But because the superior court should have modified its award to use her actual wage income, which was substantially lower than the wage income the court estimated she would have, we reverse and remand the court's denial of her motion to modify. Previous appeals include K.F. v. S.G., Nos. S-11901, S-11971, 2007 WL 1302414 (Alaska May 2, 2007); Faulkner v. Goldfuss, No. S-10196, 2002 WL 1729943 (Alaska July 24, 2002); and Faulkner v. Goldfuss, 46 P.3d 993 (Alaska 2002).II. FACTS AND PROCEEDINGS
We explained, "the master properly included the proceeds from the sale of the . . . rental property as one component of [her] yearly rental activities." Nos. S-11901, S-11971, 2007 WL 1302414, at *8 (Alaska May 2, 2007). Id.