Clara K. v. Saul

1 Citing case

  1. Henry M. v. Comm'r of Soc. Sec. Admin.

    6:22-cv-01839-JR (D. Or. Feb. 8, 2024)

    Likewise, any new symptoms that emerged after September 2020 - such as back pain or diabetic neuropathy in the hands/fingers - are simply not the proper subjects of this appeal. See O'Neal v. Astrue, 2010 WL 4386937, *4 (D. Or. Oct. 29, 2020) (reversal was not warranted where “the only suggestion of [a particular impairment] arises after plaintiff's date last insured”); Clara Ann K. v. Saul, 2020 WL 5658720, *1 n.3 (S.D. Cal. Sept. 22, 2020) (“the relevant adjudicatory period for determining social security benefits is the period after the alleged onset and before the date last insured”); compare Tr. 1211 (plaintiff reporting in April 2017 that his “right side is markedly improved from [his 2013 carpal tunnel] surgery”), 916 (plaintiff continued to do “well with his right carpal tunnel release surgery” as of May 2017)