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Sawyers v. Hedgpeth

United States District Court, C.D. California, Western Division
May 14, 2010
No. CV 09-06548-ODW (VBK) (C.D. Cal. May. 14, 2010)


No. CV 09-06548-ODW (VBK).

May 14, 2010


On September 9, 2009, Brian Sawyers (hereinafter referred to as "Petitioner") filed a "Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus by a Person in State Custody," pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2254 ("Petition"). In accordance with the Court's Order Requiring Response to Petition, on October 14, 2009, Respondent filed a "Motion to Dismiss Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus; Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support" ("MTD") and "Notice of Lodging," contending that the Petition should be dismissed on the grounds that it is unexhausted. On October 22, 2009, the Court issued a Minute Order ordering Petitioner to file an Opposition or Statement of Non-Opposition to Respondent's MTD. Further, in light of Rhines v. Weber, 544 U.S. 269, 125 S.Ct. 1528, 1535 (2005), the Court advised Petitioner that, if he concedes that the claims are not exhausted, he could request a Stay.

On November 13, 2009, Petitioner filed a document entitled "Petitioner's Opposition to Respondent's Motion to Dismiss/Request for Stay and Abeyance to Exhaust State Remedies." On November 17, 2009, the Court issued a Minute Order ordering Respondent to file an Opposition or Statement of Non-Opposition to Petitioner's Request for Stay and Abeyance. On December 10, 2009, Respondent filed a document entitled "Respondent's Opposition to Petitioner's Request for Stay and Abeyance; Memorandum of Points and Authorities."

The matter has been deemed submitted and now ready for decision. Having reviewed the allegations in the Petition, the matters set forth in the Motion to Dismiss and Petitioner's Opposition and Request for Stay and Abeyance and Respondent's Opposition to Request for Stay and Abeyance, it is HEREBY ORDERED that the Motion to Dismiss be granted with leave to amend and Petitioner's Request for a Stay be granted.


Following a jury trial in Los Angeles County Superior Court, Petitioner was convicted of shooting at an inhabited dwelling in violation of California Penal Code ("PC") § 246(a), two counts of assault with a semiautomatic firearm in violation of PC § 245(b) and the jury found true accompanying gang enhancements in violation of PC §§ 186.22(b)(1)(C) and (b)(1)(A). (Lodgment 1 [Abstract of Judgment].)

Petitioner appealed the judgment of conviction. On June 25, 2007, the California Court of Appeal affirmed in part, reversed in part and remanded with directions. (Lodgment 2.) The California Court of Appeal held that Petitioner was improperly sentenced on Count 3 (assault with a semiautomatic firearm) to the upper term of 9 years based on facts not found beyond a reasonable doubt by the jury. Petitioner's convictions were otherwise affirmed. (Lodgment 2 at 28-33.)

Petitioner filed a Petition for Review in the California Supreme Court. (Lodgment 3.) Respondent also filed a Petition for Review in the California Supreme Court. (Lodgment 4.) On August 29, 2007, the Petitions for Review were granted and further action was deferred pending further order of the Court. On August 27, 2008, the California Supreme Court dismissed and remanded the matter to the California Court of Appeal in light of People v. Towne, 44 Cal.4th 63, 78 Cal.Rptr.3d 530 (2008). (Lodgment 5.)

On remand for resentencing, Petitioner was again sentenced by the Los Angeles County Superior Court to the upper term of nine years on Count 3, for assault with a semiautomatic firearm. Petitioner appealed and the judgment was affirmed on July 20, 2009 by the California Court of Appeal. (Lodgment 6.) Petitioner did not file a Petition for Review in the California Supreme Court. (See Notice of Lodging 7.) Petitioner has not filed any Petitions for Writ of Habeas Corpus in the California Supreme Court. (See Petition at 3, 8.)


Petitioner contends the following, inter alia:

1. Insufficient evidence to support the Penal Code § 246 conviction;
2. Petitioner did not shoot at the victim's house and thus cannot properly be convicted of violating Penal Code § 246;
3. Penal Code § 246 may not be affirmed on a conscious disregard theory when the jury was never instructed on that theory;
4. The trial court prejudicially misinstructed the jury regarding the natural and probable consequence of codefendant target offenses;
5. Petitioner was prejudiced by the erroneous instruction;
6. [Petitioner skipped];
7. The jury's true finding on the gang enhancement must be reversed as to Petitioner (the aider and abetter) because the jury found the gang enhancement not true as to codefendant Macklin (the principal);
8. Remand for resentencing is required because the trial court believed it had no discretion to strike the gang enhancement;
9. The sentence on Count Four should have been stayed pursuant to section 654;
10. Petitioner's upper term sentence is unconstitutional under Blakely v. Washington, 542 U.S. 296 (2004); and
11. The trial court prejudicially erred by failing to instruct sua sponte with section 246.3 and Pomona Municipal Code section 34-81, lesser included offenses to shooting at an inhabited dwelling house.
(See Petition at p. 5-6; attached pages.)


