Stor-All Corp.

2 Cited authorities

  1. May Stores Co. v. Labor Board

    326 U.S. 376 (1945)   Cited 257 times
    Requiring "a clear determination by the Board of an attitude of opposition to the purposes of the Act to protect the rights of employees generally"
  2. Nat'l Labor Relations Bd. v. Dadourian E. Corp.

    138 F.2d 891 (2d Cir. 1943)   Cited 4 times

    No. 24. November 3, 1943. Petition by National Labor Relations Board for an order enforcing a cease and desist order of the Board which directed the Dadourian Export Corporation to bargain collectively with a local of the Congress of Industrial Organizations. Petition denied, and Board's order to cease and desist set aside in full. Roy Compton, of Chicago, Ill., and Robert B. Watts, Gen. Counsel, Ernest A. Gross, Associate Gen. Counsel, Howard Lichtenstein, Asst. Gen. Counsel, and David Findling