Cathy M. v. Dep't of Agric.

13 Cited authorities

  1. Anderson v. Liberty Lobby, Inc.

    477 U.S. 242 (1986)   Cited 239,355 times   38 Legal Analyses
    Holding that summary judgment is not appropriate if "the dispute about a material fact is ‘genuine,’ that is, if the evidence is such that a reasonable jury could return a verdict for the nonmoving party"
  2. Celotex Corp. v. Catrett

    477 U.S. 317 (1986)   Cited 218,991 times   40 Legal Analyses
    Holding that a movant's summary judgment motion should be granted "against a [nonmovant] who fails to make a showing sufficient to establish the existence of an element essential to that party's case, and on which that party will bear the burden of proof at trial"
  3. Nat'l R.R. Passenger Corp. v. Morgan

    536 U.S. 101 (2002)   Cited 10,463 times   31 Legal Analyses
    Holding limitations period for hostile-work-environment claim runs from the last act composing the claim
  4. Faragher v. Boca Raton

    524 U.S. 775 (1998)   Cited 9,411 times   100 Legal Analyses
    Holding that, to be actionable, the alleged conduct "must be extreme" and "the sporadic use of abusive language, gender-related jokes, and occasional teasing" are not enough
  5. Burlington Indus., Inc. v. Ellerth

    524 U.S. 742 (1998)   Cited 7,188 times   92 Legal Analyses
    Holding that an employer is not liable for a hostile work environment created by one of its employees when "the employer exercised reasonable care to prevent and correct promptly any sexually harassing behavior, and . . . the plaintiff employee unreasonably failed to take advantage of any preventive or corrective opportunities provided by the employer or to avoid harm otherwise"
  6. Meritor Sav. Bank v. Vinson

    477 U.S. 57 (1986)   Cited 6,559 times   18 Legal Analyses
    Holding that sexual harassment may be actionable under Title VII as discrimination on the basis of sex if it is sufficiently severe and pervasive
  7. Vance v. Ball State Univ

    570 U.S. 421 (2013)   Cited 1,355 times   45 Legal Analyses
    Holding "that an employer may be vicariously liable for an employee's unlawful harassment only when the employer has empowered that employee to take tangible employment actions against the victim," such as hiring and firing
  8. Henson v. City of Dundee

    682 F.2d 897 (11th Cir. 1982)   Cited 979 times   1 Legal Analyses
    Holding that where a supervisor makes sexual overtures to employees of both genders, or where the conduct is equally offensive to male and female workers, the conduct may be actionable under state law, but it is not actionable as harassment under Title VII because men and women are accorded like treatment
  9. Oliver v. Digital Equipment Corp.

    846 F.2d 103 (1st Cir. 1988)   Cited 413 times
    Holding that discharge over two and one half years after employee filed EEOC complaint was insufficient showing of retaliation to avoid summary judgment for employer
  10. Molnar v. Booth

    229 F.3d 593 (7th Cir. 2000)   Cited 79 times
    Holding that removing resources necessary for the plaintiff-employee to do her job constituted a tangible employment action
  11. Section 2000e-16 - Employment by Federal Government

    42 U.S.C. § 2000e-16   Cited 4,994 times   20 Legal Analyses
    Adopting provisions of § 2000e-5(f)-(k), including that "[e]ach United States district court . . . shall have jurisdiction of actions brought under this subchapter"
  12. Appendix to Part 1630 - Interpretive Guidance on Title I of the Americans With Disabilities Act

    29 C.F.R. § 1630, app to Part 1630   Cited 868 times   8 Legal Analyses
    Determining whether an individual is substantially limited in a major life activity entails the nature and severity of the impairment; the duration or expected duration of the impairment; and the permanent or long term impact