Respondent contends that the within Petition is "mixed" petition and is unexhausted as Petitioner failed to exhaust Grounds One, Two, Three and Seven through Eleven. Petitioner alleges he was under 18 years of age during the appeals process and that his appellate counsel informed him that all of his claims had been presented to the California Supreme Court. (Opposition at 2.) Petitioner requests the Court grant him a Stay so he may present his unexhausted claims to the California Supreme Court. (Id.)

Here, Petitioner filed a single Petition for Review in the California Supreme Court raising three claims: (1) Petitioner did not shoot at the victim's house and thus he cannot properly be convicted of violating PC § 246; (2) a PC § 246 conviction may not be affirmed on "conscious disregard" theory of guilt where the jury was never instructed on that theory; and (3) the trial court prejudicially misinstructed the jury regarding the natural and probable consequences of co-defendant Macklin's target offenses. (Lodgment 3.) The first and second claims in the Petition for Review correspond respectively to Grounds Two and Three, while the third claim in the Petition for Review corresponds to Grounds Four and Five (combined) of the instant Petition. (See Petition at 6.)

Grounds Two and Three, however, were not fairly presented as federal constitutional claims to the California Supreme Court. Ground Two as presented in the Petition for Review does not state a federal claim; that is, it fails to describe both the operative facts and the federal legal theory on which this contention is based. (Lodgment 3 at 15-17.) See Gray v. Netherland, 518 U.S. 152, 162-63, 116 S.Ct. 2074 (1996); Gatlin v. Matting, 189 F.3d 882, 888 (9th Cir. 1999). As previously noted in Ground Two, Petitioner asserts that he did not shoot at the victim's house such that he could not properly be convicted of having violated PC § 246. In his Petition for Review, Petitioner presented this claim to the California Supreme Court solely as a state law claim. Petitioner alleged no violation of any federal constitutional division of any constitutional provision or the Federal Constitution. Indeed, Petitioner did not even mention the Federal Constitution, any of it provisions or federal constitutional principles generally. Rather, relying on state cases, Petitioner argued that the California Court of Appeal's interpretation of one of the elements of the offense was erroneous under state law. Accordingly, to the extent that this claim can be construed as a federal claim, it is unexhausted as Petitioner did not allege any federal constitutional violation in connection with this claim in the California Supreme Court. See Baldwin v. Reese, 541 U.S. 27, 32, 124 S.Ct. 1347 (2004).

Similarly, in Ground Three Petitioner claims that his conviction for violating PC § 246 cannot be affirmed on a "conscious disregard" theory because the jury was not instructed on that theory. In his Petition for Review, Petitioner again relied exclusively on state cases. Thus, Ground Three is unexhausted as it was not fairly presented as a federal constitutional claim to the California Supreme Court. See Castillo v. McFadden, 399 F.3d 993, 1003 (9th Cir. 2005).

The other Grounds raised in the Petition, Grounds One and Seven through Eleven, have never been presented in any form to the California Supreme Court in a Petition for Review or a Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus. (See Petition at 3, 8.) These Grounds are completely unexhausted.

Accordingly, this Court finds the within habeas corpus Petition is a "mixed" petition setting forth claims that have been exhausted (Grounds Four and Five) and claims that have not been exhausted in the state courts (Grounds One, Two, Three and Seven through Eleven.) A. Applicable Law.

