PETITIONS FOR CERTIFICATION 361 N.J. Super. 1 824 A.2d 185 361 N.J. Super. 90 824 A.2d 241
Lower Court Title Date Disposition Citation Deland v. Township of Berkeley Heights 10/16/2003 Denied , Dziewiecki v. Bakula 10/29/2003 Granted ,2003
PETITIONS FOR CERTIFICATION 361 N.J. Super. 1 824 A.2d 185 361 N.J. Super. 90 824 A.2d 241
Lower Court Title Date Disposition Citation Deland v. Township of Berkeley Heights 10/16/2003 Denied , Dziewiecki v. Bakula 10/29/2003 Granted ,Full title:PETITIONS FOR CERTIFICATION
Court:Supreme Court of New Jersey
Date published: Jan 1, 2003
Relying upon unique circumstances, we have held that a Mount Laurel special master is "subject to…
DEG, LLC v. Township of FairfieldThe trial court should consider all relevant circumstances in determining whether "it is no longer equitable…