Joybuy Joybuy Seller 18 Seller18-18988 Patent 596 Joybuy Joybuy America Seller 1 Seller1-101001636 Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Shield, Sneaker Shield 597 Joybuy Joybuy America Seller 2 Seller2-101001636 Trademark 6220820 Shields 598 Joybuy Joybuy Selection Seller 1 Seller1-101087374 Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Shield, Sneaker Shield 599 Joybuy Joybuy Fashion Seller 1 Seller1-101118004 Trademark and Patent 6220820 Shield 600 Joybuy Joybuy Fashion Seller 2 Seller2-101118004 Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Sneaker Shoes Shields, sneaker shields, Shield 601 Joybuy Joybuy Marketplace(U.S) Seller 1 Seller_1-101001636 Trademark and Patent 4686931, 6220820 Sneaker Shields, Sneakers Shield, Shields, Sneaker Shoe Shields, Sneakers Shoe Shield

Summaries of

Wearable Shoe Tree, LLC v. Doe

United States District Court, E.D. Texas, Sherman Division
Jul 3, 2024
CIVIL 4:24-CV-334-SDJ (E.D. Tex. Jul. 3, 2024)
Case details for

Wearable Shoe Tree, LLC v. Doe

Case Details

Full title:WEARABLE SHOE TREE, LLC v. DOES 1-601

Court:United States District Court, E.D. Texas, Sherman Division

Date published: Jul 3, 2024


CIVIL 4:24-CV-334-SDJ (E.D. Tex. Jul. 3, 2024)