A mixed petition may be stayed pursuant to either Rhines v. Weber, 544 U.S. 269, 125 S.Ct. 1528 (2005) or Kelly v. Small, 315 F.3d 1063 (9th Cir. 2003). See King v. Ryan, 564 F.3d 1133, 1135 (9th Cir. 2009). Under Rhines, a District Court has discretion to stay a mixed petition to allow a petitioner time to return to state court to present unexhausted claims. In making this determination, however, the Court held that the stay and abeyance procedure must be applied consistently with AEDPA's twin purposes: "reducing delays in the execution of state and federal criminal sentences" and encouraging "petitioners to seek relief from state courts in the first instance." Rhines, 544 U.S. at 276. As a result, Rhines cautioned, a stay and abeyance should be available only in limited circumstances, and is appropriate only when the District Court determines that there was "good cause" for the failure to exhaust. Rhines, 544 U.S. at 277. See also Wooten v. Kirkland, 540 F.3d 1019 (9th Cir. 2008) (District Court must stay a mixed habeas petition containing both exhausted and unexhausted claims only if: (1) the petitioner has good cause for his failure to exhaust his claims in state court; (2) the unexhausted claims are potentially meritorious; and (3) there is no indication that the petitioner intentionally engaged in dilatory litigation tactics). A petitioner's mistaken belief that a claim was exhausted does not constitute "good cause." Wooten, 540 F.3d at 1024.

Under Kelly, the Ninth Circuit authorized a three-step procedure under which: (1) petitioner files an amended petition deleting his unexhausted claims; (2) the district court stays and holds in abeyance the amended fully exhausted petition, allowing petitioner to proceed in state court to exhaust the deleted claims, and (3) petitioner later amends the federal habeas petition to reattach the newly exhausted claims to the original petition. King, 564 F.3d at 1135. Utilizing this procedure, the petitioner is allowed to amend his claims back into his federal petition only if upon exhaustion those claims are determined to be timely. King, 564 F.3d at 1140-41.

Under Duncan v. Walker, 533 U.S. 167, 121 S.Ct. 2120 (2001), the filing of a petition for federal habeas corpus relief does not toll AEDPA's statute of limitations (unlike an application for state habeas relief, which does). (Id. at 172.) Additionally,Mayle v. Felix, 545 U.S. 644, 125 S.Ct. 2562 (2005) provides that a petitioner may amend a new claim into a pending federal habeas petition after the expiration of the limitations period only if the new claim shares a "common core of operative facts" with the claims in the pending petition; a new claim does not "relate back" to the filing of an exhausted petition simply because it arises from "the same trial, conviction or sentence." (Id. at 662-64, 125 S.Ct. 2562.) Because the Kelly procedure requires petitioners to dismiss their unexhausted claims and then attempt to add them back into the federal complaint later, the Kelly procedure, unlike the Rhines procedure, does nothing to protect a petitioner's unexhausted claims from untimeliness in the interim.Duncan and Mayle, taken together, make demonstrating timeliness of claims amended into federal habeas petitions after exhaustion often problematic. See King, 564 F.3d at 1141. The King court noted that the Kelly procedure is unlikely to be abused by late filing habeas petitioners who have not exhausted all of their federal claims and for whom the expiration of AEDPA's one-year limitation period is imminent.

In King, the Ninth Circuit held that a Kelly Stay "is in part an exercise of litigants' usual prerogative, specifically recognized in Rose, to amend complaints if they can do so to make them cognizable in federal court." King, 564 F.3d at 1141. The Ninth Circuit affirmed the District Court's denial of a Kelly Stay because the claims that the petitioner sought later to amend would have been untimely and did not relate back to his timely claims. Thus, while a Kelly Stay does not "require the imposition of a special standard such as `good cause,'" King, 564 F.3d at 1141, a petitioner must at least demonstrate that the claims he seeks to exhaust and later add by amendment will not be time-barred in federal court. See Id. at 1142-43 (holding that a petitioner may invoke Kelly's three-step procedure subject only to the requirement that the amendment of any newly exhausted claims back into the petition must satisfy the relation back ofMayle v. Felix, 545 U.S. 644, 651, 25 S.Ct. 2562 (2005)).

Here, Petitioner meets the criteria for a Kelly stay. Petitioner's state conviction became final on August 29, 2009 when he failed to file a Petition for Review forty days from issuance of the State Court of Appeal opinion following remand for resentencing. (Motion at 3-4.) See Cal.R.Ct. 8.5008, former Cal.R.Ct. 28(e); Smith v. Duncan, 297 F.3d 809, 812 (9th Cir. 2008). Petitioner therefore has one year — until August 2010 to present his unexhausted claims to the California Supreme Court by way of a properly filed petition.


IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that (1) Respondent's Motion to Dismiss is Granted. The Petition is dismissed with leave to amend; (2) Petitioner has the following options: (a) Petitioner is granted aKelly Stay and may, within 30 days of the date of this Order, file a First Amended Petition with the Court containing his exhausted claims in Grounds Four and Five. The Court Clerk is DIRECTED to send Petitioner a blank habeas corpus form utilized in the United States District Court for the Central District of California. If Petitioner wishes to proceed pursuant to a Kelly Stay, Petitioner must file a habeas petition in the California Supreme Court within 30 days of this Order containing the claims in Grounds One, Two, Three and Seven through Eleven, and must thereafter, file a Status Report with this Court every 30 days advising the Court of the status of his habeas petition pending in the California Supreme Court. After the California Supreme Court has issued its decision (assuming the California Supreme Court denies the Petition) Petitioner must file a Second Amended Petition in this Court containing his original exhausted claims (Grounds Four and Five) as well as the newly exhausted claims within 30 days of the Supreme Court's decision. Petitioner is warned that any future federal habeas petition by Petitioner addressing the same conviction may be precluded as untimely by the statute of limitations under 28 U.S.C. § 2244(d); or (b) If Petitioner fails to pursue Option 1 above, the Court will issue a Report and Recommendation recommending dismissal of the Petition as a "mixed" petition.

(Include name under which you were convicted) 28 U.S.C. § 2254 (List by case number)

_______________________________________________________________________________ NAME _______________________________________________________________________________ PRISON IDENTIFICATION/BOOKING NO. _______________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS OR PLACE OF CONFINEMENT _______________________________________________________________________________ Note: It is your responsibility to notify the Clerk of Court in writing of any change of address. If represented by an attorney, provide his name, address, telephone and facsimile numbers, and e-mail address. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA CASE NUMBER: CV __________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ To be supplied by the Clerk of the United States District Court FULL NAME Petitioner, v. []___________________________________ AMENDED PETITION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS __________________________________________________________ BY A PERSON IN STATE CUSTODY NAME OF WARDEN, SUPERINTENDENT, JAILOR OR AUTHORIZED PERSON HAVING CUSTODY OF PETITIONER Respondent, PLACE/COUNTY OF CONVICTION_______________________________ PREVIOUSLY FILED, RELATED CASES IN THIS DISTRICT COURT CV ______________________________________________ CV ______________________________________________


1. To use this form, you must be a person who either is currently serving a sentence under a judgment against you in a California state court, or will be serving a sentence in the future under a judgment against you in a California state court. You are asking for relief from the conviction and/or the sentence. This form is your petition for relief.

2. In this petition, you may challenge the judgment entered by only one California state court. If you want to challenge the judgment entered by a different California state court, you must file a separate petition.

3. Make sure the form is typed or neatly handwritten. You must tell the truth and sign the form. If you make a false statement of a material fact, you may be prosecuted for perjury.

4. Answer all the questions. You do not need to cite case law, but you do need to state the federal legal theory and operative facts in support of each ground. You may submit additional pages if necessary. If you do not fill out the form properly, you will be asked to submit additional or correct information. If you want to submit a legal brief or arguments, you may attach a separate memorandum.

5. You must include in this petition all the grounds for relief from the conviction and/or sentence that you challenge. And you must state the facts that support each ground. If you fail to set forth all the grounds in this petition, you may be barred from presenting additional grounds at a later date.

6. You must pay a fee of $5.00. If the fee is paid, your petition will be filed. If you cannot afford the fee, you may ask to proceed in forma pauperis (as a poor person). To do that, you must fill out and sign the declaration of the last two pages of the form. Also, you must have an authorized officer at the penal institution complete the certificate as to the amount of money and securities on deposit to your credit in any account at the institution. If your prison account exceeds $25.00, you must pay the filing fee.

7. When you have completed the form, send the original and two copies to the following address:

Clerk of the United States District Court for the Central District of California
United States Courthouse
ATTN: Intake/Docket Section
312 North Spring Street
Los Angeles, California 90012
(Check appropriate number) PETITION (a separate petition must be filed for each conviction being attacked). (include all counts): (check one): (checkone): (and attach a copy of the Court of Appeal decision if available): (list each): (and attach copies of the Petition for Review and the Supreme Court ruling if available)'. (list each): (Use additional pages ifnecessary, and attach copies of the petitions and the rulings on the petitions if availahle)'. (Or if mailed, the petition was turned over to the prison authorities for mailing): (list each): (or if mailed, the date the petition was turned over to the prison authorities for mailing) (list each): (or if mailed, the date the petition was turnedo over to the prison authorities for mailing): (list each): facts CAUTION: Exhaustion Requirement: (use additional pages if necessary, and attach copies of the petitions and the rulings on the petitions if available)'. (or if mailed, the date the petition was turned over to the prison authorities for mailing)'. (list each): (or if mailed, the date the petition was turned over to the prison authorities for mailing): (list each): (and attach a copy of the petition if available): (or if mailed, the date the petition was turned over to the prison authorities for mailing)'. (list each): Signature of Attorney (if any) Date Sigature of Petitioner Petitioner Respondent(s) (Include any funds in prison accounts) (Excluding ordinary household furnishings and clothing) Date Signature of Petitioner CERTIFICATE Date Authorized Officer of Institution/Title of Officer

PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: This petition concerns: 1. [] a conviction and/or sentence. 2. [] prison discipline. 3. [] a parole problem. 4. [] other. 1. Venue a. Place of detention ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. Place of conviction and sentence ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Conviction On which the petition is based a. Nature of offenses involved _________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. Penal or other code section or sections: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ c. Case number: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ d. Date of conviction: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ e. Date of sentence: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ f. Length of sentence on each count: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ g. Plea [] Not guilty [] D Guilty [] D Nolo contendere h. Kindof thai [] Jury [] Judge only 3. Did you appeal to the California Court of Appeal from the judgment of conviction? [] Yes [] No If so, give the following information for your appeal a. Case number: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. Grounds raised (1) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (2) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (3) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (4) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (5) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (6) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ c. Date of decision: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ d. Result __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. If you did appeal, did you also file a Petition for Review with the California Supreme Court of the Court of Appeal decision? [] Yes [] No If SO give the following information a. Case number: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. Grounds raised (1) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (2) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (3) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (4) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (5) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (6) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ c. Date of decision: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ d. Result__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. If you did not appeal: a. State your reasons. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. Did you seek permission to file a late appeal? [] Yes [] No 6. Have you previously filed any habeas petitions in any state court with respect to this judgment of conviction? [] Yes [] No If so, give the following information for each such petition a. (1) Name of court: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (2) Case number: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (3) Date filed _______________________________ (4) Grounds raised (a) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (b) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (c) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (d) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (f) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (5) Date of decision: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (6) Result_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (7) Was an evidentiary hearing held? [] Yes [] No b. (1) Name of court: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (2) Case number: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (3) Date filed : _________________________ (4) Grounds raised (a) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (b) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (c) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (d) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (e) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (f) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (5) Date of decision: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (6) Result_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (7) Was an evidentiary hearing held? [] Yes [] No c. (1) Name of court: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (2) Case number: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (3) Date filed _____________________ (4) Grounds raised (a) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (b) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (c) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (d) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (e) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (f) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (5) Date of decision: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (6) Result_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (7) Was an evidentiary hearing held? [] Yes [] No 7. For this petition, state every ground on which you claim that you are being held in violation of the Constitution, laws, or treaties of the United States. Attach additional pages if you have more than five grounds. Summarize briefly the supporting each ground. For example, if you are claiming ineffective assistance of counsel, you must state facts specifically setting forth what your attorney did or failed to do. In order to proceed in federal court, you must ordinarily first exhaust your state court remedies with respect to each ground on which you are requesting relief from the federal court. This means that, prior to seeking relief from the federal court, you first must present all of your grounds to the California Supreme Court. a. Ground one: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (1) Supporting FACTS: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (2) Did you raise this claim on direct appeal to the California Court of Appeal? [] Yes [] No (3) Did you raise this claim in a Petition for Review to the California Supreme Court? [] Yes [] No (4) Did you raise this claim in a habeas petition to the California Supreme Court? [] Yes [] No b. Ground two: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (1) Supporting FACTS: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (2) Did you raise this claim on direct appeal to the California Court of Appeal? [] Yes [] No (3) Did you raise this claim in a Petition for Review to the California Supreme Court? [] Yes [] No (4) Did you raise this claim in a habeas petition to the California Supreme Court? [] Yes [] No c. Ground three: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (1) Supporting FACTS: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (2) Did you raise this claim on direct appeal to the California Court of Appeal? [] Yes [] No (3) Did you raise this claim in a Petition for Review to the California Supreme Court? [] Yes [] No (4) Did you raise this claim in a habeas petition to the California Supreme Court? [] Yes [] No d. Ground four: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (1) Supporting FACTS: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (2) Did you raise this claim on direct appeal to the California Court of Appeal? [] Yes [] No____________________________________________ (3) Did you raise this claim in a Petition for Review to the California Supreme Court? [] Yes [] No (4) Did you raise this claim in a habeas petition to the California Supreme Court? [] Yes [] No e. Ground five: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (1) Supporting FACTS: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (2) Did you raise this claim on direct appeal to the California Court of Appeal? [] Yes [] No (3) Did you raise this claim in a Petition for Review to the California Supreme Court? [] Yes [] No (4) Did you raise this claim in a habeas petition to the California Supreme Court? [] Yes [] No 8. If any of the grounds listed in paragraph 7 were not previously presented to the California Supreme Court, state briefly which grounds were not presented, and give your reasons: ___________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Have you previously filed any habeas petitions in any federal court with respect to this judgment of conviction? [] Yes [] No If so, give the following information for each SUCh petition a. (1) Name of court: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (2) Case number: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (3) Date filed _____________________ (4) Grounds raised (a) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (b) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (c) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (d) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (e) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (f) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (5) Date of decision: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (6) Result_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (7) Was an evidentiary hearing held? [] Yes [] No b. (1) Name of court: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (2) Case number: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (3) Date filed ______________________ (4) Grounds raised __________________________________________________________________________________________________ (a) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (b) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (c) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (d) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (e) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (f) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (5) Date of decision: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (6) Result_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (7) Was an evidentiary hearing held? [] Yes [] No 10. Do you have any petitions now pending (i.e., filed but not yet decided) in any state or federal court with respect to this judgment of conviction? [] Yes [] No If SO, give the following information (1) Name of court: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (2) Case number: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (3) Date filed (4) Grounds raised (a) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (b) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (c) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (d) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (e) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (f) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. Are you presently represented by counsel? [] Yes [] No If so, provide name, address and telephone number: ________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WHEREFORE, petitioner prays that the Court grant petitioner relief to which he may be entitled in this proceeding, ______________________________________________________________________ I declare (or certify, verify, or state) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on__________________ _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________ DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF REQUEST TO PROCEED IN FORMA PAUPERIS _______________________________________ I, ________________________________________, declare that I am the petitioner in the above entitled case; that in support of my motion to proceed without being required to prepay fees, costs or give security therefor, I state that because of my poverty I am unable to pay the costs of said proceeding or to give security therefor; that I believe I am entitled to relief. 1. Are you presently employed? [] Yes [] No a. If the answer is yes, state the amount of your salary or wages per month, and give the name and address of your employer. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. If the answer is no, state the date of last employment and the amount of the salary and wages per month which you received. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Have you received, within the past twelve months, any money from any of the following sources? a. Business, profession or form of self-employment? [] Yes [] No b. Rent payments, interest or dividends? [] Yes [] No c. Pensions, annuities or life insurance payments? [] Yes [] No d. Gifts or inheritances? [] Yes [] No e. Any other sources? [] Yes [] No If the answer to any of the above is yes, describe each source of money and state the amount received from each during the past twelve months: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Do you own any cash, or do you have money in a checking or savings account? [] Yes [] No If the If the answer is yes, state the total value of the items owned: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Do you own any real estate, stocks, bonds, notes, automobiles, or other valuable property? [] Yes [] No If the answer is yes, describe the property and state its approximate value: _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. List the persons who are dependent upon you for support, state your relationship to those persons, and indicate how much you contribute toward their support: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I, declare (or certify, verify or state) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on_____________________ ___________________________________________________________________ I hereby certify that the Petitioner herein has the sum of________________________________________________________ $on account to his credit at the__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ institution where he is confined. I further certify that Petitioner likewise has the following securities to his credit according to the records of said institution: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

Summaries of

Sawyers v. Hedgpeth

United States District Court, C.D. California, Western Division
May 14, 2010
No. CV 09-06548-ODW (VBK) (C.D. Cal. May. 14, 2010)
Case details for

Sawyers v. Hedgpeth

Case Details

Full title:BRIAN SAWYERS, Petitioner, v. DERRALL HEDGPETH, Respondent

Court:United States District Court, C.D. California, Western Division

Date published: May 14, 2010


No. CV 09-06548-ODW (VBK) (C.D. Cal. May. 14, 2010)